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how did everyone come about choosing their names?


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Bah, ToRMeNt is a name that tells the other people what you are about when it comes to gaming. You will die and I will laugh :) Get ready too be ToRMeNted. Intimidation and mind games are as important as reflexes in a 1v1 FF game.


[ August 01, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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Darth Moe would work pretty well...


I used to go by a number of different nicknames on the Zone years ago. I was at various points both Phantom_Lord and Mr_Shhh, until I hit on ed_silvergun one time in Quake III. After that, it became my nickname first on the O-WK.net forums, then on all other forums I've signed up for since.


Ed (pretty obviously) is my first name, and Silvergun comes from the Stone Temple Pilots song "Silvergun Superman". Btw, I'm seeing the Stone Temple Pilots live in August.

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Ehhhhh, 'tis my name. Nothing fancy.


Well, actually there is a bit of reasoning to it. If I give myself an alias I tend to hide behind it, saying things I wouldn't want associated with my given name. So I stick with this to keep myself honest. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Looks like I missed this thread first time around. Probably during the time of my computer woes. ;(


I wanted a name that could be used in an SF and Fantasy context. I've since learned that it is not uncommon on the net...but I'm not about to change it unless I have to.


I also like it in this context...


"Storm their base, and Hammer their defences!"


That's kind of how I play a lot of games. :D

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