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Are the books recognised by George Lucas?

Warlord Zsinj

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Well, I must say that I haven't read all of the books, but I have read most, and just read the one where the Yuuzhan Vong say they will cease attacks if all of the Jedi are handed over (the name escapes me...)


I really enjoy these books, as well as the comic series by Dark Horse.


Now, I am curious as to whether the books are actually recognised by the great man himself?

If something important is mentioned in one of the books, will it be used in one of the films?

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Whats about him? He was obi-wans teacher, then he died, end of story.


Everyone says Yoda was Obi-Wan's teacher in the original trilogy... as a matter of fact, if you go to the databank at the official site, enter Qui Gon Jinn, and then Behind the scenes.


It says Qui-Gon is a character that appeared until late drafts as an important character. And now,he will appear in Episode 2.... yikes, Lucas has something big to explain.

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Actually, NJO was approved by Lucas and his staff. He wanted to "clear the slate", as you will, and remove characters so he'd have something to work with, when/if he makes the sequal trilogies.


NJO was designed to shake up the SW Universe - from predicatable, to total chaos. Star Wars, as we know it, will be quite different in the sequals.


As well, it makes for a really good long-term plan of publishing, getting different authors and others involved in a multi-year project with massive proportions.


The power for most everything goes to Lucas Licensing - to keep Dark Horse, LucasArts, Lucas Books, Decipher, etc all in check.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Essentialy all of hte books and comics do not mean a thing to GL. The only book that has been recognized as OFFICIAL Star WArs lore is Shadows of the Empire and from some interviews GL has said that that is the only book he has read but that he tries to keep up with some of the comics. The only other thing that I've heard has GLs personal blessing is the marriage of Luke and Mara Jade. As for the other things like Chewies death he has said that he wont be able to make any movies that take place after ROTJ so whatever the writers wanted to do was fair game. But if GL changed his mind and did a movie taking place 30 years after ROTJ and wanted Chewie to be in it and didnt want to involve the Vong then everything writen will be thrown out as far as the OFFICIAL Star Wars Galaxy. From what I've heard he didnt even want to call the Empires capital Coruscant but since its such a widely recognized name thanks to Timmothy Zahn he put it in.

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