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Rogue Nine!


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Since you will not respond to my pm's, I will post something for all to see. I do not like the way you are around here. You seem so rude and upper class it is pathetic. You have been a real b**** since my little ordeal on staying or leaving! NOTE: I have also said something to aristotle since you would not respond to me.

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Heavyarms, GET OVER IT!!!


Personally, i'm feeling rather sick of both "I'm leaving" threads and "I hate the mods" threads. If you got a problem, then deal with it or leave, its your choice. And if you or anyone else is leaving, don't start a thread unless you really are.

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all right, Let's all jump on the Rogue Nine bandwagon! I brought up a ligitimate point about some of his posts, and I think it really needed looking at. Would you all stop siding with him, take a neutral position, and look at some of the locked threads with Rogue Nine as the last poster. Those ending comments have gotten me decently upset. I think if someone wishes to say goodbye, then they should.

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Look, boy. You've got a problem with me moderating. Fine. You can have your little problem. Lord knows you've got quite a number of them. But that is the way I moderate. I see a thread that is irrelevant and unecessary and it goes bye-bye. And am I not entitled to my own views on the topic? Many other forum members expressed displeasure over the numerous Steeler threads and I was one of them. When the topic was no longer relevant, I made my views known and closed them down. Simple as that. As for the "Goodbye" threads, it has been my experience that people start them up for the attention that they garner. If you notice, they're all saying "Bye, I'll see you in another forum". They are likely to come back. I'm not saying this is the case for every one of them, but it has happened in the past. Plus, if you say you're going to leave, then do it already and don't linger around and post fifty times. Many forum members don't like that either. I don't, I think it's inane and quite redundant.


I will admit, I have been a little tough, maybe even brash on occasion when you really get my Irish up. But that's the way I am. I've been going through some difficult times in my personal life, but I know they should not transfer over to these forums. I'm a very frank person and if you tick me off, I will let you know.


The moderators here have not said anything against my moderating. I have asked for their opinions. And some forum members feel the same way as I do. Rogue15 for example. I believe I've closed down a few of his threads and spoken a few words to him. He took it all with a grain of salt and did not let it bother him. What I think your problem is is that you're a bit too sensitive and politically correct about these things. First off, I hate politics. Second, you need to take things lightly. I'm not a hard person to get along with. Ask any of my XWA or RS buddies. One thread I'll be telling you off for being stupid, another I'll be joking around with you.


This is the first time I've had to justify my actions to anyone here. I must admit, it's a bit of an experience. I've become a part of these boards as much as any of you have. I do have my say. The fact that I'm a mod has little to do with that. That is the way I operate. You don't like it, tough noogies. I'm not changing.

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ROFL @ Redwing


Ah, that would be what Ike would say. :p


Blah blah...I don't get your reasoning, Heavyarms. I'm rather tired of this petty squabble. I've said my peace. I'm not going ban you as you've done nothing to merit banning, at least not in my eyes. That little threat above was to get you to stop if anything.


Don't try to push my buttons, kay? If we play nice, we can all get along.

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Hey niner, i remember you closing one of my threads. :mad: I forgot all about that til u brought it up! hehehe REVENGE!!!! *starts mocking AU_Heavyarms in an unmodly like way*


j/k heavyarms, just having a little fun. *grabs Ike's sniper stormtrooper rifle and shoots himself in the torsoe*

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