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Patience pays off yet again!!!


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Got X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter with balance of power for only $10 at electronic boutique! It's $13 at walmarts. I found it tucked away on the floor next to the preowned games. Spent 30-45 minutes in the store looking around, being sad that they didn't have any good games for under $15, was super-surprised to find it, when i did, i picked it right up and went to the cash register. Before i went to the mall, i was hoping to find that game too. Now i have the complete X-Wing Series!!!


It's so awesome!!! :D I play as the empire in it. My favorite thing is the medals and how the rank goes by wins and losses! :) I played a multiplayer game on the zone, a 4 player ffa, i ended up getting disconnected (darn at&t!!) , but i got my butt whipped, and it counted the losses, i died like 18 times, only shot down 1 player, we were all tie interceptors. hehe


At least the zone players play a game at xwing vs tie unlike xwa where they fill up the stinkin rooms with recruit ads, that is so annoying!!!!! why have a clan if u don't play!?

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well, it's more of a 'multiplayer training' type game where u earn medals, and multiplayer is made for cooperative, altho all the levels can be played against the computer. You get rated based upon your performance, and you can choose which craft to fly for a level. the missions/levels are AWESOME.


for instance, in a mission they have like tie bombers to bomb capital ships, fighters to provide cover, and interceptors to clear the minefield, well, u can choose which role you play in the mission! AND you can switch over to the rebels, and play the same mission, only from the rebel's perspective, so you'd be defending your base from the tie bombers, attacking the imperial star destroyer, etc. It's REALLY fun. the graphics are based on the TIE Fighter graphics, and all the ties from tie fighter have their unique c-ockpits (unlike in xwa where u need that 3rd part based patch...)


You can find it at walmarts for approximately $13, look in the $10 shelf above the game boxes, i've seen it about every time i went there.


Now, can someone show me where i can find a desktop featuring the imperial background with that awesome tie fighter pilot's helmet?!

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

a Gravis BlackHawk Digital. I love it, especially since it auto-calibrates itself.

I had one of those! Except mine wasn't the "digital" version. Mine broke, though (I used it wayyy too much :) ). So now I have a Logitech Wingman Extreme Digital 3D. It's superior in every way, except that I kinda miss that useful button beneath the thumb button that was on the old Gravis. :(
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Guest BountyHunter

I have X wing alliance and I have played the others ie Tie Fighter Wars. I was never impressed with the Star Wars Space sims, they left much to be desired. I'd rather play StarLancer or Tachyon.


I use a Gravis Xterminator digital game pad. It's ok. I wouldnt mind having an actual joystick for the space sims. The pad seems to work good for all types of games. I cant go out and buy a differnt joystick for every game style. (or can I)

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i have almost all the sw lucasarts games for pc now. I have:


Rebel Assault


TIE Fighter

X-Wing Alliance

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

Balance of Power


Force Commander

Rogue Squadron

Battle for Naboo

The Phantom Menace

Jedi Knight

Mysteries of the Sith

Galactic Battlegrounds


so all i need to complete my collection is:


Rebel Assault II

Dark Forces

Shadows of the Empire


Yoda Stories


out of those, i'll end up getting Dark Forces and Racer...


newer ones i might get:



Jedi Outcast

Knights of the Old Republic



so that's only 9 more games....hey, i got all the sw games played on the zone (i believe they took Racer off, darn them...)


I only have 1 lucaslearning game, Droid Works, although it's pretty fun, i have a feeling it's the only LL game that i can play without it seeming 'kiddie' just mute that southern accent wanna-be of a camdroid if i get annoyed, sometimes i just leave it on so i can start yelling at the monitor. I enjoy doing that, as long as it's worth it, i mean, yelling at mario is NOT worth it, cause he's so red and blue. ok i'm slowly falling asleep, probably cause i found a tick on my hand earlier, and am probably infested with them *remembers watching the mummy yesterday* ok, i'm going to die, i just don't know when. :D

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Rebel Assault

TIE Fighter

X-Wing Alliance

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

Balance of Power


Force Commander

The Phantom Menace

Jedi Knight

Mysteries of the Sith

Galactic Battlegrounds

Rebel Assault II

Dark Forces

Shadows of the Empire



all that I don't have suck;)


j/k, X-wing is great game ...

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

I had one of those! Except mine wasn't the "digital" version. Mine broke, though (I used it wayyy too much :) ). So now I have a Logitech Wingman Extreme Digital 3D. It's superior in every way, except that I kinda miss that useful button beneath the thumb button that was on the old Gravis. :(


Well, i guess i have a newer ersion or something cause i LOVE this joystick. It has great feel, lots of buttons, and it is very comfortable (no lefties allowed). The only thing is that it doesn't have force feedback, which i find rather annoying anyways as it just makes the joystick big and heavy. (unlike most people i play with the joystick in my lap)


BTW 15, i have all those games too except XvT and BoP. Oh, well, LL games don't count. Besides those i think i have them all.....somewhere.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

EDIT: Tie Guy, I think I found yours. It's that one, right?


I must agree that there is quite a improvement...


Thats it! I like it ALOT. The HAT button is also very nice, as it adds four more buttons or one more axis. I use it especially in JK for forcepowers i use alot.

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finally someone else who uses the joystick instead of the stupid mouse!!!!! :D


my joystick, the saitek cyborg 2000, has 4 hat buttons, 3 thumb buttons, a trigger, throttle (never used the throttle), and wrist support (i played halfway through tie fighter without one, probably have a deformed wrist from it). I use the hat buttons for weapons in jedi knight, that way u don't need to stop and press a number. hehe Man, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter is so awesome! I'm playing the bop Imperial Campaign, it's so cool! i just got done playing the level where i have to inspect all these ships, and i flew through the middle of the repair base! that was so cool!!!!

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