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Forumers: Sneaky Peak


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Im the first to see them!

thanks LEC and LF :D


EDIT:damn he beat me :)


who votes we call that room "the official Jedi Knight II screenshot room"?


nice shots anyway :), but Im waiting forward the other two, I wanted to see something new, force powers specially

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Hey, thanks for these shots. Looking forward to it, playing JK in the mean time.


Dan12R> Even though this game is highly detailed I don't think they would want you to have to go out and buy a new video card to play it. There are probably different settings in video options that will let you optimize it for your system. I'm using a GeForce2GTS and it still flies. Unless of course you just have to have the latest cutting edge tech.

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Darth Evad: I did =)

We put that image on exclusive screens because if they are reproduced anywhere else, we will get credit and others cannot claim they are their own exclusives. That's been known to happen, so we protect ourselves with the watermark.



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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by Roger

Nice, finally a "new" setting! Thanks for these Exclusives Zero!



There isn't any 'new'setting, both these shots are variations on a familiar theme, but perhaps the extreme (and unexpected?) viewpoint (looking straight upwards) of the second shot is playing tricks on you.


Wonder what that floating thing is, some kind of mining container?


Could be some kind of cargo carrier, there are lots of crates in this particular area so perhaps this is a storage/distribution room of sorts.

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2 things, Dan, I would buy myself a knew computer just for JO:p

an also in the bottom right corner of screen 1 there is a gun on the ground but no person, I assume that the person was killed in that battle and either kyle was standing there and just blocking shots for fun, or the dead bodies disapear really quickly.

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the saber blur looks screwy on the first pic...and there are newer shots of the same place, only after(or before...?)...


and dan, u shd have no prob; i hv Elite Force, run it at 1280x1024 with everything maxed out, it runs with 80+ fps when not in action, and 60+ when in the heaviest action. I only have a 750mhz Athlon, a Geforce2mx400, and 640mb sdram. u shouldnt hv probs running it at 1024x760



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