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Gone for a while

Wraith 8

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Hi guys.


I really dont post here that much but i do come here often.

I just came to say that i have a screwed computer right now. and the thing is driving me insane :mad: well my internet is totaly FU**ED up right now so i can only use my comp for games :( and im such an internet freak that im gonna right now.

Im typing this from school right now... but that will close tomorrow.:D


My comp gets upgraded i or after Januari.... so unless i can get the darn thing working again (wich will probably NEVER happen) i will be gone untill then :( :( :ball:


Well i just wanted to say to you all:




and down blow your fingers up with fire works :D


see ya guys and wish me luck.


BTW: i will also post this on RS because there are a lot of people there that dont come here and should know it. so that you dont call me a spammer :D

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Originally posted by krkode

that must be awesome

knowing somebody on the forums in real life must be an awesome experience


too bad i dont have one.......:(


Guess you never met Wraith9 ............................... j/k :D


BTW ... I also read Leon's work outside this forum ... for a couple of years actually. I have yet too meet Leon, I know what he looks like, I know how I can find him ... he just has no idea what I look like ...

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Originally posted by Young David

Guess you never met Wraith9


Thanks a lot YD :D :D :D


But people... im glad to say that im back and it is all working again :D

wow... try to go without internet for over a week and you will go crazy :D :D :D:p


IM GLAD TO BE BACK.... (my dad isnt such a stone age guy after all :D)



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I only know 1 forum member in person, that would be S1DC. The closest forum members to me are:


I met Boba Rhett when he wanted to help me with my website, he also helped me get started in editing mots and jedi knight.



Redwing and TK-421I met him on one of my 'scares' ehehe i felt like using the yahoo people search and matching up names and profiles, i located his exact address, but i didn't know if it was real or not, and i posted it, and TK-421 said 'HEy1 HOW DID YOU FIND MY ADDRESS!!!!' and Redwing got on aim and yelled at me telling me to take it off. hehehe we've been great friends since.


Grand Admiral ICE, he was banned for flaming...he didn't flame me cause whenever he did, i thought it was funny, but he got banned after a temporary ban, which he completely missed (he was away that weekend), and he called my 'welcoming newbies' thread 'crappy', i thought that was funny, ike saw it, and banned him. o well. We still chat on aim and occasionally play mots.



My mots clan isn't accepting anymore members. Members are:


Boba Rhett



Commander Cold

Rogue15 (myself)


Rogue Squadron and us have 1 thing in common. Factor 5. hehehe Our clan is the Rogue Assassin Units. We're a 'droid' clan. I thought it was apporopriate due to my past history of invasions. :D

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No fair he gets to eat Christmas Dinner! I'm lucky to get a christmas crumb, maybe I'll go microwave a pizza or something. I'm getting GB tommorrow if I hope beyond all hope, maybe, then I can beat the Single Player, create a scenario, and join a clan! Ah until then Merry Christmas everyone!

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You'll have to be on all day long to beat the campaigns in one day...


It is pretty long...but one thing you must know...




That is the best cheat for the game...use Simon sparingly and only when you are about to lose...because Simon the Killer Ewok is the most powerful units on the game!!!:D

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