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Comics On-Line?


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I was just wondering if anyone knew of any sample S&M Comics on-line. I've only read a few, and they were in that little magazine that came with some of the Lucasarts games. THey were about a page long... fun fun, anyways, I've kinda misplaced them, and they were really funny. If there are any on any sites, I'd greatly appreciate it if someone posted a link here, Thanks.

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I've said this a million times at STISH....


I have the whole Surfing the Highway TPB scanned.


That's right...


one of my friends was bored as hell, and I was in search for the TPB, and so she scanned in the whole thing and sent it to me.....


unfortunately, I don't have any place to host the comics..... they take up a HELL of a lot of space......... but I'd say it's worth it.


It's got the cover, the back cover, the back pages covers, and the comics...


my sister may be getting a domain this X-Mas, and I could choose to host the comics for about a month and then I'd get rid of them...


but I'd need to be reminded to do that.

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oh, it's perfectly okay.


I just feel that I'd piss everyone off because I said it at STISH a few times.


So, when we get that domain (that'll be X-Mas) I'll make a site for it and host it up, of course, it'll be a little while, but think of it as my X-Mas gift to you.


It is really something that shouldn't be missed out on, the comics are great.

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I'm not a huge fan of bootlegging comics. Unofficial used to have a collection of comics that weren't available in the Collection. Its sort of all a grey area since the comics arent currently being published since the collection went out of print... but I still don't like it.

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I don't really NEED whole comic books. I mean, I don't know if you guys remember, but those Lucasarts Insider things came with the games sometimes, and some of them had comics. I remember one with Max dying and having a dream or something, and a cowboy one, but I lost them :( I'm really looking for those. Or other comics that are on-line, not boot-legged, just free comics. No one around here sells Sam and Max comics, so it's rare I read one :(

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I have missed many on opportunity to get the Collection. Most recently I was massivley outbid on ebay the last time they were made available. The final bidding price was 66 bucks, and I fear that the next time the collection goes up there, it will go for even more. Although I don't want to get on the publishing company's bad side, I think that these "bootlegs" will be my only chance to read them, at least for now.

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I'm an avid ebay user nowadays and check ebay for new stuff everyday. I got and have seen a whole buncha sam & max stuff on it. Sad thing is if i see it i'll most likely buy it. BUT since i already have most of the stuff. I'll create an ebay watch thing on snuckeys in the near future. super duper. Theres actually some original comics up on there RIGHT NOW. get bidding. if i had more money i'd buy them and have extras. then when you guys get desperate i'll sell em at a incredibly idiotic price which you will all pay! muahahaha


I am an idiot.

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Unofficial will incorporate an eBay watch feature which includes any auctions I (or friends) find on ebay that are related to Sam & Max / Steve Purcell / etc. The price will be refreshed every hour or so, and when the item expires it will dissapear from the tracked list.

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