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Whish ISP do you use?


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Which ISP do you use?

What do you like about it?

What do you hate about it?

What do you want them to do to make it better?

If you hate your ISP, which one would you switch to if you could?


Currently I am using Road Runner.

I love the incredible speeds.

I hate the fact that there are days when the modem cuts in and out.

I wish they could make it more reliable on those days.

I like Road Runner too much to go back to AOL.

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But Netscape was never bought out...they are still upgrading it...in fact I think it is up to 4.0


I think it was just discarded because more and more casual users came in and took over the internet...the tool that was an elite art, now is done everyday without all the complexity...And most of the casual users just didn't care too much what browser they used as long as it worked...

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well, as a web page designer i like the idea of many many people using just Internet explorer. that means the less browsers that web pages need to be customized to. in other words (for those of you who dont understand web pages very well) when i build a web page, i onle have to make it work with IE instead of other browsers.


as a free citizen of the U.S.A., i dont really like the idea of all of the lesser-known browsers, i.e. netscape, disappearing from the market. people like to be able to choose what they want, and i think the fact that IE dominates most of the market, eliminates a persons choice as to which browser he/she can use.


but that's just my opinion.



monopolies make me want to do something evil....

so down with monoploies... down with monopolies...

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Please stop whining about IE. You can whine all you want about Windows, but IE is free, so your not getting shafted on anything. Besides, its not like Microsoft isn't making better versions of IE anymore just because the majority of people don't have a choice as what to use.

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