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Weapons Selection Menu


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In Jedi Knight SP, you start out with just your bryar and fists.. you gradually pick up weapons, and on level 4, i think it was, you find Rahn's lightsaber in Kyle's Father's Workshop..


In Jedi Knight MP, you start out with your bryar, fists, and your lightsaber.

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Kyle Katarn leaves his lightsaber with Luke after MOTS. We all know why.


On topic, that has to be the the stun baton. I've recently been reading the original ANH, ESB and RotJ books; in ANH, when Leia shoots that trooper and then gets stunned, a long glowing blue rod with a handle is used instead of that circular stun blast.


Pretty circumstancial. Could just be a beating stick, right? :)

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Originally posted by Rat Boy

And somehow, Kyle's lightsaber blade turns from orange to blue while in the custody of Luke.


That's entirely possible by exchanging the crystals inside; Corusca gems are usually blue, and since corusca gems are found in gas planets, not to mention Lando's GemDiver station which searches for them... All the evidence points towards exhanging a faulty crystal for a new one. However, I don't remember Kyle's lightsaber being orange.

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<font color=cbcbff> Actually, notice how the "stun baton" isn't highlighted and it's sort of in the distance. I bet that's the ignited lightsaber, and the closer(highlighted) cylinder is the deactivated lightsaber.

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Why would you be able to select the activated sabre in the weapons menu? I would think that there would be a key to ignite or un-ignite (is that a word?) the lightsabre. Also look at the hilt of the stunbaton/sabre. looks different from the un-ignited hilt to me. I think the sabre will automatically ignite upon selecting it, but can be un-ignited while its in use for whatever strange purpose that it might serve!

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If you followed the light side,on Lv.16,Yun will try to protect you from Sariss,and got killed in the attempt(although I don't know where Sariss sliced him),and you inherit his orange saber after the (malicious and idiotic(like Jar Jar)Boc) destroyed Rahn's.

BTW,it's surprising to see how animals like Pic,Gorc,and Boc can be Dark Jedi.I thought only human beings could be a Jedi.

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Originally posted by Toa Tahu

If you followed the light side,on Lv.16,Yun will try to protect you from Sariss,and got killed in the attempt(although I don't know where Sariss sliced him),and you inherit his orange saber after the (malicious and idiotic(like Jar Jar)Boc) destroyed Rahn's.

BTW,it's surprising to see how animals like Pic,Gorc,and Boc can be Dark Jedi.I thought only human beings could be a Jedi.


Uhmm, is Yoda a human ??

If so, he must have done quite strange things in his life ...

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Originally posted by Toa Tahu

If you followed the light side,on Lv.16,Yun will try to protect you from Sariss,and got killed in the attempt(although I don't know where Sariss sliced him),and you inherit his orange saber after the (malicious and idiotic(like Jar Jar)Boc) destroyed Rahn's.

BTW,it's surprising to see how animals like Pic,Gorc,and Boc can be Dark Jedi.I thought only human beings could be a Jedi.


Only humans Jedi?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT?!?!? That attitude will get you nowhere in the SW universe! Calling Boc an "animal" in the derogatory sense is kind of like calling anyone not european inhuman. While Boc is NOT human, he can hardly be called an "animal" unless you're talking about the biological kingdoms.

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Originally posted by Com Raven


Uhmm, is Yoda a human ??

If so, he must have done quite strange things in his life ...


When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, hmm? :yoda:


Now, to Kyle's multitude of sabers


1st - Former saber of the late Jedi Master Qu Rahn (green):saberg:

2nd - Former saber of Dark Jedi Yun (gold)

3rd - Saber used in Mysteries of the Sith, possibly constructed by Kyle himself (orange)

4th - Used in JO (blue):saberb:


He may have used a red Sith lightsaber when he was tempted by the Dark Side on Dromund Kaas in MOTS. :saberr:

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