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How' this (computer question)

Tre Lightshadow

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Guest Kurgan

I have an AMD Athlon 1.1 Ghz, 128 mb ram, and GeForce2 GTS.


I can put Quake3 at close to the top settings (I 'only' run 1024x768 res though) and get consistently 60fps (or more, depending on the map).


As far as image quality, not sure if it's really going to be any BETTER (other than higher fps/res), but I can't really test it.


Probably should be pretty good though. If anything, it will be faster than what I've got at those res's.




[ October 07, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Yeah, it's pretty easy. You must download the installer, and then run the program when it's done, and finally push a button that says 'Benchmark'. Then is does the test. Doesn't get much easier... ;)


Don't know if it's worth it. It's basically a program to test your brand new spanking GeForce 3, just to see if it really is as fast as everyone says.


[ October 08, 2001: Message edited by: Darth Simpson ]

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Had I bought my current rig from a place like Dell or AlienWare, I would have ended up spending at least $500 more. I already had the OS and monitor though, but it still is a large amount of money.


If there is any possible way, built the thing yourself. I spent about $1300 on a 1.33GHz T-bird, 512MB DDRRAM, GF3, 60GB HD system (plus all the other stuff).

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I'm on:

  • 1.4 GHz TBird AYHJA (currently awaiting some more fans before the overclocking can begin)
  • 256Mb CAS 2.5 DDR RAM
  • Epox 8K7A motherboard
  • GeForce 2 MX

I'll run 3D Mark sometime and let you know my scores. I guess the graphics card will pull it down a bit, but I can still run Max Payne with all details turned to max and get a reasonable (though not stonking) framerate. Still, there's not many people for whom Max Payne is even playable in full detail, so I'm totally satisfied. I've only had this setup a few days and have yet to try overclocking it, so hopefully I should squeeze some more speed out of it yet.

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Well, I'm running a paltry...


Athlon 850Mhz T-Bird (not O/C'd)

256Mb PC133 RAM

GeForce 1 DDR (32Mb)

Chaintech 7AJA MoBo

40Gb HDD (in 4 10Gb partitions)


I've recently reformatted/reinstalled my OS partition etc., and I initially installed the 12.41 Detonator drivers for the GFX card - because I had experienced problems with the newest 21.81 drivers before. I ran 3DMark2001 and got a miserable 875 3D Marks. It was jerky as hell during the benchmark tests...DragonGothic ran at about 10fps low-res, 4 fps hi-res.


So I thought, well, why not...and installed the 21.81 drivers. I ran 3DMark 2001 again, with the same settings, and received a stonking 1995 3D Marks. Most benchmarks ran smoothly except the hi-polygon one.


Strangely, my fps in UT has dropped by about 10-15 to 40fps (OpenGLx1024x768x32), but it seems to be smooth, and I can live with it. Everything else seems to be running smoothly...and I got the Max Payne demo running smooth at 800x600x32 (with D3D at Best Quality) with all effects turned on.


It's weird, because the last time I tried installing the 21.81 drivers I experienced some lockups - and unplayable framerates in UT. Now it's running okay. I guess it pays to totally clean your system out once in a while...and try or retry the newest drivers for your kit.


I'll probably still upgrade my GFX card to a GF3 Ti 500 early next year, though. ;-)

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Well, 3DMark2001 gave my machine a score of 2365. Given that I've done no overclocking/tweaking since I set it up and am running quite old drivers, I was pretty pleased with this result. Hopefully, I should be able to get it quite a bit higher than this though with a bit of work.

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Well i only have a:


PIII 800

a ATI Rage 128 VR AGP *2 (32 MB)


an a 30GB HD...


What do you Guys think ...would i be abel to play JKO in 800*600 or higher?


Ps i played Elite Force above 800*600 ...runs good enough....





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I begin really to become an XP Fan....


At the time i do not realize any kind od anger whit it.....

The OS is good and stable even the desing is amazing.

The Drivers were all up to date in XP even for oler Cards or other stuff.

It remind me on Mac's dont know why..but.....


You are able to use two OS on your Pc...

If you boot , you can choose the XP or the older OS.

Depend on it if you chose New install or Update...( update will keep your old OS )

I become faster...never booted such as fast.



Sure you need time to become master of the new desing...but it is worth....

If you can read an think logical....you will made it.


All the Cards and other Hardware were suported.

I remember all the further Os Win 9x and up...never gave my ATI card the right driver...always a other ati one.

Sometimes that really sucks..


But XP made it.

The Quick info rulez.


for every damn icon you will find a lod of information.


Man i Love it....


My older Games...

Well i installed Jagged Alliance 2 and Baldur's Gate 1. No probs.

Max Payne and other new 3D shooter, or Applications...are ok..and runnin.


XP is including new IE and Outlook


Only Tools like PowerStrip or Tune Up wont work...everything is controlled by XP...


Ok thats a smal test by my side....


for more you should buy a magazine....hehe




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In online play, UT occassionally crashes with an insanely long error messages. Those speech balloons in the lower right corner get annoying. M$ monopolizes zip files, IE insists you use it for downloads, native CDRW support. <-- Good feature


Haven't frozen since I installed about 3 weeks ago.

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