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Who is the Surprise End Boss?


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I'm sure it won't be any of the Dark Jedi from JK, (imagin fighting Jerec at the end of BOTH JKI and JKII), if Jedi Outcast was the third Jedi Knight game made, then maybe the final boss could be a resurected Jerec, but not now, now that we fought him in the last game too. To have any of the other Dark Jedis from JK as the final boss would just be silly, IMO. Gorc as the final boss.... nah... Yun as the final boss? don't think so... Pic as the final boss? only if it was ment to be humerous. Maw? he would be the most possible, though he just isn't the right type.... same for all the other JK Dark jedis...


I really hope it isn't just a clone of Kyle, if it is it really won't be a big surprise. I didn't like the way it was done in MotS (clone of Mara), so I probably wouldn't like it much in JO, unless it is done really well.


It won't be anyone who was a friend of Kyle, or a friend of the New Republic when we last saw him/her. Unless the story gives a really good reason why he switched sides, but that would call for an overly complicated story, which isn't neccisary, and probably wouldn't come off well. Besides, the guy who changes faction would have to be a jedi right? And it couldn't be a jedi that we aleardy know about since all of them are acounted for from the time before JO, and the time after JO. So, it would have to be someone who aquired force powers, which would make the story even more confusing.


It could very well be a resurected Darth Mual, Paplitine, Darth Vader, ect, but that would be very cheesy I think, and somewhat unimaginitive. I hope this doesn't happen but I think it's a good possibility, since if it will be a surprise, wouldn't it have to be a dark jedi everyone knows about? Not just someone who reads EU would know.


I think the most likely senerio would be a new character freshly introduced into JO. This character could be someone Kyle meets at the Jedi Acedemy for example, and poses as a Jedi, but is really a dark jedi in disguise. Also, this type of senerio would be the easiest to implement, and without making the story confusing or too complex, or too silly, while still sounding cool. This is the most probable outcome I think.


Or, the review could've ment something totally different, and really ment that the final boss would just be surprising looking... Maybe a super gonc, or maybe a 3 foot tall--with red and black streaked fur--wielding a double bladed light staff--ewok :p .


Ugh, my spelling sucks today.


:ewok: :ewok:

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Great theories, Silent_Thunder, but I don't think that it would be someone posing as a Jedi at the Academy. As likely as it may seem, I don't think that the review would have made a major point of the final boss being a surprise unless it was someone we all know. Probably someone from the movies.

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Guest Apparition

When it said that in the review that: "The final boss is a dark Jedi "whose appearance is bound to suprise you."

I took this to mean not that it was someone we wouldn't expect, but someone's who appearance (not them showing up, but the way the look) would surprise you. Like maybe a weird alien dark jedi. It'd be the first time we would fight an extremely weird alien for a jedi.

Bok, Maw, Gorc and Pic weren't much because they were all bipedal. Wouldn't it be sweet if it was some weird looking alien that had like four arms or something? It would be even better (though extremely unlikely) that it would wield like a dual sided lightsaber and two regular ones. That would just totally rule.

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I have this strangest feeling its Mara Jade, I dont know why, or Its one of the Solo kids.

I think its someone in OT but related, I dont know why, I just have this feeling, maybe Im going to the dark side.



Oh wasnt it somthing to do with EP2 as well, so that would be Dooku right?

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Didn't they said something about a Woman...who is doing "Evil things" and is using the Force??



A dark kyle would Rule...maby a Force-Clone of hin that was left on the swamp world in MOTS, it this creeping Tempel



OR, and i would like it very well, a Dark MARA har har har



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I think it'll be Naked Luke. You'll be running from him saying:

"Keep that thing away from me Luke!!! I said no!!!"


I think it'll be one of the students at the Praxeum. They'll probably introduce the characters at the beginning of the game then you'll fight along side them, probably save their lives, build trust, then BAMMM!!!! Shock and suprise!!! Oh yeah and tears(did I forget the tears?)

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I think it's going to be the death star. You'll have to use force jump, and at the height of the jump do a saber throw into orbit to hit the death star. and all the while you'll have to run around dodging the death ray from the death star, and avoid Tie fighters that are dropping bombs on you.

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I'm guessing it's that male/female pony-tailed Jedi we saw in the early JK2 screenshots. It's Pat...


The vengeful JK janitor, sick and tired of cleaning up the bodies and wreckage you leave behind?


Your invisible squire (and his invisible pickup-truck) sick and tired of hauling your weapons and items around and tossing them to you all the time? (which explains how you can carry all that gear and just whip it out of nowhere)


Maybe Max the Rabbit, in a Dark Trooper suit, with a lightsaber.

; )


Or heck, as long as we're doing product tie-ins.. how about Godzilla, or Spider-man? Hey, it worked for <b>Revenge of Shinobi</b>!



Lol.. personal ads now?


nerve2b_120x240.jpg<-----"Find Love"? I don't think so!!!

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