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<font color=cbcbff> Don't worry. Maybe he <i>is</i> a jerk..... Either way, since he's a fantastic character in a game that hasn't been released yet, he'll probably not take it personally. Unless of course he <i>is</i> a villian, and you end up killing him during your SP adventures. I know I'd take a glowing blade of energy in the head as an insult.



Anyway, I am not new to these forums. I have been watching for a very long time. Since jediknightii.net opened, and before that at owk.net. I haven't spoken much, and like everyone else I was disappointed when they cancelled Obi-Wan for the PC(luckily, as it turned out sort of second rate on the Xbox). I'm a vet of Jedi Knight like most of you.


Now this game is finally within reach, and it is shaping up to be incredible. This new wealth of information has finally excited me to a point where I could no longer remain silent and just watch. So here I am, and I'd like to request the Chocolate Jedi Medallion™ that I never recieved(if that's possible). Who knows....maybe that's the mystery gift we get for pre-ordering....?


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Originally posted by Moses

Also, Nemios, I don't know if I've ever talked to you before. I just want to say that I enjoy reading your posts. They are informative, interesting, and don't have ::lopsided grin:: at the end of them. (J/K Scav) :)


Hey! Thanks! :)


I've been here for quite a while now but don't post very much 'cause it's not always easy to me to explain since I'm not english.


I'm just quite excited about this game (I still play JK as my favourite game and constantly try to make it better with editing), so I try to read inside the text and eye-scan pictures to extract shadowed infos. Don't I deserve that famous chocolate jedi medallion I've never received? :D


And about that lava-thing... I still think that it could be simply engine fuel or acid. It looks too fluid to me and as someone told it isn't emitting light. Anyway, what is more important for me is how force powers work, what sabre moves there are... gameplay stuff.


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Originally posted by Wilhuf


BTW isnt this Lando's ship Lady Luck?


I love this screenshot. Looks like kyle is trying to capture the ship or something. This one is probably the best for showing texture detail. These graphics look nothing like the original ones we were shown. Raven have obviously produced a better game than they expected. All we need now is some kind of video footage of the game.

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Looks like kyle is trying to capture the ship or something.

I was thinking that perhaps Lando has asked you to "rescue" his ship from the hands of those crooks OR he is held as prisoner on board. Either way, it will be cool to see him; I wonder will Billy Dee Williams provide voice for him? Maybe not, but a fan dream, right? :lando:

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

I was thinking that perhaps Lando has asked you to "rescue" his ship from the hands of those crooks OR he is held as prisoner on board. Either way, it will be cool to see him; I wonder will Billy Dee Williams provide voice for him? Maybe not, but a fan dream, right? :lando:


Odds are he won't but I'll be satisfied unless they use the guy who did Lnado's voice for X-Wing Alliance, or someone similar. That guy was just terrible. :rolleyes:

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15 years after the Battle of Yavin? I think Lando is busy tending to that moving mining colony on that world.. The one that gets so much direct sunlight and heat that it has to be able to move like a gigantic horse to keep on the nightside of the planet.. N-something, I think. Where ships have to be shielded by gigantic umbrella ships to block the sun..


Don't look at me like that.

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I think Lando's mining colony was long-gone by fifteen years after Yavin. It was actually only nine years after Yavin. The closest things would be Between Jedi Academy (Where he was po-dunk out of his luck broke with nothin') and Crystal Star or Black Fleet Crisis(I believe where he was investigating the Vagabond). By the Thrawn Duology, he was running that casino thing.


I think there's some gray area in there where they can do whatever the heck they want with him (like any of this matters in the eyes of a starry-eyed game writer).

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...The one that gets so much direct sunlight and heat that it has to be able to move like a gigantic horse to keep on the nightside of the planet.. N-something, I think. Where ships have to be shielded by gigantic umbrella ships to block the sun...


Isn't it Nkklon? In any event, whether that ship is the Lady Luck or not, it is definitely the same class of ship. However, one burning question I have is why we can clearly see the boarding ramp, but the landing skids are missing?!


Maybe they have repulsors on...

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OMG!!! My brain's just a big red syntax! To much info!


Everything looks so sweeeeet!


I've been lurking the forums without posting for a long time now, but this thing just broke my spell :D I'm back in buisness...


I agree with everything everyone's said times 2


I like the way Raven and LEC are using the logo, seems like every FPS should have a kick ass logo, and now JK2 has one!


Just let JK2 into the pit and watch it wrestle those other FPSs


Thank you Raven and LEC!

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Originally posted by Vagabond

[bIsn't it Nkklon? In any event, whether that ship is the Lady Luck or not, it is definitely the same class of ship.[/b]


If I read the material correctly, by this point in the timeline, Nomad City or Station or Whatever on Nkklon was destroyed. Lando and Mara are flying around running a job for Talon Karrde. Luke's busy with the Jedi Academy (which Kyle heads over to eventually), and the Empire is down to a bunch of squabbling warlords.

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Damn it, they always do this:mad: something new comes out and i've been away, well playing Saber Battle X actually, that was a worthy time consumer. Now I've got to sift through all this new stuff!!!

But it's all good:D


O yea, wasn't Lando doing the Casino/underwater mining gig with Tendra?

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Originally posted by Frosty_V2.1

O yea, wasn't Lando doing the Casino/underwater mining gig with Tendra?


I'm starting to think he might have been "cooking the books" for Enron, too.


"Who needs a document shredder when we can use this light saber!"

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Welcome to the forums, Nemios, Zodiac, Obi and Teemto. Sorry for the delay in delivering these...


