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Poll...several actually


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1. No and I hope Bush sees it that way too.


2. I don't think any of us can know what we would do if something like that ever happened to us.


3. We can only wait and see. Pearl Harbor got the US in WW2 and most US people think this was worse than Pearl Harbor. I have heard a lot of people that want revenge by any means possible.

It will be war. How big the war will be... We can only wait and hope it will not be WW3.

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1: once whoever is responsible is found.. make an example of them, maybe not nukes, but **** them up worse than what they have caused.


2: you wouldnt have had time to jump.. the planes were goin so quick. I think id rather die quickly in a big fireball, than with a broken body.


3: I agree with however said ww3 no, but war yes.. whoever is responsible is not large enough to resist almost the whole world for a WOrld war.. but something is gonna happen.. :(

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1. if you mean nuke all those responsible, then yes. In past minor attacks, I might have said differently, but the magnitude of this crime cries for retaliation.


2. Who knows. Would it be better to fall to your doom or burn/asphixiate to death? Would we really be able to make a 'rational' comparison in a split second in order to decide.


3. No we are not on the verge of World War III. If by some bizzare reason, a government with credible global military power is responsible for the attacks, then yeah this could be WWIII. In any case, we are on the verge of a war on terrorism. This is an attack on the United States, both civilian and military targets, and there are multinational casualties. It is the world's problem.


Edit Update: There is discussion today at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on whether or not to invoke Article V of the Atlantic Charter. Article V declares that an attack on any member of the NATO alliance is to be considered an attack on all of them.


[ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

1) need to consider this some more. leaning heavily towards no at this time.


2) no clue


3) i would like to think not at this point but nothing is certain.

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1: Nukem all?


No, it's overkill, and I'd rather not see a Nuclear holocaust.


2: If you saw it coming, would you jump off?


Depends on where I was, if there was nothing else I could do, maybe I would, but I'd surely die in both cases, so what would be the point? I would get a good view as I was going down I suppose, but the truth is I don't know what I'd do and I hope I never have to find out.


3: Are we on the verge of world war 3?


I think there may be a chance (depends on who gets involved and who is allies with whom), but we'll have to wait and see. I hope not... (see point # 1).



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a) I really hope you don't mean that litterally. The people responsible should be removed and actions taken to curve terrorism by stopping it at its roots.


b) Dunno.. dunno how you would react in such a situation.


c) The war on terrorism is already a world war in the sense its happening all over the world and almost every country has to face the problem.

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1. No way!


2. I dont know really...


3. Those who compare this to Pearl Harbor, I would like to point out some facts:


1. The people who bombed us then didnt hide, they were even going to declare war an hour before hand, but it got messed up.


2. There was already a WW goining on at the time.


3. Soldiers were killed in Pearl Harbor, not civialins, and it was an act of a goverment to destroy our navy, not an attack on captilism by terrorists


This is probably going to spark a better understanding of world terriosm, not WW3, because no world power is behind this. Our Allies wouldnt do it, Russia probably doesnt have enough money, and China just dosent do terrorism.


[ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Darien ]

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I really hope nuclear missiles don't start flying. It kills far too many innocents. There are now Tomahawk cruise missiles that can fly over a target, drop bombs, fly to a second target, drop more bombs, and finally fly and impact with a third target. There are also laser-guided bombs and a variety of "smart" weaponry. Why do you think the gulf war ended so quickly?

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1) Use an actual nuclear weapon to eradicate the threat? No. That would be an incredibly stupid move - because the fallout would affect a lot of other countries. Just look at the Chernobyl incident - which led to some radioactive fallout (no matter how small a quantity) being discovered in the Welsh (UK) hillsides. A nuclear strike at anywhere in the Middle East (assuming that is the origin of these attacks) would affect a great many other countries for years to come. I still cannot believe that the armed forces of my own country (UK) are using depleted Uranium in certain weapons, when scientific evidence shows that it is still killing our own service-men, and innocent people in the countries where it was used.


Seek appropriate justice against those responsible for the attacks? Absolutely. We can no longer allow terrorist groups to get away with such heinous atrocities, no matter their reason for enacting them.


2) Jump to my death, or fry to death? Does it really matter? I'd be dead either way. However, I think there is a far more fundamental point here...that no one has yet designed an effective way of totally evacuating a skyscraper quickly and efficiently.


Perhaps this is something that should be addressed in the near future. I don't know what kind of measures might be taken - perhaps provide parachutes on the higher floors, and an escape chute similar to those used on aircraft on the lower floors?


Sure, it may sound a bit off the wall - but in my own mind if nothing is done to address this issue, the only alternative is either to suffer similar scales of human tragedy in the future - or make a policy of not constructing such huge buildings in the first place.


3) World War III has been going on for many years - it just hasn't been very visible until now. Welcome to the war against terrorism. :(

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1) No, we should catch them, tie them to poles where the rubble is, and every American can walk up to them, and kick them in the balls. And this would be broadcasted throughout the world on CNN. That'll be one hell of an anti-terrorist campaign, "Terrorism? We kick it in the balls... literally"


2) No, I would take it like a man.


3) Not unless we find out many countries are harboring these ball-less bastards, then, only then, will there be a WW3.

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