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The girlfriend problem threapy thread


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LoL Artoo. No offense, but unless you're an absolute PRODIGY, you don't have anything on "Nicole." She seriously is one of the best trombonists her age in the nation.


And sorry bud, but "Yesterday" is about love lost, not about a bunch of Star Wars geeks talking about the girls they feel for ;). I think a more appropriate song would be Her Majesty, also by the Beatles...


Imagine she's a pretty nice girl, but she doesn't have a lot to say.

Imagine she's a pretty nice girl, but she changes from day to day.

Wanna tell her that I love her a lot, but I gotta get a belly full of wine.

Imagine she's a pretty nice girl, some day I'm gonna maker her mine, oh yes.

Some day I'm gonna maker her mine.

That song is my theme for Nicole. Sad, longing, but hopeful and determined :).
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eh, you're right lol when did i say i'm looking for a lasting relationship? what do you mean by be careful? i dont think getting azz means the naughty "s" word:o

my friend just wants to show me a good time with some chicks from a private school.


and uh, i get the impression that i wont get helpfrom anyone here on how to do, you know, it.

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I claim to be no prodigy. All I know is that I've always been better than anyone in my grade. I'm also better than some people older than me. But that is because they are only average players for there grade. The really good people that are older than me are only more developed in playing than I am. Just gotta keep practicing.


*runs off and downloads Her Majesty*


You're right that is a pretty good (albeit short) song. Help is also a halfway appropriate song. Seeing as this is a problem therapy thread.


*more off-topic trombone talk*


I learned recently that another girl is joining the section from another section. That makes 5! In a band with only 8 trombones! I don't know what's happening. I'll stop talking about my personal life now.

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I have some new developments in my story: I had been using a cover story, which said she wrongfully thought I liked her. Well, I found out she knows EXACTLY what happened. I have no idea how it happened. I told the REAL story to 3 people. 1 talks to her regularly, and I think he did it. I need to hear what you guys think I should do.

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Originally posted by WC_heavyarms

I have some new developments in my story: I had been using a cover story, which said she wrongfully thought I liked her. Well, I found out she knows EXACTLY what happened. I have no idea how it happened. I told the REAL story to 3 people. 1 talks to her regularly, and I think he did it. I need to hear what you guys think I should do.



lets see i tried looking for you story on the boards..couldn't find it your story WC where'd it go?


Do you like this chick?? Or does she like you?


What should you do if somebody ratted your story out? Well hum. I think you should see if she says anything to you. And I would never trust those 3 people you told with anything that personal until you figure out who told. Always remember that girls find out stuff all the time have you ever noticed that all we do is GOSSIP. Yes, that's a girls favorite thing to do. We pull information from all different sources and that's how we find out all our info on everyone. Its hard to keep stuff from us...sooner or later we find out! Especially since it sounds like the girl you were keeping the "REAL" story from is in a close circle of friends. It almost always eventually happens. People are too tempted to spill secrets. Always remember if you want to tell something personal to anybody either tell it to your BEST FRIEND that won't say anything (and sometimes that isn't fool proof) or tell it to somebody who is outside the immediate situation and won't be tempted to say something they shouldn't. Choosing a friend who isn't "friends" with all these people is often a VERY Good choice. Way less chance of leakage. Plus - they can give an outside opinion which is very helpful. Hopefully this guy that you think told wasn't tryin to sabatoge you.


good luck - :eek::p:cool::D:rolleyes:

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I'm from San Bernardino - going to college in Riverside


* aartoo


what I mean by what takes a guy so long is this -


I've been with my bf for 2 yrs. I love him very much and want more from him. He doesn't want to give more as in moving in together. He finishes college this June. I have been waiting and waiting and I'll I get from him is he's not ready. Am I supposed to be hurt by this cuz I am very. I know he loves me, but I'm scared if he's not ready should I take that personal or that he doesn't love me as much as I love him. There I'm done pouring out my guts



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Well Heavyarms, I am deeply saddened at your most recent delimma. It is a shame one of your friends whom you've entrusted with such knowledge would turn informant for the other side. As they say in the Navy, loose lips sink ships.


Perhaps it is time you do some damage control, though she may not want to talk to you, you must make every conscious effort to talk to her in person. She needs to hear it from you, not a blabbermouth friend. Because, only you can tell her the thoughts behind the words, and the feelings behind those thoughts. Honesty is the best policy, just be honest. You've got nothing to lose, it's all out on the table anyhow. Now it's time to make those cards work for you. Next time you see her, take a deep breath, approach, apologize for the way things played out, and ask to talk to her and straighten out this love strewn mess. Who knows, after she actually hears it from you, maybe she'll want to be with you?


If you can't do that my friend, then it's time to pull our and count your losses. But before you do, you owe it to yourself and to her, to talk this out and at least leave with your dignity.


Good luck...

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Well, the rest of advice holds true still. You have to talk to her, she needs to hear it from you, and that way if there are any misunderstandings, you can repair the damage done.


Then go kick that jerks arse! ;)


*Note: Havoc does not condone the use of violence nor commits those acts personally*

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I probably will, but he is some guy about 6 inches taller than me :( Well, I may one day talk to her again... Say, how about in 5 days? That would be the 6 months to the day since she hated me? But, anyway, I may just let things keep going as they are. She got me for all the wrong reasons, and, you know, if she wants to believe that guy, let her. I may let the friend talk to her one day. I have no idea if I could ever even think to say a word to her again. (side note: I hate her guts, and I don't think I could say something to her that didn't involve the words ho or **** in it.)

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In an update on my story:


An interesting new plot development akin to that of a soap opera. The person who asked me to go the Junior/Senior, also asked like 10 other guys at the same time. This is the kind of person I do not like. I think I'm gonna give a lame excuse and get out of it now. It'll make me a shmuck, but you just don't ask multiple guys at once w/o getting a response from one before asking another. Seems I was also pretty far down the list. This also makes me feel pretty bad/mad. Now what do you think I should do?


(this aught to be interesting to watch playout)

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  • 8 months later...

9 month (almost) thread ressurection! That's right it's back and for good reason. I need one tiny ounce of help here. I need 2 things.


1. Interesting Love quotes, not satirical or cynical.


2. Best Chic-Flic out right now.





Dontcha just love threads coming back that you hoped you'd never see again.

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