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We have been besmirched by one of our own...


What fate must the scum face...  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. What fate must the scum face...

    • Be released - exiled for all time
    • Sliced and diced by a saber
    • Hung in front of the Deathstar Laser
    • Covered ysalamari and thrown to the voxyn

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:mad:Come on - own up now all ye who have besmirched the good name of X-Wing Alliance.net... :mad:

Some lowly little newbie-sucking piece of TIE-fodder has done a great deed of woe upon us and all XWA players everywhere...

For the upteenth bloody time, there are NO cheats for XWA - people back me up here.

Why do I bring up this much debated (and lost by Newbies) debate - because in PCGamer this month, their CD had a cheats database, and in it was a page for XWA, and what did it list - IMACHEATER etc. ( :eek: )

But worst of all, the credits at the top read - Courteasy of X Wing Alliance.net

:deathstar :deathstar :deathstarWhich one of you Hutt-humping slimes did it - own up now and prepare for Ragnarok ! :deathstar :deathstar :deathstar


Other than that, things going well - looking forward to JKII:OC.

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They have insulted our honour and therefore must be punished, but to a lesser extent if they own up.

XWA cheats, wouldn't we all like some, but face facts:



Let that person come forward, that they be spared the worst of fates: Exile to Otah Gunga, to be Jar-Jar's roommate!

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Here's what happened:

Spring 1999: Cheat codes are referenced somewhere on xwa.net

some point after that: PC Gamer staff writer sits down and searches the interweb for "X-Wing Alliance Cheat Codes" Google (like anyone would use anything else) returns xwa.net as the first thing. writer grabs the codes and lists xwa.net as the reference.

Feb. 2002: cheat codes appear on PC Gamer CD


If you absolutely MUST have a object to hate it would be CaliGirl. If cheat codes ever appeared on the site, it would probably have been by her hand.

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