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Swimming in JO?


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Does anyone remember how hard it sometimes was to swim down in JK? For example, it the water gates in the aquaduct level of JK (right after you get the saber), you raise the water and have the little space in which to jump so you can go back down. But it's increadably hard to start swimming down! You just go along the surface.


Anyway, I'm just hoping they fix that somehow in JO (maybe if you hit jump while looking down in the water you dive?)

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I was playing JK today,... that very level infact. Anyways I just use the crouch key or look down and then press the forward key. I always thought it was relatively easy to move around in the water. The only hard part was getting out of the water.





"I'm no Jedi. I'm just a guy with a lightsaber and a few questions."

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I don't like the swimming in JK either. I wish you could just look down and you'd swim down, instead of crouching, like most games.


When enemies are swimming around they look like they are on jet-skis the way water shoots up around them. I also didn't like the way you had no way to see how much oxygen you had left. Sure, it might not be realistic to have an 'Oxygen Meter'. But a person would be able to tell when they're running out of air so theres no other way to do it.

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Originally posted by JPMaximilian

I don't like the swimming in JK either. I wish you could just look down and you'd swim down, instead of crouching, like most games.


When enemies are swimming around they look like they are on jet-skis the way water shoots up around them. I also didn't like the way you had no way to see how much oxygen you had left. Sure, it might not be realistic to have an 'Oxygen Meter'. But a person would be able to tell when they're running out of air so theres no other way to do it.


You CAN look down and swim down, at least in 1st person mode.

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I had a few problems with that in the beginning, only because Kyle has roughly the underwater endurance of...well, me. :) It was longer in MotS, but still, you should be able to hold your breath for quite a little bit if you're a Jedi and all.


Come to think of it, the perfect solution would be to allow you to pick up a TPM-style breather. :D


*sudden paranoid question* Hey, do we even know if there will be water in JKII at all?

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Well there's lava, sludge, ice, and space, so we can assume theres water.



I'm pretty positive there is....



oh, by the way, everyone go to canyon oasis now, go underwater, get the thermal dets, arm one, and hold fire. while holding fire, get out of the water.



Thats the only bug i ever found in jediknight :)

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Swiming was one of my favorite parts in JK :cool:. In third-person mode, you could really see the detailed swiming animation (different animations for going forward and backward are a plus). Much better than some of the other shooters when it comes to swimming physics.


Anyway, that's just my $.02

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Originally posted by JPMaximilian

I don't like the swimming in JK either. I wish you could just look down and you'd swim down, instead of crouching, like most games.


When enemies are swimming around they look like they are on jet-skis the way water shoots up around them. I also didn't like the way you had no way to see how much oxygen you had left. Sure, it might not be realistic to have an 'Oxygen Meter'. But a person would be able to tell when they're running out of air so theres no other way to do it.


Speaking of swimming, the fastest way to get across a river/stream is to skip jump (strafe jump on the surface :)) it's VERY FAST.

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Originally posted by Millions o' Monkeys

well if you think about it swimming is pretty hard in real life let alone with a keyboard and mouse


Dunno about that. A keyboard would make a good underwater paddle :)


I'd like to see a force power that created a funnel in the water that allowed the casting jedi to get a quick breath. Not in JK, but a book or movie or something.

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Ah yes, I believe the bug Gonk's referring to is the "swimming in mid air" bug. As I recall it works with punching as well as thermal dets. Basically, as you jump out of the water while throwing (or punching) you remain horizontal, and look as though you're hovering, and you can move about like that for a short period. It's fun ;)

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