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Originally posted by edlib


Excellent work, Agent Gunray!

This is exactly why invasions of XWA never succeed.


They don't encounter much inital resistance, but before long the occupying force figures out that they don't really want to be here after all.

'Tis truly a beeeutiful thing! :joy:


Well, Death and Wasslera weren't part of the invasion force, so...




I don't really have anything to add to this debate (or *former* debate) except that A) stereotyping people as conservative or liberal is really old by now and B) n00t doesn't fit either stereotype anyway.


(FOOTNOTE: sex *is* designed to be fun. Sex = fun = people wanting to have sex = children; of course, this doesn't really fit the debate anyway)


And Cracken...we haven't done anything wrong :p

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I won't believe you until I see your "Authentic Conservative" sticker ;) And I don't really care anyway, because these stereotypes are the kind of things that have torn America apart in the past...I'd like to form my own beliefs, thank you, not warp them to somebody else's (faulty) mold. If I hate the second amendment (I don't btw, this is just an example :p) but also hate abortion (which I do) does that make me a liberaservative or something? :rolleyes: (When I said you, n00t, don't fit the stereotype, I was referring to your attitude towards "man = animal" etc; which in my experience has been stereotyped as "liberal"...but like all stereotypes, that obviously can't hold true in all situations)


As for your sex comment, animals have sex because their brains are hardwired to; we are not animals in that sense, and we do engage in sex for pleasure. Our brains are not hardwired to have sex---we have no mating season, no driving force inside our brain that tells us to mate except for the fact that it is pleasurable. So why do you think it's not supposed to be that way?

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OH NO I think man is an animal (fact)! I'm only 99.999999% conservative. BOO HOO.

I was once a Leftish. Hell, I was once a <i>Communist</i> but then my independent study changed everything when I learned RIGHT IS...UH..>RIGHT? ****.


KEYAN: we're allowed to have sex? Hang on. I have to call the Pope and make sure someone's not lying to me.

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I was just citing an example of these stereotypes failure. :p


As for man being an animal, I agree with you in a sense, but it depends on your definition of "animal"; I mean I believe man is higher than animals (not classification of animal) because man has a soul, which animals do not have. There's too much evidence to suggest that man has a part to him that can be separated from his body for me to believe otherwise.


And I am sure Keyan can tell you that Catholics do belive we are allowed to have sex. :rolleyes: Since the Catholic Christian belief system has existed for millennia, that should be pretty obvious to you. Unless you said that because you don't like Catholics, and if so, I can't help you there, not being Catholic (tho alot if not most of my friends are)

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The Church seems to portray sex as EVIL or something. I think it's probably just my priest though. My primary church (I go to two different ones depending on if I'm going alone or with my family or even weather conditions. the one's a shorter drive on roads that get priority for clearing and salting in winter) has two priests. Father #1 in anything that has to do with sinning or something will mention porn. It's gotten to the point where it's almost a joke amongst the parishioners (i KNOW i spelled that wrong). Father #2 likes to deliver long homilies that list all the different ways to sin. Sex appears a LOT. One that gets laughs in the parking lot after mass is "touching others in inappropriate places." The common joke is "inappropriate places? like, what, school? the workplace?" And he also will pause and then say in a loud voice MASTURBATION (seriously). After the tenth time he said it, you could see the average male attempting not to laugh. He also said that the Vatican has people hard at work finding NEW WAYS TO SIN every day. Apparently that's THE job to have I guess...:confused:


So, uh, there you have it. Whatever IT is.

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Where I live, the church I go to is like Vatican City itself.


My church could say anything about porn and masurbation. Or even sex for that matter. Both of the priest who run my church always give 20 minute lectures of acting good and to be like Jesus. Make sense. But after your first 2 trips to Mass, you should be able to get the idea. Then you get the choir whose soul purpose is to make a 3 minute song for every 10 words the priest says. Their whole theme deals with 'God is Good'. WHO DOESNT KNOW THAT ALREADY? So anyway, they never mention sex or anything related to it. But I'm not complaining though.

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You can thank God you have priests who do discuss it. Young people need to have the point driven home before they start heading down the wrong road. Sex outside of marraige is certainly worthy of hell and they need to have no doubts about that. And masturbation is the highest form of selfishness and an insult to the dignity of the person commiting the act, to God, and to all human life. But the temptation to do these things is great, especially in our society today, where anything that makes you feel good is OK, and a priest needs to be persistent in combating that.


That doesn't make sex wrong, it just means it needs to be used in the proper context. Indeed, it is such a good and holy thing that to protect its sanctity is one of the greatest things an ordained man can do.

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Sex before marriage = bad.

Sex during marriage = whatever.



But I believe that the Christian church as a whole does a lousy job of telling young people about this. I mean, usally during my Engish class, we discuss about sex but it turns out to be stuff like 'Oh my God, she's a virgin?' and stuff like that. And I have friends who like have sex with their girlfriends every week. Besides, who cares about anybody elses sex lives?


Yeah, I'm a virgin any everything, but everytime I'm by that kind of crowd, its very nerve wrecking.

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I guess my complaint would be that he wrote a homily in 1978 and decided to stick with it. Stick with it forever. I mean, there ARE other things to talk about. Plus it IS funny to hear an old guy yell "masturbation" because you just don't hear that every day. ;)

That's one of the reasons I have my alternate church. The two priests (out of three or four I think) that I have regularly usually have interesting homilies. They're also short, but that's just because they get to the point and then not repeat it 5 times. Like two weeks ago, the one father was talking about the importance of salt to the world and how that made the "you are the salt of the earth" line (i think that's what it was) an important thing. And the other father is from Poland and has an awesome accent. Sometimes he has war stories that he somehow works into the homily. He was captured by the Nazis and was on a forced labor farm. He jokingly says being a prisoner on a farm was good because "at least we got food!"

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Originally posted by JR2000Z

Sex during marriage = whatever.


Not only that, but it would be mortally sinful to refuse to have sexual relations with your spouse except for a serious reason. And "I had a rough day and I'm tired" isn't a serious reason.


Married people need to hear about what is and is not appropriate sexual behavior once in a while too.


The only time I have ever heard anything about sex in church was when our bishop was at my parish conferring the sacrament of Confirmation. He mentioned it to the candidates during his homily. Seriously - the only time. I really think it needs to be discussed more often.

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Yes, well, when they do talk about it, they definately shouldn't be getting...graphic, if you know what I mean. But as Nute was saying, they don't need to talk about it every week. There are many other important things to say.


For example, I think Nute needs to hear a little bit about how global domination is not exactly consistent with the brotherly love we're all supposed to be showing one another :)

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

And he also will pause and then say in a loud voice MASTURBATION (seriously). After the tenth time he said it, you could see the average male attempting not to laugh.

This just soooo reminds me of the Bevis and Butthead episode where they weren't allowed to laugh, and then had to sit through the sex-ed class taught by the gym coach.

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