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Another Bad Release Date Post

Guest Obi

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<font color=cbcbff> I was talking to my friend, who works at Software Etc. He came to me in dismay asking if it was true. "Is what true?" I asked. "April 2nd, they pushed it back to April 2nd!" he said. "No, it's in March," I told him. "No, no, I looked it up, it's on our database at work. The release date is April 2nd."


This is very troubling to me, since this is the second report I seem to remember seeing of an April 2nd release date, even though representatives from Raven have been quoted saying it's on schedule for March. So if I could ask for a little clarification from one of Raven's number, perhaps ChangKhan or Kenn, it would clear up a lot of confusion. Maybe one of you fellow forum goers knows of a confirmation that April 2nd is the wrong release date?

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Well, all we know is that LEC and Raven have been quoted as saying mid to late March. April 2nd is only 2 days after the end of March...so that's not really too far off. Does a few days or a week really matter much at this point?



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A norwegian games magazine (Incite PC Games) says april. This info is from december, so it could likely have changed.

Also, in the JK2 article here, there are a few screenshots that have not been seen on the internet (LEC, Jediknight.net, jedi-otcast.com and so on), including a close up picture of a Gran holding a thermal detonator.

Unfortunately, I don't have a scanner...:(

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true, I would rather wait longer and get a (almost) bug-free game. I think I can handle the wait.....AAHAGH! I'm going insane!!


[edit] hmm i just changed my avatar to a custom one and it's not showing up. I uploaded it and made the changes. Anyone care to help me out?[/edit]

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I doubt anyone Raven will come out with a release date now. Cause if they say March 31st then it gets pushed back then people are gonna cry and complain. It's better for them to leave it like they originally said (March) and if need be move the date if it looks like it needs to be moved.

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Originally posted by gamebooger

hmm i just changed my avatar to a custom one and it's not showing up. I uploaded it and made the changes. Anyone care to help me out?


Are you absolutely certain that it's under 70x70 pixels, and less than 20 Kilobytes?


What format did you save (and upload) it in? (.bmp .jpg .gif ?)

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The Finnish importer's website also says March 28th. This particular importer is usually pretty accurate with its release dates, but then again only Raven & LEC/Activision can tell for sure. I'm pretty confident on the March 28th though, since Raven is the developer. One of the best development groups in my opinion...

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Well according to Electronics Boutique UK and Amazon UK the release is March 28th.......maybe we're getting it first :)


Oh, please please please please!!!!


Game UK have it listed for a March 28th release, too - everyone seems to be starting to agree on the date...


I really hope Activision pulls another Elite Farce...

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