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Guest puggy

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Hello everyone I am a noob to these forums. I have had a look around and these seem to be very active. I am one of the unlucky ones that will recieve this game on christmas day. I have been playing the demo on the zone under the name of pugslythepug. I have won many victories and conceided a couple of defeats. I will hope to be posting regulary from now on. Cya guys :)

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Guest Supreme Warlord

WELCOME! The Forum is very nice and just a tad small amount of arguements. I dont have a gift ;) but I can say Enjoy your time here. Also when the next election comes around, Vote for me!:)

Until then have a Good Day!

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Welcome! Always good to have another person join. And dont worry...I'm waiting till Christmass to get GB too. Its sooooooo close I can taste it!!!!:(

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Welcome to the boards puggy! Have some tea and rest your feet.



BTW, The giftbaskets Tie give's out are stolen ones injected with..........things. I'll give you a fresh one.


*grabs ties poisoned basket and sets it afire*


*hands puggy an official Lucasforums giftbasket* :)

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Welcome to the forums Puggy! Enjoy your stay! AND if Warlord keeps griping on and on about voting for him.....I MIGHT NOT VOTE FOR HIM!!!! :p once again Welcome and Tie,.........how dare you put......things into an IMPOSTER GB.com giftbasket...i am this close to crying <===============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================>


heh just kiddin:D

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Originally posted by GB_StormTrooper

Tie,.........how dare you put......things into an IMPOSTER GB.com giftbasket...i am this close to crying


You weren't here when we started this, but i'm on the official welcoming committee, so i can give out all the official giftbaskets i want, and so can rhett. We started it the first day and i think only1 was on it too but he's gone now :(

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