*hands each a chocolate Jedi Medallion*


Those Imperial bombing raids on the factory can be a nuisance. :D


(Note: Rat Boy and Poopypants receive their welcome gifts in other threads :) )


As for lava...why is it so unusual? A lot of planets have molten cores...and wouldn't it make some kind of sense to tap into the resource for Geo-Thermal energy, or simply pumping it into a facility to extract the raw elements - without having to mine it and cart it around on repulsor sleds? :rolleyes: That holding tank is open ended BTW - the 'stuff' continues under the wall at the top.


And as for the 'Jerk'...it could be Imperial Nutcracker Man. :D

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Stormhammer, you need to invest in an auto medallion dispenser :)




Maybe we should all pay ten cents towards our medallions and let Stormie get rich enough to buy a auto-medallion dispenser.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

As for lava...why is it so unusual? A lot of planets have molten cores...and wouldn't it make some kind of sense to tap into the resource for Geo-Thermal energy, or simply pumping it into a facility to extract the raw elements - without having to mine it and cart it around on repulsor sleds? :rolleyes: That holding tank is open ended BTW - the 'stuff' continues under the wall at the top.


THANK you!!! Geez! I just got back from a couple of days of working my explicative off, and what do I come back to? I get on this thread to see the 87 million posts i've missed, one of the first says "lava sucks". I think "no it doesn't, thermal reactor". Then I keep reading and I think "geez, can't anyone think of a thermal reactor here"? Then I keep reading and I think "geez can't anyone think at ALL here"?


Then StormHammer comes and saves my sanity.


No offense to anyone, that was just bugging me.

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Since when were the imperials concerned about using a natural source of energy? Hell, they blew up the mining planet used to construct the first Death Star.

I would expect a fusion rector before ever seeing this hippy geothermal piece of work. :snear:


This is Star Wars were talking about here, after all. All you need is a wookie and an astromech, and you've got hyperspace. None of this star-trek-eco-good-1000-crew-engineering-brigade-just-to-get-to-warp-1.0.


No, not that I mind the lava, it just seems a bit contrived after all of these years of games with dangerously exposed lava pits.


I remember this nasty yellow goo (for the lack of a better term) on the ice planet from Dark Forces1, at one of the Dark Trooper Robotics facilities. Now that was the stuff!

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Originally posted by Executor32

Odds are he won't but I'll be satisfied unless they use the guy who did Lnado's voice for X-Wing Alliance, or someone similar. That guy was just terrible. :rolleyes:


Speaking of which, does anybody know whose doing the voices for JK2?

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I beleive the nasty yellow goo you refer to is our great, famous, highly esteemed starship fuel. Ahh, the wonders of sealing yourself in a vat of it in JK and seinghow long you could survive while spraying as many shots from the repeater as possible all over the place.:freakout:

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Stormhammer, you need to invest in an auto medallion dispenser :)




Automatic dispenser inserted into Sig...


Originally posted by Scav

Maybe we should all pay ten cents towards our medallions and let Stormie get rich enough to buy a auto-medallion dispenser.


Don't I wish... ;)


Originally posted by StarScrap

Then StormHammer comes and saves my sanity.


Glad to help. ;)


Originally posted by Wilhuf

Since when were the imperials concerned about using a natural source of energy? Hell, they blew up the mining planet used to construct the first Death Star.

I would expect a fusion rector before ever seeing this hippy geothermal piece of work.


I find your lack of faith disturbing. :D


Hmmm...I seem to recall glowing hot rock or something in MotS, though...you know, on the asteroid. With machinery plunging into it... Now, the question is whether or not the machinery was causing the glow by heating up the rock...or whether they were tapping into a thermal energy source... I never did figure that one out...


This is Star Wars were talking about here, after all. All you need is a wookie and an astromech, and you've got hyperspace. None of this star-trek-eco-good-1000-crew-engineering-brigade-just-to-get-to-warp-1.0.




No, not that I mind the lava, it just seems a bit contrived after all of these years of games with dangerously exposed lava pits.


I can't really disagree with you, Wilhuf. If it is lava, then it doesn't really seem to fit that well. Maybe it's a ploy to attract more Quake players...after all, it seems to be obligatory to put lava pits in all of the Quake games...


I remember this nasty yellow goo (for the lack of a better term) on the ice planet from Dark Forces1, at one of the Dark Trooper Robotics facilities. Now that was the stuff!


Bring back the goo! In fact, bring back the ice planets...I love icy worlds in games. ;)

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Hmmm...I seem to recall glowing hot rock or something in MotS, though...you know, on the asteroid. With machinery plunging into it... Now, the question is whether or not the machinery was causing the glow by heating up the rock...or whether they were tapping into a thermal energy source... I never did figure that one out...


I figured it was a force field or something.. maybe shield generators..





Aristotle, stick with this color scheme.. it looks great :)

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Originally posted by Wilhuf


I would expect a fusion rector before ever seeing this hippy geothermal piece of work. :snear:


This is Star Wars were talking about here, after all. All you need is a wookie and an astromech, and you've got hyperspace. None of this star-trek-eco-good-1000-crew-engineering-brigade-just-to-get-to-warp-1.0.


::applauds, whistles, and moons the crowd::




Aaah the sultry sounds of Star Wars kicking Trek's ass.


Truly, I remember my first Quake experience, thinking--LAVA--and IT MOVES!!! Doom lava left me with a bad taste in my butt. And the Dark Forces ice planet stuff, which the Dark Troopers all made me fall into, curse them, could quite possibly be an underground lava source of some kind. Maybe it keeps the facility all warm and toasty while all the stormies are outside making snow-jawas.


Anywho, I'm gonna leave this lava argument (I hopes) saying thus: What do I care? Sabers, blasters, bad guys. Good enough.



--The Mighty (and soiled) Pants.

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