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Is anyone like me in this regard?


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Ok, I hate french class. I hate it. It's boring, stupid and boring. Did I mention boring? How about stupid? You sure I said boring? Anyway, since I dislike it I get bad grades in it (bordering C's). So, the more I like something the more effort I put into it. I.E I do tons of work on the UAC and MoR and Tales of Escapemi because its fun and I enjoy it. And I was wondering if anybody is like me on that level .... I like so and so, therefore I put effort into it, I hate so and so therfore I suck at it?

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French does suck (I take Latin, much easier). And you need to learn how to do things begrudgingly. For instance, I despise math more than anything in the world, so i begrudgingly do it with a nice big frown on my face! I may get a C here and there, but i balance it out with a super A+ in some other cushy elective (like Art).

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yeah i'm totally like that.

doing stuff i like (writing songs,designing adventure games and websites etc) and totally neglecting school-work...:-/


bah! its schools fault...they should make the lessons more interesting..:rolleyes::) jk

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Originally posted by NiKo

bah! its schools fault...they should make the lessons more interesting..:rolleyes::) jk


that shouldnt be a joke....its true....school is so damn boring! if they juiced up math with some cool videos (not those stupid boring ones) and some field trips i'd totally be a good student in math. and if we had a nicer, more lenient french teacher id actually study for once.

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yeah, im not exactly new here, i used to go on in like september,

but u konw i got really bored, so here i am today really bored writing on an interesting subject:rolleyes: but back to the topic, it really is the skools fault, i mean, god dam, all the teachers just drone on and on, and by last period, they sound like there from charlie brown, wop wop woop bob bob bob. i especially hate french, what the hell posessed me to take that subject anyway???:mad::confused:

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is this some kind of conspiricy with the french teachers, my french teacher is the worst in the world (good at french, bad at just about everything else) i mean, even the rest of the teachers are afraid of her

'no, we can't ask to skip Mme Westleys class just for this seminar on how to survive the up coming apocalypes, she'll get angry,'

you know that kind of stuff. but then that's hoqw strict she is, in fact so strict, if anyone fails french, she'd kill em, literally, no i'm not kidding, she get's that angry, and so far, only one person has ever failed her class


R.I.P. James

may your soul live on.

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Originally posted by Silvercat

yeah, im not exactly new here, i used to go on in like september,

but u konw i got really bored, so here i am today really bored writing on an interesting subject:rolleyes: but back to the topic, it really is the skools fault, i mean, god dam, all the teachers just drone on and on, and by last period, they sound like there from charlie brown, wop wop woop bob bob bob. i especially hate french, what the hell posessed me to take that subject anyway???:mad::confused:


JOSH!!!!!! :D :D :D!!! youve finally got off your lazy arse and posted again!!! YAY!


but no, its not your idea....its your shirt....thats different....but ill change it.........just because your my friend (gag me, please :p)

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french is just a crappy subject in general, I took french in Junior high school and got booted from class at least twice a week, my teacher was useless, its a boring language...later in life I took Italian in college, and since I am part Italian I was very interested and did very well in the class...


what I'm trying to say is that France sucks and should be blown up...

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Im French!! French is my #1 language!!! what the hell!!!!


its ok, i understand, most people hate french, and i have no problem with that...


And stop sayign the stupid phrase "toute votre base sont appartiennent à nous" that doesnt mean u know french!!


Ceci est la fin de mon message, j'espère que vous n'allez pas insulter mon message, à plus tard!

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I found French incredibly easy when I did it in year7 (7th grade whatever you wanna call it, basically the grade you're in when you're about 13)


Anyways, I did French for a semester, got straight A's, did Chinese second semester and got C's. By the end of the year, I had to choose which language I wanted to do the following year for the whole year, and of course I wanted to do French coz I got better marks :D But noooooooo, mum and dad wouldn't let me, saying Chinese would be better- what marks did I get the following year? C's and D's :D I find pronouncing easier, than what I did with the characters, and coz with Chinese if you so much as put one of those lil dashy things above the wrong letter or do the dash the wrong way, the word means something totally different- also character writing annoyed the hell outta me, and I could never do it properly.

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