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Dreams/Nightmares and other sleep anomaly

Boba Rhett

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________________Beyond Scary Dreams_____________


Any of you have regularly accuring dreams that would totally scare the shat out of you?


I had a horrible horrible time with nightmares and sleepwalking when I was younger and two of the dreams I most often had were as follows.


1. There was an old woman who was living with us and family members start end up missing and I wonder into her room and find that the older woman has skinned the missing family members and has their skins hanging on coat hangers.


Needless to say, I'd wake up crying allot. :( Now is that totally screwed or what? and this was when I was YOUNG like seven.


2. The second one was more weird than scary and involved Jabba the Hut floating around the house on some sort of hover pad...... *cough*




__________________Sleep Walking_________________


Any of you do it too? I do the weirdest things when I do. Sometimes I snap out of it and find myself standing in the bathroom looking at the mirror or at the top of the stairs or just walking.


__________________Lucid Dreaming____________________



More cool than scary. You can do anything you want in this state. You control your dreams. Kind of like the matrix. This state would accur natuarally for me when I was younger but there are ways into triggering yourself into doing it. Amazing when it happens but scary as hell when you realize the only thing you can control outside of your mind is the opening and closing of your eyes until you wake up.






All these things combined have caused me to suffer from Insomnia . :bored:



Needless to say, I was/am a very disturbed child. ;)

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When I was 15, I had a reoccurring nightmare that involved a black shadow figure with red eyes chasing me, then eventually catching me and killing me a different way every night. I was shot, hung, stabbed, burned, strangled etc. The worst part was I wouldn't wake up till after I was dead. I felt the blade slit my throat and then choke on my own blood, or the bullet enter my lungs and gasping for air until I expired.


Needless to say, I was pretty upset for a while. That went on for about 2 months. It can be very upsetting, I know.

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o man!!!! i had a dream b4 and i somehow knew i was dreaming, cause in my dream i said 'i know i'm dreaming' heheheheeh i also had a dream that everything was in slow motion including myself! :D


The scariest dreams i had were of E.T. yes, you hear right, E.T.!!



that movie freaked me out, i watched it just to scare myself, and then at night, well, i'd sleep in my parents' room. hehehe I remember doing a puzzle, but it didn't have a picture, so i couldn't see what i was making, and it ended up being e.t. and i didn't want to go near it cause it freaked me out! hehehehehe those dreams were freaky mostly, the thing would do that e.t. voice and scare me. hey, should i go see E.T. in a few months since it's coming to the theatre? i'd run out of the theatre screaming and spill my drink! heheheheh

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

More cool than scary. You can do anything you want in this state. You control your dreams. Kind of like the matrix. This state would accur natuarally for me when I was younger but there are ways into triggering yourself into doing it. Amazing when it happens but scary as hell when you realize the only thing you can control outside of your mind is the opening and closing of your eyes until you wake up.

Yeah, that happened to me too! But I couldn't keep sleeping for long until I woke up. That state of mind is very hard to keep.


A few days ago I dreamt of Kvan visiting me and my family here in Québec! :eek: I need to stop chatting with him during late hours... :D


A year ago, I made the worst nightmare ever. My father was driving on a bridge with a river under, with me sitting in the passenger's seat. Suddenly, my father consciously veered to the right, sending us into the river... Laughing maniacally, he locked the doors so I couldn't get out. That was when I woke up. It was recurring too; it happened two or three times. What a ****ed up dream! Sorry for the censored swearing, but it really scared the **** outta me. For a month following those dreams I was actually scared when my father was driving with me... :(

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i had a horrer dream once when i was 11 it was horribal :(


I was a small kidd and went down this slide and then it turned out to be very very long..... then i heard a maniackle laugh and then i came to the bottem of the slide and the guy pinned me up by my throat by a spike and i suffocated in pain :(


this dream lasted for a month and a half i was afraid to go to sleep every night after that for 3 years :(

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oohhh!!!! now i remember the nightmares!!! i've been having a few of them, but i'm amused by them when i wake up. I have dreams of the last dog i owned (not the one i currently own) when she died (of old age, kidney failure), we put her in a metal box and buried her, and i have dreams that she somehow 'awakes' from the dead and i'm glad to see her again, and then nearing the end of the dream, she's dead again, and we rebury her, and i have these dreams like once or twice per month, but when i wake up, i'm a little freaked out, but it's pretty cool, and i find it to be funny. :D

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Originally posted by digl

You know how they can be easily triggered?


Well, I used to just tell myself to do it but few people have that much control over it. ;)


The most common method of triggering it is to do this:


Every night before you go to bed, stand in front of a wall and lean into it and imagine yourself falling through it. Do this every night right before you go to bead.

Eventually, you'll do it in your dream only this time, you'll fall through the wall. :) This triggers you brain into realizing what's happening.


There's also a special type of eye cover that's made specifically for triggering this. It works by rampidly flashing red leds in front of your eyes while your sleeping.

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This is the most relevant thread to me that I may have ever read. I have had dreams that I remembered, mostly Star Wars, for the last week, which were caused by me watching the Trilogy/playing the TPM computer game. I record all my dreams in a binder, and also write down who I have in the dreams. One of my friends has been in different dreams 11 times so far.


I also have a sleep disorder. When I am about to go to sleep, I often go into some type of paralysis. I am all of the sudden fully conscious, but I can't move at all. I have to work my way awake by moving my toes, etc. Sometimes I can kick, but usually I can't move at all.

If it happens when I'm already dreaming, the dream turns scary really fast, and usually doesn't last too long.

