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Double Edged Saber


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Welcome to the forums, L'Equa Sinar, dafrank112 and brosser_1999. :D I hope you're enjoying your stay. Here... *hands each a chocolate Jedi Medallion*.


As far as the Lightstaff/Double-bladed Lightsaber goes, Eternity's right. They confirmed in the chat that it would not be appearing. :)


Of course, as stated, there is always room for a mod if people really want to see it...

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"Lightstaves" would be probably be proper plural form if you were calling it a "lightstaff" in the singular tense. You don't have "staffs", you have "staves". You don't have "a stave", you have "a staff".


I apologize if this sounds nitpicky; it's not meant to be. Just a little grammatical tidbit that interests me. :)

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Originally posted by Sithcloak

I think its fun to use a double bladed saber sometimes but like pedro the hutt it isn't something i'm crazy about. Actually used to be crazy about it but i have gotten over it. But it would be nice to have a mod, because even if i'm not using it, it would make the duel quite fun.




same here...I prefer a regular lightsaber in SBX, altho the lightstaff/double-bladed lightsaber was cool for a while, I grew out of it. (i would've liked it more had i been able to deactivate each of the blades at a different time, etc)

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Originally posted by Ki-Adi-Mundi

I don't think he'll regret it.


I too would rather have the game on it's scheduled march release date and wait for mods to come out with this stuff.


How many times do I have to tell people this on forums...


It's called a LIGHTSTAFF


If you look at this link...




Read the game text, it is called double bladed lightsaber. The card game is considered canon, so if that's what they call it, then that's what it is. If it were a lightstaff, there would be no handle, but just a huge blade, staffs do not have handles.

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As has already been said, the chat transcript says that it's not going to be in the game. So long as they aren't lying for surprise value (some of the screenshots on the official site suggest that a badguy may have one in single player) we can assume that modders will have to put it in.


It is a double bladed light sabre, not a lightstaff for both the cannon and the handle reasons.


While I'm not overly bothered one way or the other about it's inclusion it does present some interesting duelling options (insanely fast counter-attacks for one). Fighting with two sabres at Jedi speeds would require godlike coordination and skill but would probably make you invincible to just one opponent.


I'd much rather see variable length sabres make an appearance, they wouldn't unbalance the game too much, they would have fun suprise value, they could look cool (colour change with length shift) and they are more common in the EU universe than either of the other options. The ability to switch the sabre on and off would also be cool a far as deulling tactics goes.

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Originally posted by heir03


If you look at this link...




Read the game text, it is called double bladed lightsaber. The card game is considered canon, so if that's what they call it, then that's what it is. If it were a lightstaff, there would be no handle, but just a huge blade, staffs do not have handles.


Actually, to be nit-picky, the only things considered canon are the films, novelizations of the films, and the radio dramatizations of the films, in that order. All other material, other than fan-made material and anything bearing the "Infinities" label, is considered semi-canon, in that they are to be treated as canon unless contradicted by the canon sources. This is why, for example, the 8 km measurement given by West End Games of the Executor-class vessel is wrong, and it is actually 17.6 km long. Also, direct statements made in sources override inferrences made in other, which is why the Eclipse is still 16 km long, rather than 35.

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If they put the double-bladed lightsaber , they will need a whole new system of combat animations ,because as we seen in the films , fighting with a lightsaber is not the same thing as its not quickly as the double-bladed lightsaber. It will require that you fight a lot faster and possibly you wont see clearly the movements ,but you can fix this with the camera slow motion option that they have included (but i wonder if there are options to adjust the speed of the battles) .


Maybe a set of multiple camera angle views for 3rd person perpective could show us all the action movements specially for the battles....specially for this kind of weapon.


so if you want to feel really like you are fighting with a double bladed-lightsaber, you ll have to modify some things:


-lots of camera angles a la Shadows of the Empire style(to capture and feel all the action from the films)

-reduce the speed of combat (so you can identify your movements and defenses)

-lots of new double bladed lightsaber moves extracted from Ep1

-and of course a beatiful second red blade , with a new handle and a beatiful maul skin with sith robes.


Its a long work for modders but I think it will bery cool to use it in "king of the Hill" MP mode , where only one player will get not the lightsaber but the double-bladed lightsaber!. All people will run to defeat this guy , but he will be very powerful using this deadly weapon!

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I recently went to barns and noble and when I was walking by the star wars section (on accident, star wars is for geeks,...and ...um ....dorks.....I would never be in that section on purpose....er....yeah) and I browsed through that Episode 1 encyclopedia where they devote an entire two pages to describing the double bladed lightsaber and all of its functions.

Never heard the term lightstaff except in this thread, I therefore, by the power vested in me, by the king of the United States of America, declare this object :dsaber: a double bladed lightsaber.


Now it's offical.



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