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Worst Military Stratagy Ever


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Fools. If I were in command of our forces, that'd never happen.


But there are many reasons why that should never happen,


Well, one thing would lead to another and before you know it:


"Hail Deac, Supreme Emperor Muad'dib Leader of Earth"

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This is old stuff. I saw it yesterday in the morning News...


Someone recorded the whole seen, It was hilarious seeing them getting out of there in half of a millisecond flash.


Post It Note: "Smiley of the week" has not changed because this will probably the only post I'll make this week...phone bills....

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Ahhh,.. they backed down too quickly. They should have tried to save face and continued like that was exactly what they meant to do.


I mean,.. how much resistance would they have met from a bunch of Spanish fishermen! This could have been the starting point for the second British World Empire!

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

I dunno, the invasion of Diepe was a pretty bad idea...<i>yeah Canada, you can take the Wehrmacht on single handed and liberate France all by yourself</i>


Let's not forget the many failed attempts to invade Russia. Even Napoleopn didn't know that Russia was that cold.

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But in EVERY invasion of Russia, the Russian population was decimated, the Russians pushed to within a few miles of defeat, and the only reason Russia survived was an error on the part of the invader.

Dieppe...the Canadians didn't even make it the whole way onto the beach before they were wiped out.





Please note that the British and Canadians suck at the invading. Also note that there was a tiny amount (50) of Americans that appear to have all survived. Lessons learned at Dieppe included "use less Canadians" and "use more Americans." The next such invasion was called "Overlord" and we all know how THAT went down :D

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Nute, the americans have more records of sucking at war or invading or anything military then the British or Canadians, ever heard of Vietnam (That was really the worst military startegy ever), Cuba (the "Baie des Cochons", that was some crappy operation from special seal team forces...), Somalia or Pearl Harbor


Yeah it's easy to talk about an other country's defeat but I'm sure you'd never talk about Canada's victories such as:


The Liberation of Belgium by Canada




The Battle of the Scheldt


Both article taken from the same site you used...


BTW, One of the most important Hockey games in History is going on and I can't see it because TV here SUCKS! I'm so mad...


The only thin I can do is check the scores on the net...

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Uh...we didn't...fail to invade in those :confused:


Vietnam: we WON, but failed to win. They're still trying to figure that out. We killed more of them.


Cuba: which time? We once OWNED Cuba after taking control of the island after invading. The Bay of Pigs wasn't an American operation.


Somalia: we landed, took Mogadishu (for the most part), and withdrew because it was pointless, not because we were forced off the beach by valiant Somali defenders.


Pearl Harbor: we got ATTACKED, not failed to invade properly.


Even in our poorly done operations we suceeded more than the Dieppe fiasco.

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Yeah yeah, yadda yadda, giberish giderish.

Pearl Harbor counts because I mentioned: "anything military", read.

but Yeah yeah, yadda yadda, giberish giderish.


I don't care for anything right now but the Olympic Hockey game final that just finished with Canada crushing the US 5-2. You just don't mess with the hockey pros...










:D :D

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the ameraicans ahve a hard time figureing out the correct objective when they go to war. Vietnam was a political disaster, and we did free kuwait in Persian gulf, but we never got rid of the problem.


Now we got the afgan thing, and were are now finally forced to clean one of our messes up.


But in no way were thsoe failed operations. the objectives were met and taken. even if those were the wrong objectives.


and we never invaded norawy during D-day.. imagine if that happened. *shakes head*


Oh, and btw, the brit's got those colonies so they could get better food. What they took control of, was caused by thier stomachs

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