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Originally posted by Kestral

This is from the JK2.net news.




Users?! It was me! Me! :p


Aside from that ego trip.. It could be possibly that you just can't attack with your fists, but you can be weaponless. :)




Fourth post down, posted on 01-31-2002 at 08:43 AM, as opposed to 7:30 PM for your post.


But who's counting, eh? :D

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Guest Krayt Tion



True. The baton could be pulled and Kyle's hands could be some place other than in front of him, depending on where the baton or other weapon was being pulled from.


Fists couldn't be pulled, nope. And that makes sense. They are attached to your body, hey. That was also the beauty of them, really. Even when you where left with "nothing" you still had something. Good at least to sneak up and punch carbonited players for some free kills in MotS ;)


There is no basis on the other hand for the stun baton always staying attached to the hand. If it is superglued to the hand (Now Introducing DeathStar Strength Industrial ImpGlue!) and cannot be pulled, he shouldn't be able to switch weapons either. ;)


Taking care of details like this is what's going to give this game a polished feel, imo.


edit: basically I agree 100% with Slowbie when he said:


Maybe that's because fists are attached to Kyles body duh.

Are you implying that the stun baton is attached to Kyle?

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Maybe that's because fists are attached to Kyles body duh.

Are you implying that the stun baton is attached to Kyle?

If you want to apply that sort of realism to issues concering gamplay, I find it very unrealistic to have Kyle defeating armored troops with his fists. In fact, I'd have to imagine if Kyle would probably hurt his hand on the stormtrooper's armor(which are most likely designed to reduce blaster bolt damage, and to protect agaisnt debris being throw around from a blaster fire fight.)

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Originally posted by Kestral


Link doesn't work.


I did get the link wrong at first, but then I edited it. I clicked the link you quoted, and it worked fine.


But if you still can't click that, scroll down to the "Questions for those in Raven/LEC" thread; that's what I was linking to.

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, I'd have to imagine if Kyle would probably hurt his hand on the stormtrooper's armor

You make a good point here.


I thought it was cool how Dark Forces had Kyle wearing gloves because I've always wondered about Kyle hurting his hands on the Stormies until I came to the assumption that the gloves were for protection of his hands. I was shocked to see that Kyle had bare hands in JK, but wasn't too big of a deal (Seems as if he found his lost gloves for JK2 though :)).There isn't a whole lot you can say about this since Kyle is a Jedi not a boxer.:) However, I don't think that means a Jedi shouldn't know some combat moves.


Even though it's already been stated fists aren't in JK2, a way it could have worked is you take less damage off with punches to Stormies, and more damage off humans.


Also, does anyone know anything about the Stun Baton? Is it part of the Star Wars EU? Or is this it's first introduction? I am invisioning something way different than you guys are saying. I'm picturing a baton that will deliver some sort of shock, hence the name STUN Baton. The way you guys are talking about it is a baton that you use to beat someone with. Which is it if there is even a valid answer at the moment?


The way I was thinking of it baffles me how it would be used in MP. Maybe the word "Stun" throws me off but I would imagine something called a Stun Baton would be used for stunning someone rather than killing. There could be a few different explanations.


First, maybe it's just like the Carbon Gun, but not really. What I mean is maybe you can stun them with the primary fire, then kill them with the secondary while stunned.


Next, it could be a stun with primary, with no secondary kill move at all, forcing you to run and find a weapon (assuming you are weaponless)


The last explanation is it is nothing like what I am thinking and it's just a baton you bust heads with.:) The more I think about it now, the more I believe my vision was wrong, which isn't a bad thing I hope.

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Guest Krayt Tion

Bah, consistent manipulation of in-game objects isn't such a crying shame. Look, there's a stun baton weapon in that guys hand! Pull it like every other weapon. The horror! :vadar:

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Not sure where the stun baton comes from, since I am not very familiar with the expanded universe (except for the Heir to the Empire trilogy.) I do know the stun baton is in a Star Wars MUD I play, so I guess it has some kind of purpose in the Star Wars universe considering the MUD gets alot of it's information from various Star Wars sources, both expanded universe and canon material. I guess any security officer (like the Bespin Wing Guard) may use such a weapon, Stormtroopers may even carry one from time to time for crowd control purposes, who knows I'm stretching here... perhaps the weapon is somewhat similar to a Gaderffii Stick, or a Vibro style weapon although not as lethal... although in a game like this it is better to have a lethal weapon than something that merely knocks someone unconscious.


In Deus Ex if you use the prod or the baton the enemies stay 'knocked out' for the duration of the level, perhaps that will be something similar in Jedi Knight Outcast.

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I will assume that kyle uses teh same glue that he puts on the lightsaber during fights. Seriously guys, there is nothing magical about the lightsaber that makes in un-pullable I think it depends on the person. You think that if there was one blaster laying on the floor and luke and vader both wanted it they would be pulling it from each others hands? Probably not, one of them would be more powerful and keep hold of the gun. So the lightsaber is nothing special that makes your hands ultra sticky.




P.S. Don't say somthing stupid like " If I were Vader I would pull out my lightsaber while he was getting the gun and chop lukes head off."

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I did a search on the Stun Baton in the Star Wars Encyclopedia at http://www.theforce.net and came up with these results:


Stun Baton - This was Merr-Sonn's version of the stun-stave.

Stun-stave - A large, handheld stick which produces a shock when one end it touched to an opponent or victim.


While this doesn't indicate much, it does indeed mean that the stun baton shocks, which is my original thought.

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What a shame... I was looking forward to some fist fighting and kung fu kicking.. : (


It appears they want to give you another "default weapon" that doesn't seem as weak as fists, since in the single player game they don't start you with the saber.


However, for old time's sake.. how hard would it be to put fists in there?


I picture the stun baton being very similar to the gauntlet in Quake3. ; p


Well, we know what one of the first mods will be then...


In addition, there are menu options to kick players from servers and to password protect your server so only friends and trusted players can join in the event that cheating does occur.


That's all well and good, but it should be noted that JK/MotS had those same options, and it did little good to stop cheating. The solution to that problem was Kicker Helper, since it allowed people with long high ascii names/spaces to be kicked and cheat effects to be removed. I wish they simply would have stated that JK2 will have a "pure server" option as well as the cheat protections from Q3.

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Kyle would probably hurt his hand on the stormtrooper's armor


A normal man WOULD hurt his hand on such armour, but Kyle's supposed to be a Jedi! Jedi aren't just masters of sword-based combat, they should have unarmed combat abilities too, far outstripping those of a gruntish Stormie. Solo took out a scout trooper unarmed in RotJ, so frankly, I'm very dissappointed to hear that "fisticuffs" won't be an option in JO. Very dissappointed.




*pulls himself together*


But hey! :D

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Solo took out a scout trooper unarmed in RotJ, so frankly, I'm very dissappointed to hear that "fisticuffs" won't be an option in JO.

Han didn't hit that scout with his fist(scout though gave him quite smack). He smashed that guy againts the tree and then later threw him to the ground.

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Guest Krayt Tion

But hey! We can still play JK with Nearness of the Bogan! Life is good, Spider AL. A belated welcome to JKII.Net, I've been gone a while. :o

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Guest Krayt Tion

Short version is that my computer's been in a box far away from me for four months and I've done thousands of miles of traveling, among other things.


I have my computer back and my cable should get hooked up on wednesday, which is when I'll really be back. I'll fill people in then, don't have much time on the puter now as it is. See you then. :amidala:


edit: I don't mean to hijack this thread, please carry on with FAQ discussion. :ewok:

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