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Let's talk about Gonks...


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I'll be your "Do the Gonks DIE PAINFULLY" tester :)


How about:


Burn the Gonk!


Ive seen soem screenshots with what appears to be Lava...


could make a level with platforms above Lava sea and lots and lots of Gonks coming in and respawning and the person who pushes the most Gonks down into the lava wins


or a variaion of that lol

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Make the Gonks indestructable, but have one of those big forked switches in a corner of a map to kill the current Gonk, and a button to release a new one. That way if they get too annoying you can kill them. I like the bounce-a-Gonk idea. Maybe have an unlimited supply of Gonks and have a series of platforms you need to navigate by blowing the Gonk from one to the next.

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I remember that red!!!!!! Give me that cookie now!!!! I followed that 3po into a locked room, and there were TONS of gonks and 3pos DANCING!!!!!!! IT WAS DISGUSTING!!!! EEEEEEWWWW!!! It was in the first Spaceport level! :) I can't remember how to access it, since it only happened once...

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I remember the dancing droid room! I could only ever get it to open once, though. How was it done?

Also, and I'm surprised that nobody brought this up, in MotS, there was a chamber with a Gonk trapped in a frame, and there was a panel that would electrocute the droid when activated. Wheeee!

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Originally posted by Rogue15

I remember that red!!!!!! Give me that cookie now!!!! I followed that 3po into a locked room, and there were TONS of gonks and 3pos DANCING!!!!!!! IT WAS DISGUSTING!!!! EEEEEEWWWW!!! It was in the first Spaceport level! :) I can't remember how to access it, since it only happened once...


I do. It's easy. When you get to the area (you should see a door that isn't completely revealed by the architecture, and you can't open it) you'll see a C-3PO droid on the opposite side of the "room" (area between doors). He will walk towards that door. When he gets to it, it will open. That's your cue to kill him immediately! If he gets in long enough, the door will shut...and it will not reopen. When she sees the horde of GONK and 3PO droids, Mara will make a confused comment about "some kind of dance?" You can kill everything in the room, and it will not affect your Force pool. In two corners of the room, there are an armor vest and a revive. (That's why you want the door to stay open....so you can come back for them!) If you don't kill the 3PO you followed and the door shuts, the only other way out is to go up to the roof (where you'll find bacta) and jump off. (OW!) It's too high up for full Force jump, so you can't get back in that way.


Oh yeah, and *gives R15 the cookie* :thermal::D

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mwahahahahahahahahahah it's in that prison level, after you fight the rancor and get past some guards, take the door on the left, kill the gamorreans in there, and then press the switch to kill the gonk!

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