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If you could create a game...


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Guest SlashAndBurn

i would love to have an RTS game where you could also at certain times control an individual trooper and have a fps perspecteve/involvement of the combat...imagine in GB becoming Vader durring a large battle.

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Thing is you can't import it because PS2s have regional codes in the PS2 that doesn't allow games marked for other regions to be played on your PS2's regional code...


They do it so if a game is an exclusive somewhere they will have to pirate a copy and thus they will be prosecutable...

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i have always dreamed of the ideal superhero game for dc comics characters. batman, for example. it would be a lot like ff series. you can wander on your own and there's really no basic direction in the game besides where you take it. for example, you start out in the batcave, and you wander gotham city on your own. you may or may not come up with a crime scene depending on wheree you look that particular night. there would be a "matrix" butten allowing you to dodge bullets as you run for cover. there would be a practical "batterang" and "batgrapple" button. and like in fighting games, different combos (up, up, punch), give different moves. and you can supply up to five items on your utility belt with a practical way of taking them out and using them. and the original batman theme from the first movie with micheal keaton would be in the game

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Guest SlashAndBurn


They ARE making LOTR rts's and rpgs...a one player and a mmorpg like ultima.


and there area always ways arround encoding....theres probably a mod chip available that will let you use games no matter what their encoding is.

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3 games spring to mind....


1. A game like SW: Galaxies


2. An RPG, like Warcraft, except that its a family friendly game where you only capture creatures and people, not blow their guts out all over the ground


3. A game with an engine similar to Caesar 2, except with a lot more units, and some other modifications.

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Star Wars: Droids


Go across the galaxy in amazing epic game with droids from R2s

to droidekas to protocal droids.


The idea is you start with some money and go across the galaxy up for hire. You earn credits and buy droids to add to your gang, and since you don't belive in memory wipes your droids devolop experiance and personalites. You go on missions as small as delivering the morning paper to killing darth vader.


Here are some main features:


-over 30 diferrent planets *The audiance oohs*

-Employers of all types including Darth vader, Mon mothma, Jabba the Hutt, Princess Leia, and even emporer Palpatine himself!

*The audiance aahs*

-Droids including


Protacal droids

Probe droids

Replica droids

Battle droids (with enhanced Intelligance!)



Medic droids

Repair Droids

and much, much more.


Now i just have to make it and talk with lucasarts and ...


Hey, maybe its on their minds now ...



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I'd create a full 3D game so it's like virtual reality and you're on an island all alone (it'll be sp/mp) and there's a Tyrannosaurus Rex on the island, and he's programmed to hunt you down and 'kill' you, you're placed in the center of the island with NO weapons (the entire 'game' is weaponless) and you have to find someone who was trapped on the island, inside a cage, free him/her and get to the coast. the person can be real or a bot. The Tyrannasaur hunts you throughout the entire game, so you must be fast or stealthy so he won't see you. And it's not like the one in jurassic park where if you stand still it 'can't see you'. The game ends when both players feet touch the water. The Tyrannosaur can be replaced with any other dinosaur of your choice. :)

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ya, there'd be a difficulty adjustment, every time you play, it times you and you're 'ranked' and the difficulty adjusts, so once you're REALLY good, you'd have more than 1 dinosaur after you, and they'd act intelligent, like the raptors would be guarding the cage, pteranodons patrolling the skies, and plesiasaurs guarding the water. and all the dinosaurs are working together against you. :D

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