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Jedi Knight players (Original)


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Yeah the Zone is your best bet right now. On the weekends you can still find 200 people in Nar Shaddaa, granted most of them like to chat more than play these days, but you can still find some pretty good MP games out there. I'm still playing there too.

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Everything they said and this: Almost everybody is running games that use custom maps and mods. A lot use the Saber Battle X 3.1 (SBX) mod. Check what kinds of custom maps there are goin' around, I don't know anything about those. But SBX is a must, even for single player mode!

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Originally posted by JPMaximilian

It seems like there are a lot of cheaters playing JK. I played a little recently and it wasn't a lot of fun. I also don't have a fast net connection, dial up, so that has something to do with it.


It was fun even with cheaters. Especially when two people had god mode on and the object of the game was to force push them to death....lol.......In JKs time there wasnt really very much to stop cheaters. These days with the new engines and better monitoring there is a lot less cheating :)

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