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Large sigs


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  1. 1. What do you think

    • There should be some limits
    • I dont care
    • Shut up! I like my giant sig!

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Iv noticed there are some pretty large sigs, they are not a problem because of big images loading, but because the sigs are sometimes about three times the size of the post

some ones have too much text, or large images, or both

Its not because I dont have a sig ;), I think the threads just look weird and they difficult the reading

Iv also noticed mods telling people to reduce signs, thats why I post

Maybe there could be a limit in the image size/number of lines the sig uses

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I'm also against large graphics in signatures. It's extremely obnoxious when the signature is 3 (or more) times the size of the actual written post. One or two words....then one or two large pictures that say nothing. It gets worse when the same person posts to the same thread....the same stupid picture over and over and...aaaargh! Look at escapemi.com for some choice examples.


As for quotes, one sentence or two is just under the annoyance level. After that...you find your self scrolling and scrolling just to find some worthy content to read.


One nice thing about the new features of vB is the option to turn them off. The page loads much faster if you do.


Hey, look ma ...no siggy

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Im surprised my name hasn't been mentioned yet. If you have a big sig, then its got to go.


I am not fond of them, but I hope when a new person sees my post. They will take on board what I am trying to say in my sig. It saves me ranting later.. : )




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There shoudl be limits though but i really don't mind.


There should be limits, especially with pictures. It annoys me a lot when a signature takes up more space than your actual post. Especially picture sigs, as they are hell for 56k users.


er.... can i jsut say this...... em... That's a load of BS, i have 56k and even big picture sigs don't bother me they load within 10 seconds... so they're not really hell are they. i don't mind but if it's giant then okay cut it down.. it don't wanna scroll down 2 screens worth jsut to see the next psot but i really don't care.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

There shoudl be limits though but i really don't mind.




er.... can i jsut say this...... em... That's a load of BS, i have 56k and even big picture sigs don't bother me they load within 10 seconds... so they're not really hell are they.


Not all connections are the same

With the 56k connection I had some time ago It was hell loading the forums, even without images

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I vote to keep sig sizes within limits. ;)


The reason is that not everyone has their monitor res set to 1024 and above...and some sig images can take up the whole screen at lower res. I don't think loading time is much of a problem, because most people compress their file size to an acceptable level.


If you're not sure what is a good sig size, reduce your monitor res to 800x600 and see how much screen real estate it takes up. It shouldn't really be more than a quarter.


Mind you, with the Avatars, I don't really see the need for a sig image as well. Mabe the size of the Avatar could be increased to compensate...maybe 100x100.


A couple of lines of text isn't too much of a problem, as long as it's not whole paragraphs from a book or something.


Just IMO.

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