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FIRST THINGS FIRST! This isn't a 'What are the ranks' thread... this is a 'What other ranks should the admins ad?' thread.


Yeah, I was talking to Metallus, and he said the 'Freelancer' rank is until like 10000 posts.... which is quite strange. I think we should make up more to 'suggest' they use.



I like lagomorph... that'd be a good one ;)

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" combustible cultist "

" big goober "

" rubber pants commando "

" rodent-headed boy"

" born to fight dinosaurs "

" pantsed alien "

" helpless pinhead "

" gigantic waitress "

" 7 ft. specter of evil "

" worlds' largest prairie dog "

" psychotic freak "

" cephalopod "

" festive pinata "

" highway surfer "

" seamonkey "

" walking street trash "

" government worker "

" giant rat guy "

" deadly little bug "

" ectoplasmic manifestation "

" ebarrasing when profound "

" a deamonicky, humanoidy thing"

" hillbilly cannibal "

" swamp road fishgut slick "

" parasite "

" helatious babe "

" born to watch a snake eat a rat "

" hairy biker "


hows that? those are all from the comics

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I basically set it up like iisaac's old board (everyone but admins are "freelancers") but I added the new Newbie-Hazing feature (people up to 40 or so posts are goons or unsavory goons or annying jerks or something). So, as it stands now, you're a Freelancer until you prove otherwise.

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I say that once someone reaches a set amount of posts, about 1000 or so, maybe more, they're given the choice to select their subtitle. Think of it as a reward for being a consistent contributor to the forum, a symbol of being OG, whatever. It strikes me as a good idea, though. The Gamespy forums use that. I like that.

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Originally posted by sheaday6

DAMMIT, take kinesiology class! The spleen is here! *points to spleen area* And you've been hitting MY ELBOW! *points to elbow*


I was stabbed in my spleen in september. No joke. I know EXACTLY where it is.

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