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A complaint.


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I usually tell people not to whine, but this is getting, well:




How do people get over 60 posts a day? HOW?!? In the old days, that would be understandable, but now? In the age of oppressive rules and mods? I think not.


I was guilty of spamming last night (WHY WASN'T I PUNSISHED? Why can I get away with it?), but I was far from the worst. Some mods were posting useless things like: "OPEN NOW", and "Sleep... need sleep...zzzzz". If I had posted that a couple of weeks ago, it would have been deleted promptly. but, now? nothing. no response from the mods (of course, this was a mod who carried out the crime in this instance).


How come people can get away with a post with "i wonder who will win" being the sole text inside? WHERE HAS THE MODERATING GONE? I just don't understand. We have more mods now... shouldn't things be better? DELETE THESE USELESS THINGS!


In my opinion, deleting thread won't do any good. They still get to keep their post count, and all the spam enclosed. DELETE THE THREAD! DELETE IT! Closing it is no punishment... they still keep the posts. WHAT DO THEY LEARN? NOTHING! My advice is to delete "spam, or useless threads". I think that'll help our situation.


Also, mods are supposed to set a good example for other forummers... so, i suggest some of you clean up your acts...(hint, hint)


Come on, mods. What is wrong here? I can spam again? and I really don't like it. let's enforce the rules we made, eh?

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Rommel if you hadn't noticed I closed two threads tonight, deleted posts and edited posts too. I'm doing my job. Lately though with the huge influx of members we've all had to re-adjust. I promise you, I'm tightening down on the spaming again. We're slowly bringing the forums back under control. So expect everything back to normal very soon...

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Originally posted by Redwing



Someone's mad.


BTW, no other LA forums have had rules defining "spam" so broadly as you guys seem to.


We suffered from horrible spam. How many forums do you know, that have ppl w/over 3000 posts in it's first 4 months of existence? :rolleyes:

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Lots of posts don't neccessarily denote spam. Check all the other forums; the old ones. Everyone, including if not especially mods, spam (according to GB definitions) every single day. And all those moderators far outnumber the moderators here. So the rules naturally sink to the lowest common denominator.

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Hey rommel..... i know what your saying.... but with a friend like Redwing.... i can get a high post count :D. J/K


i just try to reply with (some) sence that i can add something to the conversation. and to be honest... in 2 days i made almost a 100 posts. But i was also argueing with Redwing and Lynk former.

And in have over a 1000 posts and acording to my date of joining i have done so in less that 2 months. but what it doesnt tell is that 660 posts of it were made with my old acount on RSN.


But i do notice that on this board there are some people who are posting useless stuff. But then again. This is The OFF-TOPIC part of GB. I think you are partly right Rommel.


But that is what i think!!



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Originally posted by darthfergie

Rommel if you hadn't noticed I closed two threads tonight, deleted posts and edited posts too. I'm doing my job. Lately though with the huge influx of members we've all had to re-adjust. I promise you, I'm tightening down on the spaming again. We're slowly bringing the forums back under control. So expect everything back to normal very soon...


How about yourself? When are you gonna get under control, eh?

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Darth Rommel why are you complaining man? you respond to these posts... Now I do admit opening a thread saying I am almost tied to Duder was useless and problaby is consider spamming... We all spam sometimes but like wraith 9 says, I always read and consider if I respond to it would it have some sense in it and useful and then I either respond or dont. I just develop that system about a couple of days ago.:D I am sure DarthFergie is doing a good job and I have notice that other mods are not being as active as DarthFergie but They may be working and I dont see it so do excuse my ignorances again...;)

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now that my comp is back online, you'll be seeing a lot more of me too.


But on a side-note: Rommel, you were one of the people to shout from the top of your lungs when we first deleted spam-posts (including your own). In fact, there were many complaining so loudly that we decided to close threads instead of deleting them.

Now those same people are complaining we're closing them instead of deleting them ?!?



I for one always intend to crack down on spam, but it's easier for some forummers than it is with most. I guess now people see what happens when we loosen the leashes.

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Originally posted by Redwing

Lots of posts don't neccessarily denote spam. Check all the other forums; the old ones. Everyone, including if not especially mods, spam (according to GB definitions) every single day. And all those moderators far outnumber the moderators here. So the rules naturally sink to the lowest common denominator.


I remember those days. All we ever really did over there is chat and have virtual post-battles. ;) But what was there to talk about several years after the game? Thats what makes GB.co mand all the otehr forums so different, the GB.com people don't have an excuse to simply chat all the time.

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

I usually tell people not to whine, but this is getting, well:




How do people get over 60 posts a day? HOW?!? In the old days, that would be understandable, but now? In the age of oppressive rules and mods? I think not.


I was guilty of spamming last night (WHY WASN'T I PUNSISHED? Why can I get away with it?), but I was far from the worst. Some mods were posting useless things like: "OPEN NOW", and "Sleep... need sleep...zzzzz". If I had posted that a couple of weeks ago, it would have been deleted promptly. but, now? nothing. no response from the mods (of course, this was a mod who carried out the crime in this instance).


How come people can get away with a post with "i wonder who will win" being the sole text inside? WHERE HAS THE MODERATING GONE? I just don't understand. We have more mods now... shouldn't things be better? DELETE THESE USELESS THINGS!


