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America's new propaganda machine!


What are they giving to thsoe announcers. An Army size cafeine pill or something? Geez! They have to talk non stop on how American is the best and only country in the world were freedom is accepted. Some big propagando made by FOX. Geez!


In no way was this ment to insults to any Americans, but don't you think this is going a bit far?


Last time Canada had something of great importance to the country we didn't turn it into a big propaganda event! (Canada vs. URSS hockey game, my memory might be wrong but I think it was in 1969)


I personnaly am not interrested in the game itself since I'm no fan of football. However I was interrested to see the commercials that are supposed to cost a lot of money (hey I was curious).


Then Jimmy What's his face did a useless scetch that lasted 2 minutes on purpous just for fun. He said he wasted 8 thousand $ from FOX. hehe, the only good thing in my opinion to date.


Then there was the opening show + Decleration of Rights and Independance thing. Nothing is wrong in promoting pride to one's nation. But I personnaly think FOX went too far.


What do you think?


(I'll update my thoughts once the game STARTS and then once it ENDS!... if I dont fall asleep before that happens :rolleyes: )

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Yeah well.


I completly understand why Americans show suddenly soo much pride. However to dedicate a whole event just for that cause. It makes like there is no game. Just USA flags everywhere.


The last part I just saw was better. Wish Boston Pops, Maria Carrey (or whatever she's called) and etc was better. Now I'm still waiting for the game to actually START.

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jackal, If you are not american, then don't say much like that. It is THAT much of a big deal. I am very american, I am proud to be. Clefo, I don't know what you are talking about. ANd your words should be chosen more carefully. I am all for america, and look at my sig. That has been there from my first day!

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I knew I would some how offend anybody.


I dont say showing off your pride is wrong. Hell Canada does it at most Hockey events and we shall do it for sure at the Olympics.


But this sporting event has drasticly changed. I understand how American feels, they are not the only one that feels the pain.


But I personnaly feel the organizers when a bit too far. Waving a flag and singing the nationnal athem is right. But having 4+ songs over pride and freedom seems more like a fund raiser.


Again, just an opinion on a sporting event. NOT A NATION.

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Originally posted by Clefo

I agree Jackal, I think we all need to get a life. Pride is fine, but the Superbowl, I think we all need to get over it and focus on the Enron thing


ummm 2 things



first this is football this is LIFE ;) aside from hockey the best thing that ever happened to the world



Second *no personal insult to clefo im just about as far to the right as you can get* this enron thing is BS there was the same amount of campaign money to both sides and basically everything they did was legal sadly but true i think something needs to be done but please dont pin it on bush

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I like America, I really do, but I'm not Jingoistic and stupid like the rest of y'all. I care about domestic issues, something the president never talks about anymore. I'm just not stupid.


Heavyarms, are you that dumb? I just want everyone to get back to normal. And who says I can't have a differing opinion? This is America dammit!


Although I did find it kinda ironic that the tribute to America was done by a British National and an Irish band.


As for the game:


Wowie! Thats like the second biggest upset ever! (Next to Joe Namath and the Jets over the Colts) I aactually wanted the Patriots to win. Too many damned pepsi commercials. Now I'll never drink another pepsi again.


Didja see that Malcom in the Middle AFTER the Super Bowl HALARIOUS :)

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I think the game was set up... yeah that's right! set up!!


I mean think about it... the Patriots winning a highly nationalistic game against rivals that had them "outgunned and outmanned at every corner"???


What better way to instill "pride" in your country than have the Patriots win a game with 5 seconds on the clock and a cliffhanger field goal?


Yes, I may be highly upset that the rams didn't win, and I may be hallucinegenic, but that doesn't mean anything!


The game was fixed i tell you! FIXED!

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I agree with you Jackal. Its not that i'm unpatriotic, but im getting kind of annoyed with all the hooplah that every is throwing around. Sure, what the firefighters did on 9/11 was great, and our country should be united, but it seems that we can't get over, that we aren't going on with our lives liek Bush wanted. Its one thing to be patriotic, its another to way overdo it like we are right now. Thats not moving on.


And whats with a british guy singing?!? He's not even American!!!


And did you notice that his guitar wasn't plugged into an AMP? He was just strumming for show. :rolleyes:



About the game.....the Rams deserved to win the superbowl. They were without a doubt the best team in the league, and thats the team that should win. Of course, sometimes the best team doesn't win i guess.....


The patriots really just had 3 lucky turnovers. Without those 3 turnovers, the score would have been 17-3 for the Rams.

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Originally posted by Eets'chula

I think the game was set up... yeah that's right! set up!!


I mean think about it... the Patriots winning a highly nationalistic game against rivals that had them "outgunned and outmanned at every corner"???


What better way to instill "pride" in your country than have the Patriots win a game with 5 seconds on the clock and a cliffhanger field goal?


Yes, I may be highly upset that the rams didn't win, and I may be hallucinegenic, but that doesn't mean anything!


The game was fixed i tell you! FIXED!



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Originally posted by Clefo

I like America, I really do, but I'm not Jingoistic and stupid like the rest of y'all. I care about domestic issues, something the president never talks about anymore. I'm just not stupid.


Heavyarms, are you that dumb? I just want everyone to get back to normal. And who says I can't have a differing opinion? This is America dammit!


Although I did find it kinda ironic that the tribute to America was done by a British National and an Irish band.


Well quite obviously you don't 100% agree with me. I didn't say what they did at the superbowl dumb. It's just going over the edge. You're way of seeing it and my way of seeing it are different.


Showing pride of one's nation is not stupidity. Showing too much of it can be an annoyance, but its not stupidity.


Originally posted by Eets

The game was fixed i tell you! FIXED!


Didn't the doctor advise you to just sit in the corner and be quiet? :p




I doubt a whole team would accept to loose even for a dose of money and nobody else hears about this. There's allways one of those players who take a lot of money from the fans but "only for the right reasons"... I'm not even sure if I'm making any sence.:confused:

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Showing pride of one's nation is not stupidity. Showing too much of it can be an annoyance, but its not stupidity.


That really depends on how you define patriotism and pride. Personally I think that too much of it creates more problems than it cures, ultimately negative thinking.


I like Clefo's politics, but not his name calling. :p


Hey you should be glad a Brit is singing, perhaps you could all learn a few things. :D

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Originally posted by TheJackal


Didn't the doctor advise you to just sit in the corner and be quiet? :p




I doubt a whole team would accept to loose even for a dose of money and nobody else hears about this. There's allways one of those players who take a lot of money from the fans but "only for the right reasons"... I'm not even sure if I'm making any sence.:confused:


Yeah, but who needs doctors? :D


I dunno, man... The rams have been to the super bowl before, and I dunno if they won or not, but if the amount was large enough, they just might have...

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I finally get back here to type my 2 cents. Those were not lucky turnovers! They were excellent defensive plays! I'm glad the patriots won because I was tired of everybody talking about how the Rams were invincible at my school. It was very quiet in my classes the next day. Very pleasing. My favorite commercial was the battlebots one with the mini-fridge. Heehee, I really wasn't expecting that. Pepsi really does taste like BS now that you mention it. Too bad that my school gets pepsi. Not even any Dr. Pepper to break up the monotony.:mad:


Best Super Bowl game in a long time. Too bad the announcers all called for the rams except for the Rams. The PS2 called it right. The announcers laughed at it.

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