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Jurassic Park vs The Matrix

Guest Lord Tirion

What movie did you like best?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. What movie did you like best?

    • Jurassic Park
    • The Matrix

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Guest Lord Tirion

Past Results:


Gladiator 18, Blade 2

Saving Private Ryan 12, Gladiator 7

Jurassic Park 13, Saving Private Ryan 6

Jurassic Park 10, The Mummy 7

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Originally posted by Chase Windu


Not even LotR?



Yes, definately. While LOTR was a good movie, it wasn't a GREAT movie. It was probably the best one of this year, but it doesn't come close to Matrix or Star Wars.


You can see the effects of The Matrix in many movies and even games today. LOTR was nothing but a good, but old story being made into a movie.

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Guest Lord Tirion

So you are basically saying that LOTR isnt a better movie than The Matrix because it was based off a book and was not original and did not fully capture the essense of the book? I dunno about you, but that sounds like a cop out. True movies can never capture a book because when you read a book, it becomes sacred to you. Everything you imagined is yours and your imagery of a scene unfolding before you on the pages as you read, whereby a movie is the director's interpretation. But you can not judge a movie based on a book. You judge a movie based on a movie.


Matrix orginal story? I think not. It is nothing more than a reverse Terminator stroy where AI takes control over humans. Instead of trying to wipe us out, they use us as batteries.. big deal.


And if you do want to contribute to a large fan base of LOTR loving the movie, then what does that tell you? It tells me that it is a fantastic story that people appreciate. LOTR is going to go down as the best movies ever made. It is going to win the Oscar this year because no film comes close. It is the first real serious toned epic fantasy movie franchise ever.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

I have to say...I dont know why Jurasic Park has such a high level of reverance. Its a cool movie with cool special effects but thats it. i like it but I would never say its a great movie. Fun yes great no. The Matrix has an almost epic feel to it and has a deeper story. My vote goes to the Matrix

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Originally posted by Lord Tirion

So you are basically saying that LOTR isnt a better movie than The Matrix because it was based off a book and was not original and did not fully capture the essense of the book? I dunno about you, but that sounds like a cop out. True movies can never capture a book because when you read a book, it becomes sacred to you. Everything you imagined is yours and your imagery of a scene unfolding before you on the pages as you read, whereby a movie is the director's interpretation. But you can not judge a movie based on a book. You judge a movie based on a movie.


Matrix orginal story? I think not. It is nothing more than a reverse Terminator stroy where AI takes control over humans. Instead of trying to wipe us out, they use us as batteries.. big deal.


And if you do want to contribute to a large fan base of LOTR loving the movie, then what does that tell you? It tells me that it is a fantastic story that people appreciate. LOTR is going to go down as the best movies ever made. It is going to win the Oscar this year because no film comes close. It is the first real serious toned epic fantasy movie franchise ever.



Yes, i am saying that the MOVIE, LOTR, isn't as great as the movie Matrix. Sure, The Matrix doesn't come close to the LOTR book, but the simple fact is that the book isn't what we're talking about, despite you always bringing it up.


Let's say that the book LOTR never existed, and that tolkien was alive now. So, he decided to make a the movies we now see. I don't think that you would see nearly the popularity or fanbase that the books created. They would simply be another good fantasy movie, not the phenomenon they are now. THAT is why i am saying that the Matrix better, because i am comparing a movie to a movie, not a movie with the book to a movie like you are.


You (and many, many others) are too caught up in your own love of LOTR the book to realize that the movie is nothing spectacular without the book.


Don't get me wrong, though, i already said that LOTR the book is one of, if not the greatest stories ever, which is why you seem to be a little mad at me. The way i see it, you think i'm dissing LOTR, which is not the case at all.


As for the matrix being like Terminator, the ony comparison i see is the machines take over the world. After that there is nothing similar and the movies take almost opposite directions. The idea of "the matrix" was not copied off anything (that i know of), and the approach that the Matrix takes it totally different than terminator, even if one thing is the similar, you can't say that the Matrix is the same as Terminator.



And as for why LOTR will be remembered as one of the greatest movies of all time (which it may or may not), if itis, it is only because of the books. Tahts what i was saying. LOTR is a fantastic story and a timeless classic, but the movie isn't what people love and appreciate, the book is. They like the movie because they like the book, not because the movie itself is so spectactular or amazing.

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Tie Guy I agree with your comments, but I think Tirion's point on the Matrix/Terminator comparison, is that they both have very similar Sci-fi themes. Humans causing their own destruction through technology, and they both have religious connotations as well, e.g the coming of a saviour.