In my opinion, deleting thread won't do any good. They still get to keep their post count, and all the spam enclosed. DELETE THE THREAD! DELETE IT! Closing it is no punishment... they still keep the posts. WHAT DO THEY LEARN? NOTHING! My advice is to delete "spam, or useless threads". I think that'll help our situation.


Also, mods are supposed to set a good example for other forummers... so, i suggest some of you clean up your acts...(hint, hint)


Come on, mods. What is wrong here? I can spam again? and I really don't like it. let's enforce the rules we made, eh?


Saith the man with a July 2001 registration date, 3500+ posts and a 28.67 post-per-day average.

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Rommel, we closed threads because we leave a lesson in our post at the end of the thread of why not to do that again.


As for me shaping up...I am. Most everybody was spaming because this forum felt like a completely new forum when they opened it to the other forums out there. Everyone was tring to get to know one another all over again. Now I'm not saying I should have acted the way I did then...but oh well. That is over now. If you want me to go back and delete about 20-30 threads that seemed mostly pointless most of off-topic would be gone. In fact I would have to delete the treasured "tell you I will" thread...


Imagine how the entire forum would revolt...think about it rommel...

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Okay, I have several things to say on the matter.

First: we only delete posts that contain elements bordering on the illegal (like linking to warez or porn sites) and that are flat-out illegal. Sure, we'd like to delete spam posts, and we do it on some occasion, but some people high up think it's immoral.


Second: When something major is happening, we're usually letting things a bit mopre loosely, because of the excitement generated by that particular event. For example: GB.com's launch, the GB demo, LucasForums' launch, and LucasConsoles' launch.


Third: I know I haven't been around lately, but LucasConsoles is taking away a lot of my time, I'm sorry about that :(


Fourth: Rommel, you REALLY wanted to become a mod instead of fergie, huh... and since you saw him spam at LC.com's launch, you're feeling a bit jealous...

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Okay, I have several things to say on the matter.

First: we only delete posts that contain elements bordering on the illegal (like linking to warez or porn sites) and that are flat-out illegal. Sure, we'd like to delete spam posts, and we do it on some occasion, but some people high up think it's immoral.


Second: When something major is happening, we're usually letting things a bit mopre loosely, because of the excitement generated by that particular event. For example: GB.com's launch, the GB demo, LucasForums' launch, and LucasConsoles' launch.


Third: I know I haven't been around lately, but LucasConsoles is taking away a lot of my time, I'm sorry about that :(


Fourth: Rommel, you REALLY wanted to become a mod instead of fergie, huh... and since you saw him spam at LC.com's launch, you're feeling a bit jealous...



Um... excuse me? Jealous? Since when could you read my mind, Sherack? :rolleyes:



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Originally posted by darthfergie


Rommel??? A Charter member and you leave...:o


I'm sorry, but your being a bit childish Rommel...you spam and spam until this thread...one of the biggest advocates of spammers rights...


Why? Why is it childish to sit out for change, huh? Why is it childish to correct you? Are you perfect... no. Why can't you try and take this as a suggestion for improvement, on your path to becoming a better mod?


PS> I lied before. THIS is my last post. :)

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Sorry if I offended you, but from the outside it really looks like that. Again, I'm sorry.


Why are you taking it personal like that? I don't want to see you go... I thought you and fergie were good friends before. It would be sad to see you go after such a meaningless argument.


same here:( -darthfergie

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If you want to suggest improvement on me being a mod just send me a pm. I take thinks seriously when it involved me moding and potential improvements that I can make...


But I will not go parading around this forum deleting posts just because you said so. Before you critisize a mod like this...learn what a mod does and has to live with.

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Rommel, you CAN'T go. Please don't stop just because of one person or one event. You can get over this, as can they. You know that we all want you here, so please change your mind. the forums would be so much different without you.


Sure, we both (and many others) spammed some in the beginning, but that happens, and that is over. I for sure, am not calling either you nor fergie a spammer, necause it just ain't true. Sure, one thread was pretty excessive...ok, really excessive, but that is over now, and i don't see why you would leave over something as relatively small as this. I don't like spam either, and honestly, this board has a very small amount in relation to other boards i've been on *cough*messassi.net and rs.net*cough*, and it is getting better all the time.


Please don't go, "We want you on these boards, we need you on these boards!"

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Guest BountyHunter

It’s true about being a mod. I am a mod on another board totally unrelated to SW or games in general. But its tough cause everyone wants you to do it there way. Sometimes you feel more like a babysitter and less like a moderator.


You can't please all the people all the time.




Of course this is spoken by some fool with no posts. :(

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Hi everybody! Now you know something is serious when I post... Im retired from the forum for any newbies out there. First of all Im just droppin in to say hi and to say this:


If someone gets 60 posts a day so be it. As long as they are of quality and length. That means that PLEASE use some grammar. That doesn't mean use perfect grammar because frankly, thats too much to expect from anyone. Length, well... it has to be more than one sentence...


So again... tah-tah for now!


EDIT: Ive officially lost the most post in a move.... 1100... lol.... its not like I really care that much anyways but it kinda pisses me off

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