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Vanion VDS

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actually harrassment sometimes works best. me several other avp2 forum members pestered the Cyberathlete Professional League to add avp2. i'm sure it helped so pestering them might force them to add.... as long as u don't use the same e-mail everytime.. ;) good old hotmail

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Welcome to the forums, Vanion. :D Hope you enjoy your stay...


*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion™*


There you go. ;)


Originally posted by ed_silvergun

Professional JKO competitions would be excellent! Let us know what you hear, Wilhuf.


I agree that it would definitely be a move in the right direction. Yes, let us know what you hear, Wilhuf. ;)

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Thanks Wilhuf, i'm really looking forward to that e-mail.


Chocolate? I wub chocolate :D!


Hehe digl is right we'll just have to lean back and see how popular JKO is gonna be...dangit, i can't wait anymore :(





Why am i a Bantha Fodder...isnt Bantha some sort of creature?

Bantha Poodoo!

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah - online tournaments sound like a great idea to me - I used to play in WoW on Battlestats - that was great fun, it be great to get a more high profile and better run tournament on the go!



Oh man - I just wish the game was out sooner - my mouse hand is itching to begin!!!! my keyboard hand practising like a spider - Woo Hoo!


Kozi :fett:

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