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Deleted posts and Threads


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The final changes have been made to the forum database, and there should be no more deleted threads or downtime. We had to import the rest of the network forums and that resulted in having to use a backup database after some import problems.


That end is done..and hopefully there will be no more deleted thread issues or downtime.

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My posts have been up and down more times than a bad boys underpants.


Every time I posted, I would look later on to find out it had gone. I kept trying to search for it before I posted and the search wouldn't return anything at all. Not when I typed in Jedi Knight. : (



Then I thought Stormhammer was getting a little over zealous with his moderating duties. Thankfully that wasn't the case. hehe




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Originally posted by wardz

Then I thought Stormhammer was getting a little over zealous with his moderating duties. Thankfully that wasn't the case. hehe




Heh...I actually found myself in the same position, guys. It defaulted to my Jediknight.net account...so I couldn't even moderate for a while.


But now I'm back. :cool:


So, if people want to actually test everything is working, they can use this thread to do it in.


Just try to keep the spam to a minimum...I had enough of that in the Monty Python sketch. ;)

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