The first time I had this problem, it was the worst and scariest. I woke up sweating. I think it has something to do with the position of my neck.


Hey Rogue, you have had ET in your dreams? I sure did. I used to be scared of ET when I was little, but after a while he was just my enemy. I would be having a nice dream, and then all of the sudden ET would terminate it, and I would be at his command center, which looked like the HQ off of the original Power Rangers. We would glare at each other, and talk a bit, angrily, and then the dream would end.

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I fall into a lucid state if I am woken up early by a phone which rings once. It triggers my brain into a state where the dream and reality mix, and I can control both, but when I goof up in reality I wake up. Very weird, I do not know what it is. And does anybody know why an alarm is so good at waking you up? I've slept through thundertorms, and explosions, and screaming before, but, my alarm always wakes me up. Why?

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett


Well, I used to just tell myself to do it but few people have that much control over it. ;)


The most common method of triggering it is to do this:


Every night before you go to bed, stand in front of a wall and lean into it and imagine yourself falling through it. Do this every night right before you go to bead.

Eventually, you'll do it in your dream only this time, you'll fall through the wall. :) This triggers you brain into realizing what's happening.


There's also a special type of eye cover that's made specifically for triggering this. It works by rampidly flashing red leds in front of your eyes while your sleeping.


YES!!! I have those too, i can easily trigger them, like if i think of myself on a bike, and going in an all-too sharp turn, i FEEL like i'm falling off the bike, and am awaken by the action i made! also, i do the same thing, except i think about being in a row boat, and the boat tipping over! it's so cool!


I've had a few sw dreams, in one i remember being darth vader's wingman and going in the deathstar II tunnels! and one where i was luke skywalker, and vader was after me, i felt really scared in that one.


and u know how some people have a dream that 'they're falling'? well, i have those, but i'm always in a rollercoaster when it happens. at least my 'falls' make sense! :p

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I'm jsut gonna say this once....you guys are wierd!


I don't dream, or rather, i don't remember my dreams. I go to bed and wake up what feels like a half a second later in the morning. Every once in a while i will wake up and remember a dream, but five minutes later, i can never remember what it was for the life of me, no matter how hard i try to remember. Therefore, i have memory of only one, wierd, but not scarry dream. Thats the only dream i can remember, and although i know that i've "remembered" more dreams, i can't remember what they are.

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Originally posted by Rogue15


YES!!! I have those too, i can easily trigger them, like if i think of myself on a bike, and going in an all-too sharp turn, i FEEL like i'm falling off the bike, and am awaken by the action i made! also, i do the same thing, except i think about being in a row boat, and the boat tipping over! it's so cool!


I've had a few sw dreams, in one i remember being darth vader's wingman and going in the deathstar II tunnels! and one where i was luke skywalker, and vader was after me, i felt really scared in that one.


and u know how some people have a dream that 'they're falling'? well, i have those, but i'm always in a rollercoaster when it happens. at least my 'falls' make sense! :p


I saw those on TV too

I want them!!!!

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Well, the most recent dream I had was this:


I was in California, i LA I think, and there were palestinians there. They were beheading jews. They beheaded my grandma, and then I left for a minute, and I came back, and my mom was beheaded. I screamed in rage, fighting the people holding me back, and I said two times: "I will take you down if it is the last thing I do" crying. Then I woke up in horror at 6:00.

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I don't remember very many of my dreams, and most of them aren't all that exciting or make any sense anyways so that's why I don't remember them. I do remember that twice I've dreamed that I was online. That's kinda pathetic.:D I wish I had more of those lucid dreams, those are often good ones that I remember.

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I don't rember many of my dreams their are only few I can remeber but I relized it was dream and woke up quickly but by some the the stuff I'm babling about when i wake up It's clear I'm dreaming.


The only one I can remeber was from when I was about 6 or 7. Heavy machinery freaked me out I'd have dreams about being chased around by back hoe and front loaders I always woke up beofre they ran me over thank god.

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I had a dream that lasted for two weeks and was freaky and scary!:(


At night i heard the water running in my kitchen and wake up. i tell my brother there is something or someone in the kichen but he callls me a baby and goes back to sleep. i go out to the kitchen, but nothings there! as i walk back to my room, i look down and see this head on robotic legs! i run as it chases me but stop at the locked door trying to open it. all of the sudden it bites my ankle, i fall, and it crawls in my throat and i whatch helplessly as it burst out of my stomach. i died!:( I woke up screaming!


I never wanted to go to sleep or look down in my hallway at night again!


but u know, dreams r suppose to tell u things!:(

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  • 5 months later...

I had a dream once. Here's what it was like:


There were different scenes where people were scared of the blair witch (The Blair Witch had recently been released and I had seen the commercials), and I only remember a couple of em'. One was where I was running from something while I was in the woods and I couldn't find my way out. Another was where me and my friends were having an assembly and there was an evil voice and we were holding still. It was freaky.


Another dream I had after Halloween (not surprising, eh?). There was a knock at the door and there was a headless vampire (I was a vampire for Halloween). He blew up our house and we ran into a forest I had never seen before. Then I was trying to save this old man while running from the Vampire as well. Really freaky.


Another one was where I was driving up a hill with these people. The hill was real big, and then we made a wrong turn and fell off, then I woke up.


Lucky me I've had a whole ton more good dreams than bad. One was where I was fighting battle droids with a real lightsaber! I could actually feel it! The force flowing through me and the weight of the lightsaber along with it's power!

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