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How many kids would you like?

Keyan Farlander

How many kids would you like?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. How many kids would you like?

    • 0 (I don't really like kids)
    • 0 (I like kids, but I just don't want to be a parent)
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 - 10
    • More than 10

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2 would be fine. The wife wants an even number so each child would have someone to play with. There is 2 in her family, 2 girls, and I have 2 sisters.


our kids might be a little close together but it will get easier in a few months. The bad thing is I will be 53 when Danielle graduates high school.. :(

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i hate kids. *looks around to see if anyone's holding a gun or weapon of any kind*


especially babies. I can't stand them, I wonder why God didn't make Adam a baby boy, he would've probably got po'd and stomped it to death or something when it wanted the fruit from the tree that it wasn't supposed to eat from. (i would've anyways)


Now 5-9 year olds i don't mind, cause i can be a great influence to them, and they don't need their damn diapers changed.


And besides, babies only turn into the things u hate most about yourself. Clones are better cause they include EVERYTHING you like about yourself, but also have the things u hate about yourself, but the good overcomes the bad.


if i ever get married, and my wife wants a kid (highly unlikely for me to agree to such thing), i'd adopt one boy between ages 5 and 10.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

And besides, babies only turn into the things u hate most about yourself. Clones are better cause they include EVERYTHING you like about yourself, but also have the things u hate about yourself, but the good overcomes the bad.


That made the least amount of sense of anything I have ever read :)

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At the moment I can't really see having any,.. but I'm sure that'll change depending on who I eventually get involved with for the long haul. If I end up having any, though, it will be cut off at one. The world's already overpopulated enough, and adding a lot of my DNA to the mix will have no forseeable benefits.


I've never been real big on family. I was raised as an only child by my mom, although by my dad I have a half-brother and 2 half-sisters I've never met.

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Yeah, but it's really on the verge. It will be by the time we die unless something dramatic happens. It certainly doesn't need my contribution.


More people = more resources requried = more pollution = less space for everyone = lower quality of life for all.


If we don't freeze the population where it is NOW, it will explode to outrageous numbers in our lifetimes. Personally I think there are too many of us as it is, and we should try to control the birth rate in order to get back to 4 billion or less, but I know that's unlikely to happen.

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Originally posted by edlib

Yeah, but it's really on the verge. It will be by the time we die unless something dramatic happens. It certainly doesn't need my contribution.


More people = more resources requried = more pollution = less space for everyone = lower quality of life for all.


If we don't freeze the population where it is NOW, it will explode to outrageous numbers in our lifetimes. Personally I think there are too many of us as it is, and we should try to control the birth rate in order to get back to 4 billion or less, but I know that's unlikely to happen.


There is more than enough room and plenty of resources for all, especially with technological advancements, such as irradiation of food. Don't be fooled into thinking we're getting too big for our world by people who manipulate statistics in order to further their own agendas. It's not nearly as bad as people seem to think. In fact, I think there's a real possibility of a major drop in population if that myth isn't exposed for what it is combined with the fact that people are less interested than ever in having children (in developed countries, mind you).

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Originally posted by GUNNER

you know who pisses me off, 15-18 year old who think they know everything and who could kick any ones ass.:D

No argument here on that call. This morning I worked a play that was aimed for kids of that age group. They broght in 900+ of them from local schools.



I didn't even like them when I was one.

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Heeeeeey...I fit that age demographic....*grumble*


But I can empathize. I know tons of kids my age who are just so arrogant and self-assured. My little group of outsiders prefers to steer clear of them. I don't think I'm "the sh!t", in fact, I think that term is rather preposterous if you think about it. There will always be a certain group of teenagers you're gonna wanna lynch. But don't group us all together because we're not all like that.

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