And of course lets not forget they both wear leather and shades!!! :D


Plus I'm sure there are many more comparisons, but that is all I can think of right now.

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I finally decided to make my vote ... for JP, and I even knew before I looked that I'd vote on the lesser.


JP made a bigger impact than the Matrix ... Who of you weren't suddenly very interested in dino's the movie came out? And how much of you are obsessed with leaping over buildings after seeing the Matrix? ;)


It was a hard choice ... The Matrix is a good movie ... certainly. But the movie reflects a sort of anarchy that I don't like (who give's a rat's a*s about the law ... even it's the law of gravaty).


JP had a bigger impact ... and showed the world what you could do with CGI (and it told GL that it was a good time to make ep1).


Dino power!

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Originally posted by Young David

Who of you weren't suddenly very interested in dino's the movie came out?


And how much of you are obsessed with leaping over buildings after seeing the Matrix? ;)


I wasn't...


Me.. *nurses broken arm*

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Guest Lord Tirion

"Yes, i am saying that the MOVIE, LOTR, isn't as great as the movie Matrix. Sure, The Matrix doesn't come close to the LOTR book, but the simple fact is that the book isn't what we're talking about, despite you always bringing it up."



Actually you did bro :p Scroll up.



"Let's say that the book LOTR never existed, and that tolkien was alive now. So, he decided to make a the movies we now see. I don't think that you would see nearly the popularity or fanbase that the books created. "


Thats your "opinion" and you are treating it as though its a fact and thats where you are making your mistake.


"They would simply be another good fantasy movie, not the phenomenon they are now. THAT is why i am saying that the Matrix better, because i am comparing a movie to a movie, not a movie with the book to a movie like you are."


Its one thing to say you like a movie better than another because thats your type of genre you like. To each their own and I don't think anybody has a problem with that. But what I do have a problem with is that you are trying to make your opinions come off as facts. All you had to say is that you enjoyed The Matrix better than LOTR. I have no problem with that as I am sure nobody else has. But its when people come off saying that this movie rocks this movie because blah blah, and that "blah blah" is totally unfounded, thats what creates friendly debates such as this :p


"You (and many, many others) are too caught up in your own love of LOTR the book to realize that the movie is nothing spectacular without the book."


Again, another false accusation on your part. I have not even read all the books yet. I am still working on that. So there goes your theory =P



"Don't get me wrong, though, i already said that LOTR the book is one of, if not the greatest stories ever, which is why you seem to be a little mad at me. The way i see it, you think i'm dissing LOTR, which is not the case at all."


Like I said above, it is you bringing up the books, not I :p



"As for the matrix being like Terminator, the ony comparison i see is the machines take over the world. After that there is nothing similar and the movies take almost opposite directions. The idea of "the matrix" was not copied off anything (that i know of), and the approach that the Matrix takes it totally different than terminator, even if one thing is the similar, you can't say that the Matrix is the same as Terminator."


That is where you are narrow visioned. (No offense meant). You are viewing movies head on. It is when you read between the lines you see all the comparisons. Duder made a good post above nailing just some of the simularities.

-AI becomes out downfall instead of our savior

-A savior is called upon

-Both our heroes are from the past.. one virtual, one reality based

-Both have the black leather "Im too cool for this movie" look with commercial shades for a license agreement to get all the kiddies out there to buy them

-The AI is bent on making humans their slaves or destroying them

-Only one person is "chosen" to undo what has been done



I could go on and on but you see my point.




"And as for why LOTR will be remembered as one of the greatest movies of all time (which it may or may not), if itis, it is only because of the books."


Bringing up the books again eh? :p See, this is what I see. I see a 15 year old kid (you) feeling threatened because his favorite movie is not the best out there because of another movie which has taken the world by storm. So now this 15 year old kid hunts for a reason on why this movie is better than his favorite movie but still, does not want to admit it. Aha! This kid realizes that it was based on books so now this kid starts speeling that it is ONLY better because it had a previous fan base and that is the ONLY reason it could dare topple his beloved movie. But what this kid has failed to grasp, is that the reason that LOTR has such a huge fanbase is not because of the books itself, its because of the story it tells that relates to each and every one of us. Tolkien's book came at their greatest towards the Vietnam War because of what the book stood for and its finer points of good vs evil and it seemed to relate to every incident that we humans have been going through. Could the same be said about The Matrix or any other story at that?


"Tahts what i was saying. LOTR is a fantastic story and a timeless classic, but the movie isn't what people love and appreciate, the book is."


And yet again, your bring up the book and your "theory" :p Still think it is I who is always bringing up the book? =P


" They like the movie because they like the book, not because the movie itself is so spectactular or amazing."


Need I say it again? lol

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