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Heh, now that I think about it: Miami Page.


There's this guy who works for Mixnmojo under the name Jamesh. It's a combination of James H, his name. Until very recently, I saw it as jam-esh and pronounced it that way.


Nice topic. I'm curious to know how people pronounce my name.

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I have the most interesting:


ED was registered to be pronuced E.D. (As two seperate letters) whish is why i made them capitals. But I bet most people know me as ed (shortened version of edward[please note my name is not edward])


eaisdead and eadied are meant to be said ea is dead and ea died but I bet lots of people look at them and just forget them as they can't underatnd it.


Mymipage - I say MY-M.I.-Page

Metallus - I say Met-a-lus

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mymipage - MY MY PAGE

Metallus - Met :) - (It's making a nickname out of a nickname!!!) - although on IRC he is known as " Metallus = self proclaimed forum God" - A Quote from Supe :)

And DONT ASK me how to pronounce Bone_Master. I dont know what name he's currently using. So I call him Bone.

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*makes a note to kill Supe at next encounter (j/k)*


I'm no forum god. My title will tell you that. "Demiurge", besides being an Afterlife reference, basically means a SubGod :D.


Yeah, I'm conceded, but I only go so far with my self-promoting claptrap. It's all meant as a joke anyway. :fett:

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Ok I'll try to explain why it's E.D. That it is said. My surname is said that way and all my friends call me E.D. or Ead (E said as a cap and d said as a small) The name just stuck to me and now everyone in the whole school calls me that. I've lost all use of my first name.

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How DO you say your real name, Irish names are always spelt really weird. We had a baby come into the hospital and it was called Liebpbphth or something equally strange looking, noone knew how to say it, but apparerently it was pronnounced leaf, as in what grows on trees. The spelling bore no resemblence of how it was said. Very strange!!!

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