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Creationism vs Science


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Scipio I'm not saying I don't go strictly by the Bible in fact I do and I do beleive the world was created in six days but it never said that Gods creations would change or in this case Evolve into more advanced species while the humans may not have changed I think many others have.


Ok now that's my last argument in this thread

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for all my life, i have looked away from all this religion bull****. i believe in god, the truth, and being a good person. period. i'm not going to pray 5 times a day, i'm not going to go on my little trip to mecca. people can call me whatever the **** they want, but i have a beef with all religions. take offense as you please, but throughout history, religion has been a scam and religious leaders are crooks. i suggest everyone watch or read "inherit the wind"- one of my favorite works of literature and favorite "books." the bible's a good book-but it's not the only book. religion in our world is an institution to keep order in society. we created all this extra fluff about religious duties out of our own minds. and that fluff doesnt justify CRAP about our faith. our FAITH justifies our faith. do you people actually think that out of 3 equally honest and good men, one a jew, the other a christian, the other a muslim, will be held higher by GOD? i certainly dont think so. i say it doesnt matter which religion you're in and who the **** you believe in as long as you believe in god and being true to yourself. and about evolutionism and creationism, god did not ****ing make the world in 7 days because god never told us he did. we told ourselves he did. i believe what was theorized during the englightenment, that god "set the clock" for the universe with one small thing. and that thing took trillions of years to evolve into our modern universe. so, god really DID create everything we see before us, but i believe he doesnt interfere. he just set the clock and let us think and behave on our own.

btw, i'm only 15, so it's perfectly plausible that my ideas and opinions are ill-conceived and too premature. but i dont apologize if i offended anyone here from either my opinios or my cursing because i believe people (especially the amish and the dumb****s in the southern states such as alabama and texas) should open their eyes and not stay ignorant to new ideas. there are plenty of words in the dictionary. i try to use as many of them as i can. thank you and good night :)

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We didn't say the world was created in seven days. We said 6 and we say this because that's what God said to moses. He said it to him while moses was on mt. Sinai. If you want I can type up the book of Exodus for you.:D j/k. Don't talk about the south bad. There are several good souther people from the south on these forums. The president is from the south and if 48,000,000 people who voted for him can't be wrong. Also he is doing a very good job in this war. sorry if any of this offends you but I had.... WHAT THE! That lewd internet cam ad is so ANNOYING!!!! I had to correct as it is of my nature.:)

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ur right i did sound like i was flaming. i've had this conversation be4 with some professors at columbia and THEY thought my points seemed valid, but i'll keep shut. ur right. and about the south. 48 mill voted 4 bush cuz 48 mill people in the south barely passed high school. there are MANY extremely intelligable and outstanding southerners, one of them being a friend of mine (dr. john williams, director of social studies for nassau county--not to be mixed with THE john williams :p). but the stereotype holds true: the majority of people in the south are white trash. not only the education overall sucks down there, but the only people STILL showing active ANGER towards the teaching of evolution, when they themselves dont know **** about biology, are from the south. this is because they grow up in ignorant families and ignorant communities, entitling them as "billy-bobs." now, i think EVERY SINGLE person in this forum is just as great and as smart as the next, so the stereotype doesnt apply to you. and btw, politics 101. riddle me this: how is a president made a laughing stock one day and a great man the next? every politician has tricks up his sleeve. this has nothing to do with the extraordinary unity of the united states and the beauty of the free system of this country. it has to do with politics and taking events to help improve your image. it was done during the spanish-american war, wwi, civil war, ect ect. 200 years from now, when we're more clear-headed, we'll unfortunately (depends on how u look at it)look at sept 11 as the miracle that saved gw bush's campaign, because that's the way history books are written. i'm sorry about before, you guys are right. this thread has had many intelligent thoughts and it's turning out as a great conversation

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Right. :rolleyes:

Regardless of people's convictions of whether they can flame or insult, this still is a board with rules about that.. Please regard those above your personal convictions.


As for evolution / creationism: i believe the world was created in 6 days, and that those days were exactly the length they are now. Why ? Because of the constant repetition of "...and it was evening and morning broke.. the #th day" in the first verses of Genesis.


Also God started with parting the waters and land, right ? Did you know that that actually created tides, a phenomenon commonly used as a time-index ?


As for evolution: the 'proof' people claim to have about us descending from animals comes down to "We look an awful lot like them".

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Remember folks it is the THEORY of evolution. The proof isnt there. As much as it makes sense to me, it cannot be argued as fact.

Scientists still say that the linearity of the theory of human evolution actually makes very little sense. The norm for example would be the cat family, where there are many different types, as opposed to humans where we only differ very slightly. I could be wrong so feel free to correct me.


Besides the topic is all irrelavent, cuz its blatantly aliens :D

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Originally posted by DashRendar

ok THIS is my last argument:D


If it is a THEORY why is it so popular the Bible is slowing but surely being proven in fact I'd bet that half of the Old Testament has already been proven.


Ok there's my witnessing for the day


No offence but I'm not very clear on what you mean! :confused:


Im just trying to offer objective commentary.

