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DeathStar MP Thoughts & Speculations


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I dont read everything I can on JKO because i dont want to over hype myself, I want to be suprised i was pissed when I found out about Lando in the game, but i do read the main page of Jediknightii.net and the latest one has an excerpt of an article, and at the end it says ther is a Death Star MP level. I was wondering, I doubt it but is that level the WHOLE Death Star, or just a couple hall ways? I dont know it would probalby be impracticle to have the whole thing because you would be running around for hours looking for someone to fight, but it would be awesome to be able to roam around to see what its like. Also is it the first or second death star? It would also be great to have it as a single player level where you have to sneek around and fight storm troopers. BUt by the time of JO both of them were blown up so unless someone built a new one which probaly didnt happen its not going to be in SP.

BUT just the thought of the WHOLE thing is cool. Maybe that could be an entire mod. Heh. Discuss amongst yourselves. I want to hear otheres thoughts/speculations/opinions thats why i posted i dont want an arguement, or people telling others they are wrong. :deathstar: :max::sam::manny::hector::lechuck::monkey4::3headed: c3=) :horn:

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Your right.. It wont be AS large as the actual Deathstar. Expect to see a portion of it though. Most likely large.. with at least one docking bay in it :)


MP isn't going to be as StarWarsPolitically correct as the singleplayer may be..

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Obviously it is all speculation ... but Raven's Elite Force expansion pack had a 'voyager tour' mode that let you wander around the whole place. That expansion pack got generally lousy reviews (at least from the SP perspective), so while I think that represents the ability to generate that type of map, it doesn't say anything about their desire to make such a map.

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Well the Voyager is one thing.. but the entire Death Star? I doubt if that will be possible for quite some time. It's an entire planet worth of rooms and hallways and corridors and docking bays, sheesh, it's sheer size alone is enough to discourage you from making such a level. ^_^"

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Originally posted by txa1265

Obviously it is all speculation ... but Raven's Elite Force expansion pack had a 'voyager tour' mode that let you wander around the whole place. That expansion pack got generally lousy reviews (at least from the SP perspective), so while I think that represents the ability to generate that type of map, it doesn't say anything about their desire to make such a map.


Yeah but wasn't it like loading times in between some spaces? Well I haven't played so I'll just sit down in that corner over there.


*Sits down in his dark corner*

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I thinks it's more likely that it has MP maps for the Emperor's throne room, hangar bay etc.


As the original Death Star was like 120km in diameter (ballpark figure, please no debate about this) that would be ridiculous for anything other than online roleplaying.

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There are several screenshots that I belive will be either the Death Star (or at least a destroyer)




hehe, notice the mouse droid.




the only problem is that these are 1. old pics, and 2 show Single Player enemies. These Death Star maps might have been scrapped fromo the SP game, and just re-tasked as MP maps.


Also, a single map would not encompass the entire Death Star. If it was just a single player mission, then they could just build it out of many individual maps (like another other mission which is likely made up of about 3-4 maps). But in Multiplayer, there isn't any map switching, so it would have to be a limited area of the Death Star where the MP action will take place.


Hehe, I just really like that reflective floor. I hope that it won't be cut from the maps. Sometimes they do that to bring down the minimum requirements of the game.



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Originally posted by Cyclone

Hehe, I just really like that reflective floor. I hope that it won't be cut from the maps. Sometimes they do that to bring down the minimum requirements of the game.


Aw man don't remind me. I start crying when thinking of two lightsaber combatants facing it off in one of those reflective floor tile hangers, it's so ******* beautiful!!!


Btw RoyalGuard just join us if you feel like it, I own the corner so whatever AC/DC fan Bill says don't bother listening to him. ;)

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I think that they will make an MP level that is the entire death star, not only that but there will probably also be a small bridge that takes you to the second death star, then on the second death star you will probably be able to fight in a hanger bay where the Falcon is parked. Then you will be able to take the Falcon to endor. Then once your on endor you can take a shuttle to naboo where you can take a submarine to the gungan city!!!!!

What a fight!!! I can't Wait!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laughing::freakout::smirk2::speeder::holosid::thrawn2::tessek::saberb::saberr::saberg:

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The hangar would be nice but it also would be cool if they had more that one level on it . Level meaning like floors. floors meaning upstairs and downstairs. But im intrigued by the sugar kids idea of going to endor ^_^ you could be on the death star level and if u want go in the mellienium falcon or like a tie fighter and goto endor but it loads it as your going down... What would be REALLy cool if you could pilot a fighter to endor. hey they said vehicals ^_^

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Cloud city would be the best!!! .:duel: Ah.....the memories......the carbon-freeze chamber........drool:bored:.......the window-breaking room........drool:bored: .........the platform where Luke falls......drool:bored: ......the feel of the entire thing in MOTs.......extreme drooling:bored: .........tha is THE MP level (or even SP) :dozey::joy: Well, thats my opinion.

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Speaking of endor... I dont know but did anyone ever make a Ewok skin for JK, i assume someone did just because i assume, but when i played JK MP for the longest time back then i NEVER saw one. BUt it would be cool to hack up thoes little furrballs.

I think an Ewok Jedi master would be funny as hell, haveing the little guys running around making all thoes noises jumpin gon stuff, the walls, celing, swinginging from ropes. D



damn funny stuff

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I'm also of the opinion that we won't be seeing a whole Deathstar appearing in any game any time soon...those things are titanic in scale, and it would take a couple of years just to come up with a schematic everyone could agree on... :eek:


I'd go with something like the Emperor's Throne Room, or the Hangar Bay with the Falcon...places you would instantly recognise.


Actually, talking about the Deathstar brings to mind a couple of Mod ideas...


1. Trash Compactor - nice tight level, with the walls closing in, and you have to find a switch (or communicator to communicate with someone) to open the door. The door remains open for a short time only...and the first who manages to get through wins the match. So everyone will be falling over themselves to reach the door...and stop everyone else from getting through. That would be pretty intense, IMHO. :D


2. Recreate the Escape from Deathstar in ANH by making a co-op Mod, with the key locations shown in the movie. You split your team up...one lot goes to rescue the Princess...the others go to shut off the Tractor Beam...then you all meet on board the Falcon... It could even be done as a Team v Team...one team tries to stop the others from completing their objectives...


Anyway...it looks like there are plenty of Imperial-style textures to pretty much recreate any ship or base... :D

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Guest Krayt Tion

The whole death star mapped for us to play in MP? Keep dreaming.' :c3po: Not on company time, anyways.


Going with one of the larger death star movie backdrops makes sense, but I could just as easily appreciate another section of the deathstar that they would totally improvise on.


Btw, why does this necessarily have to be the first DS? They could mean the second, and if so, anyone see anything wrong with that? I don't.


It might be neat to have a section of a multiplayer map from Death Star II that has 'partially unfinished' areas. These would make for either some nice skyboxes or perhaps a nasty trap should you find yourself in an unfinished section.


And maybe some zero-g fighting amongst the exposed, unfinished DS II infastructure. ;)

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