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monkey island 5 yes or no or OH GOD YES or NO GOD NO which do you pick

monkey king

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Is that the evil version? And it dosn't matter if it already exists, because there's bound to be an infinite amount of interpriations surrounding the concept. What I don't understand, though, is why everyone seems to call it 2.5 - sounds suspiciously like a maths equation, if you ask me. Monkey Island 2½: Sub-title here sounds a lot better.

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Originally posted by DODSalesManager

I think a Monkey Island 5 would be fun to play. If they do, i hope it is in the animated style of CMI and no more Monkey Kombat. I really didnt like that.

The best line from EMI? "Its the door to our bedroom, hee hee hee hee!"



Actually, it's more along the lines of, "It's the door to our bedroom, ohhhh yeaahhhh." Gots ta love the Barry White voice.

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There definitely was "tee hee hee". I thought it was the worst joke ever and didn't try it a second time, thus missing the fact that it wasn't so bad after all.


That line has stuck in my mind as one of the most hated lines ever, so it really would have been beneficial for me to hear the second one!

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Which previous characters would you like to see return in Monkey Island 5? Mine are as follows:


Gybrush Threepwood (of course)

Elaine Marley

Voodoo Lady


Largo LaGrande



Bart & Fink

Carla & Otis

Melee Island Lookout

Wally B. Feed

Cut-Throat Bill

Edward Van Helgen

Haggis McMutton

Captain Dread

The Cannibals of Monkey Island

A Reformed Ozzy Mandrill

Jojo Jr

The Rest of the Monkeys


Below are a list of characters that we definitely don't need:


Stan the Ship Salesman

Stan the Coffin Salesman

Stan the Insurance Salesman

Stan the Timeshare Salesman

Any other Stan that LucasArts manage to conjure up

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I'm sick of LeChuck. I always hated cartoons and TV shows that had the same villain every week. Ozzy Mandrill was a cool villain - it's a pity they had to have LeChuck as well.


That's the main problem with the latter two Monkey Islands - they were too self-referencial. Too much of bringing back old characters and locations and puzzles (Insult arm wrestling?), and not enough new and original material.


Monkey Island 1 and 2 used source material like Pirates of the Caribbean, and old pirate movies, and Treasure Island, and things like that. Monkey Island 3 and 4 used as their main source material Monkey Island 1 and 2. You'll never create something better, or even equal, by looking only at the originals.


Once you get through your list of people to bring back, you'll find it's time to ship the game, and you never had time or space to come up with anything new.


Sorry 'bout the rant, but I've had that one coming for a long time.

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Hmm... You have a point. I can see how you can say that. But it's far from true. CMI had tons of great original ideas, it just tossed them in a pot with a buch of old ones and mixed them up. EMI was filled with 'polished-up' ideas, but it took the whole... Thing... About culture a couple of steps further. Remi can elaborate on that, seeing as he enjoyed it a lot more (hey, it's only so funny when there isn't a StarBucks in Israel).

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All those Stans... its the same guy.

Anyway, one good thing about EMI is that the guys who made it were like me - ie. they really hate Wally the stupid ****ing cartographer. He isn't funny OR likeable, so therefore shouldn't be there. I wish they hadn't talked Ron out of killing him off...

If any character has to return is Estevan! Or Mancomb. Real pirates, they are.

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