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XBox or XCrap?

Guest ZeroXcape

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Guest Boba Rhett

So do you like the Gamecube or could you just not come up with something for them? ;)



Bills been shooting himself in the foot so much lately that he's going to have to stop and reload! I have a feeling that this alone might just make the market back into a two consoled one. :eek:


[ August 19, 2001: Message edited by: Boba Rhett ]

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett:

<STRONG>So do you like the Gamecube or could you just not come up with something for them? ;)



i havent seen or heard anything of the cube yet to pay out, and from what ive seen of its games, for eg, rogue 2, they are looking VERY nice.


i could have said gamecube makeup kit, because of its appearance, but i dont like to judge things by what they look like.


the ps2 LOOKED rather cool. unfortunetely imo it turned out to be a ripoff.

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The LA Times article reads:

Beginning next month, many retailers will be requiring customers to pay from $499 to as much as $1,200 to reserve an Xbox console that, like it or not, will come bundled with games, peripherals and warranties.


But the article says nothing about the proportion of xboxes that will be bundled in this way. Is it a small portion? Is it the lion's share of shipments?


Kind of strange to conclude that the sky is falling for xbox when there is no real info on how extensive this bundling arrangement will be.


[ August 19, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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why buy one? if u got a Geforce III and a PIII the thing will be emulated within a week probably, onlything to emu is its stuipd custom MB chipset, witch manages to share its losy 64mb of ddr with the geforce PIII and its sound chip, all in all xbox=cripled PIII computer

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Guest Kurgan

Why buy an Xbox?


If you like the available games (when they are actually available that is) and that offers you the best package at the time (ie: if you could get the games elsewhere, but they were more expensive, or couldn't get them elsewhere).


Me, I won't be getting one, on simple account of the games...




[ August 20, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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mesa not getting one either...from the graphics that i've seen, that thing is about as good as the PC when quake3 came out (not quake3, the actual PCs). The graphics for Obi-Wan suck compared to what they were when it was supposed to be for the PC - no radiosity, no shadows or self-shadowing, crappy lighting, low-res texturing, crappy geometry, need I go on? (mind you, all those things were better when it was to be for the PC)

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heh bout my post further up sheesh, dont u guys know what emulation is??? WHY buy an xbox when its gonna be one of the easiest systems ever to emulate on a PC especialy if ure PC is a Pentium III with a geforce III as what powers the freakin xbox is a standard old PIII (not copermine issue mind u) and a striped down version of a gf3 witch has no dedicated Vmemory... Sheesh still cant beleive ud waste money on a xbox, look at PSX emulation on a system like mine PIII 800 gf2 i can get up to 1600 fps in HNL emu off of PSEMU pro thats obviously with framerate limter off (only sprite based games go up that high), xbox probably wont hit framerates that high on a PC but a PIII 700 or so with a GF3 oughta be able to emu it at 60fps, as the hardware is so close and only the MB chipset of the freakin thing has to be emulated, hell u might even get a damn performance increase running it on a PC then the XBOX, that have to wait and c tho heh someone still has to make the freakin emulation program.

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Guest Kurgan

Well it would still sell, because in all likelihood emulation of the system wouldn't be so easy and well publicized that everyone would know about it.


Plus, it would probably take a high end system to run the emulator, whereas it would be cheaper for the average gamer just to buy the console itself.


But I can see where you're coming from. We'll see what happens. I figure most hardcore pc gamers will just ignore it entirely (except perhaps to make fun of it), as they seem to do with most consoles... am I right?




[ August 21, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill:

<STRONG>well, of couse you HAVE to buy the system and the games to legally emulate... :D hehe :D i of course, dont partake in illegal activities... :rolleyes:</STRONG>


You don't have to buy the system to make it legal, just the games :p

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Guest Kurgan

True, emulators aren't illegal (as long as they don't steal copyrighted code from the console company, for example), only rom dumps of commercial copyrighted games distributed without permission.


So yeah, you could use the emulator and just purchase the games (without having to buy the system), just like you could buy Virtual Gaming Station and buy PSX games to play on it, without buying an actual Playstation.



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