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I first got interested in sw when my mom got return of the jedi from the library, i first thought it'd be boring cause of the name, but i watched it, and was like 'WHOA THIS IS SO COOL!!!!!' i watched it like 5 more times. hehe that was like when i was 10 or 11, i'm almost 18.

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I'd seen part of it off and on, but i never really realized what it was or what it was about, since i had only ever seen the taped version that was messed up in beginning and end.


So, the first time i really saw and understood it (and liked it) was when i saw ANH:SE in teh theatres.

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just like Tie Guy, the first time i really saw and understood it was when i saw ANH:SE in the theatres


I had probably seen the movies before, the story was already in my mind, but not clear


I had also played DF before, maybe that game got me hooked

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For as far back as I can remember I've always liked SW but the obsession didn't really kick in until Christmas 95' I recieved a c-3po action figure and a C-3po fold out head. I started getting more of the figures and then some books and then some other things and one thing led to another and my room now looks like a shrine. ;)

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I think I was about 5. My dad rented it for the family to see. I sorta understood it. I thought it was scary because of all the dark settings in Return of the Jedi. The I saw it again and comprehended it when I was 9. Then we took a field trip to the bookstore the next week and low and behold! There was a big display for truce at Bakura and the Thrawn Trilogy and the Jedi Acadamy Trilogy. I bought Truce at Bakura, but couldn't comprehend it. I picked it up 1 year later and was like.... this is the best thing I've ever read!!!! That was about 6 years ago. After that I met darthfergie and readl all the other books. Thank You for your influence on the playground a long long time ago fergie!

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Welll my tale is a bit sad.... and i think you are gonna hate the way i got on to Star Wars.


Well i was about 8 or 9 when 'A new Hope' was on the TV. and my mom and dad put it on just on the bit where Aunt Beru and Uncle Owens dead bodies were showing. Well i got Realy scared and i never wanted to see the movie again :D.


Then a few years later. i got interested in Star Trek (i know) I watched the sreies and bought the first 5 movies in a set ... the movies with the Old enterprise and Cap. Kirk. i got intersted by it.... and watched it for a long time. I got more interested in SF movies and watched a lot of them like:

Starship Troopers. Alien. Stargate. and loads of SF series. Now in a lot of moevies they say things that are Star Wars related. and i rented the Empire Strikes back. i got hooked on and then the Special edition came in the theatres... and when it came out on video .. i asked it for my birthday... i got it.... and watched it a MILLION times... i stopped looking at Star Trek and totaly went on with Star Wars.....


I am now .... a totally star wars fan with a lot of Star wars books and toys :D :D




"So here I am stark naked, locked out of my quarters, running around the corridors looking for a towel, a rag, anything, and I turn a corner and bump right into the executive officer. He has about the same sense of humor as a Wookiee with a rash. So I throw my best salute and say, 'Major, I regret to report only partial succes with the Personal Cloaking Device.'"

-Garik Loran-

X-wing Series, Book 5. Wraith Squadron.

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