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Guest digl

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Originally posted by digl:

<STRONG>I dont see how for example showing how many times a topic has been seen could slow things down or go wrong</STRONG>


It has to keep track of how many people have viewed the topic. In other words: every time someone views the topic a field in the database has to be increased by 1. It might not seem much, but it does slow everything down, especially if a lot of people read the board. I have dealt with these kinds of things and I know something as small as that can mean the difference between a fast site and a slow one.

And about the things that can go wrong. The more complicated a board is, the more things can go wrong and the harder it is to figure out what went wrong and fix it.

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I like this board jsut maybe one feature: polls for ourselves.

This could maybe be useful for raven.lec who have a little peep and see what we want.

But what i don't want is tonnes of mindless, useless stuff that clutters it up and slows it down.

I'm not really bothered anyway i'm jsut sharing my opinion

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Originally posted by Khan Aidan Hall:

<STRONG>So what if they're the most popular? Deer Hunter was pretty damn popular as well, does that mean it was good?</STRONG>


Nope, but then again that doesn't make things that are popular bad. Watch: "Losta people buy milk. Does that make it bad?"


Also, Khan Aidan, I haven't read the majority of your posts, but form what I have seen, I'm not liking. If you really think that UBB is so terrible (and look! I'm replying to you personally without having to click another link! Amazing... :rolleyes: ) you're most certainly free to leave. Who's holding a gun to your head saying that you have to post?


(Sorry people, but someone had to say it...)


[ November 24, 2001: Message edited by: bsbuckeye21 ]

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I agree with digl. A few additional features such as #of views might be a nice enhancement, and probably will not add much more CPU overhead (although it would indeed chew up at least a few more cycles when generating the page). Actually I like the polling idea as well.


As far as direct replies to posters goes, the direct messaging seems to work ok, so far.

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hmmm at the star wars galaxies forums people just post a subject with the word "POLL" in front of it, and people respond with their choice. And they get dev response...of course the devs respond to the polls with over 100 posts(from different people)

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Ahh, I'm finally back in! (I had some account duplication trouble since they combined the forums.)


Originally posted by GonkH8er

typo..... he meant to say lotsa..... which is an abbreviation of 'lots of'. anyone with half a brain can see that. you're either really stupid, or trying to stir up trouble again, and youd better well hope it's not the latter.


Thanks for explaining that while I couldn't get in, Gonk.


So Khan Aidan Hall, are you really just that starved for attention?

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