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Gots me $40 burning a hole in my pocket...


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...(no, it's not for you)...but I'm looking to purchase a game for the up-coming Xmas Break. I have a month off from classes and a week off from work.


I was thinking of purchasing either Faust: Seven Games of the Soul, or Riddle of the Sphynx . I am interseted in Adventure Games, only. Can anyone give me a review of these games?


Should I spend my precious cash on something else? Any recommendations with some cogent arguments as to "why I should buy that game" would be appreciated.

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Thank you Gabez ... I'll look into Simon the Sorcerer.


Thank you The Adventurer ...for the quick review on Ward, I'll check it out.


Thank you Sopabuena for the review of Faust, and for a link to another review. (Now, that's a cogent argument).


and Thank you Squinkee for your recommendation of Harry Potter for its retro-charm.


I have some reviews to read before I decide, but you've all given me great suggestions :)

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The greatest non-lucas surrealist adventure game is Sanitarium. Get it. It is glorious in it's intensity. Believe me, it will not let you down (though it is a little short). The voice acting, story, and graphics are superb, even though the graphics are a little dated. Its such a good game! If you already have it just disregard this post.

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Its kinda hard to recommend,

not knowing what games you already have.

(I assume you have all the lucasarts adventures.)



I've never liked 1st person adventure much,

apart from the Last Express, which is awesome.


Well, here are my top recommendations anywhoo:


Broken sword/circle of blood

Last Express


Nothing new you see,

haven't bought a great andventure game for a while.

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Is the Faust game related to the 7th Guest horror/adventure game that game out a while ago, I remember that starring a man named Faust. Quite a terrifying game if I might say - and enjoyable too. Probably my first real adventure, it came with my Packard Bell PC back in the mid-90's. I remember the game being immensly popular because it was one of the first games to come out on CD-Rom that really utilized the technology.

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