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We had watched a movie in Social Studies that gave many examples one of them was the battle of Nineva. There was another record found which pretty much matched the Bible's version. I don't study this stuff but I'm sure someone on this forum could give you a lot more different examples.

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Originally posted by Clefo

Well that does sound true, but I raise my eyebrow at some of it.


Like that guy (Jonah I think) living in a whale.. That just sounds silly..


i know that story. Jonah tries to run away from God's calling on his life, ends up in a boat headed for the opposite direction of where God wants him to, a great storm comes, Jonah tells the captain and crew that it's his fault, and to throw him overboard. He gets thrown overboard, and a big fish swallows him, and spits him on the land. Go read the book, it's not that long, it's less than 10 chapters...


and Jonah's story came b4 the new testament...it wasn't a parable.


*goes off to get Redwing*

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Guest Lord Maul

I don't see why creationism and evolution can't go hand in hand. It's just a matter of perspective. For example: creating the world in 6 days. 6 24 hour days? Don't think so. As the earth was forming ( being created ) it slowly moved farther from the sun. Hence longer days. To prove this point, one only has to look to the north (ie. Alaska) who's days are 6 months long. Therefore, even in modern times it could have taken God 6 years to create the world. I personally believe that if you truely care about something enough to give it life that you take your time, nurturing it and shaping it. As for the evolution of man, who's to say that God isn't responsible for evolution. It says that God shaped man from the clay of the earth. Given the previous argument of time, who's to say it didn't take several millenia to shape that clay. Therefore, Evolution = Creationism.

Just remember this is only my opinion. I have no facts, only a belief. Which is what the Bible is based on.

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man this is some preety deep **** for a video game forum


anyway the THEORY of eveloutin just has to many holes in it ]


#1 why are there still monkeys and if they are that means that they are our cosuins that never made it and as such should be let out of the zoo's and not to be tested on anymore


#2 thisw concerns the big bang theory when something explodes things get destroyed not created and if it exploded and created the universes that means there are cells or something taht can create univereses out there floating in space


I'm a southern Babtist since i was a boy and i have to admidt the bible just makes more sense the all these modern theorys

plus the bible has said of the comeings of all the great wars and how they whould turn out so i kinda trust the good book insted of some weido in a lab coat

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Some of the Bible has been at least backed by many archeological finds. First and Foremost, there is more than enough evidence that proves that Jesus did exist and was crucified on a cross which was customary of Roman Laws at that time. That Jesus did exist and was crucified in the matter he was alone fullfills several old testament prophecies found in the book of Isaiah.


Archeologists have unearthed an ashen city buried in the sands of time that has pieces of sulfur embedded in the entirety of the ruins, and where those sulfur chunks are embedded in the stone, the surrounding area is charred as if burnt at immense tempatures. This city would probably be the ruined remains of either Sodom or Gammorrha, the two towns which were destroyed in the Old Testament by Fire and Brimstone being rained down on them.


There has been many rust and algae covered remains of Chariot wheels and chariots as well as human skeletons found in the Red sea suggesting that an army found it's untimely demise in the murky waters giving creedance to story of Moses parting the Red sea and the Israelites fleeing Egypt on dry land while the armies of Ramses (the Pharoah at the time) were destroyed when the waters collapsed on them.


By the way, As mentioned ealier in this thread, when God created the Earth it states that God Seperated the Waters from the Waters and formed dry land. This would suggest that there was a great layer of water that surrounded the Earth above our atmosphere. Scientist believe that if this layer existed it would explain the jungle like climate of the Earth in ancient times. As you know Scientists claim that the Earth was much warmer and humid during the times of Dinosaurs, almost completely covered by jungle,and one of the theories as to why the Dinosaurs went extinct was due to a massive climate change. Scientists also believe that the increased atmospheric pressures, increased humidity and added UV protection from the water would explain why mankind was shorter in stature, and had longer Lifespans than we do know.


Of course, where did this "layer of Water" go then, you may ask? Well, here's food for thought... The great flood when Noah built the Ark, God opened the Flood Gates of Heaven and that layer of Water fell to the earth and flooded the earth. Again, this would explain how all of those things came to be. Once that layer of water was gone it allowed the beginnings of an Ice age and Humidity levels dropped, atmospheric pressures lessened and UV rays began to bombard the Earth with much more intensity. That would bring our world up to where we are now.


Now notice I said, these findings and thoughts only lend creedance and support to the Bible and it's stories. However I did not claim that these findings actually prove the Bible to be true.


So have fun with those thoughts...

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Yes Rogue 15, in Turkey around the base range of Mt. Aerorat(sp). They found what appears to be the fossilized remains of a large wooden ship, that would seem to matche many of the measurements given to Noah to build the Arc. Again, this ship may just be some stranded boat in the mountains of Turkey, and not the Ark, but it certainly seems to be true.


Oddly enough, the great flood story is found in nearly every culture, albiet with different names for Noah, but in Africa, asia, south america, welsh mythology etc... they all have a story passed through the ages concerning a man building a ship and taken the animals with him and surviving a great flood. Seems likely that this scenario actually took place....

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