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Israel or Palestine: Who belongs?


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Well, since this thing has escalated into a fight where tens of people are killed a day by both sides. Who is right?


Personally, I think the israelis are right, and not just cuz I am jewish. Because you know of another jewish state? How many do the muslims have? Also, they need to stop up their attacks on these terrorists, or their problems will not go away.

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The territory really belongs to Palestine, but u are right; The Jews only have one state.


So why can't they just share? The terrorists are thick because they are fighting for a cuase that isn't really going anyware and leads to slaughtering of more muslims.

The Irali army is thick too, becasue them attacking villages and setting up buffer zones is only gonna provoke more attacks.

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personally the Jews used to be right but now since they've been blowing each other up in acts of terrorism then they just need to stop and share otherwise there just gonna keep killing each other. Stupid zealous religious devotion that causes them to kill each other over a small parcel of land. A global community is the only way to go.

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It doesn't matter anymore who is right or wrong, Israel and Palestine are like two big babies fighting over the same toy, one grabs it, the other cries, hits the other, then grabs it, which causes the other to respons similarly, then so on and so forth...Israel and Palestine are the reason why World War III will break out.


Someone needs to smack some sense into both groups..really...

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Personnaly i think no one is right, and also that it was a great mistake on part of whoever did it to call Israel a Jewish state completely.....and i think something that sucks the most is coutries that dont allow more than one religion. That is one of the major causes of all these fighting. Why can't everyone just go where they want and settle there.

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Well, i think that the Israeli are right. It is clear that Jerusalem should belong to Israel. It has been their capital since bible times.


Personally i can't believe that Israel tolerates Palestine. They come in and blow up their civilians, they throw rocks at troops that aren't provoking them in any way. Palestine should conisder themselves lucky that Israel doesn't destroy their entire "country" right now.

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You guys are nuts NO one and I mean no one will go for a world goverment you want WW3 try to make a world goverment. these guys won't start WW3 and your of your rocker if you think they will china will 10 to 1 and they'll lose for sure russia hate them india hates them and we ahte them if they attack anyone they'll die their army looks though on papaer but's it joke vompared to the U.S. and with more funding for the militray china will fall even futher behind and if we get the ballstic missile sheild online they'll lose their only equalzier. Dam I just rambled on I don't think either is right I also think that planstine will lose and get nothing if they keep fighting.

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Isreal because they have lived there longer and the Palestinians have lots more land than Isreal so lack of land isn't a problem. I think it would be very one sided if Isreal actually used their military fully against the terrorists. And Isreal isn't only a Jewish Country they have religious freedom just like the United Sated of America.

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That region is fickle indeed. Although neither side has the moral majority in my book, I would give Jerusalem to Israel, and Gaza and the West Bank to Palestine.


I say Jerusalem to Israel because all other religons have their own holy cities. The Muslims have Mecca, the Christians have the Vatican etc. We should give them their holy city....


BTW Tie, its Palestine not Pakistan :D

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Well, i think that the Israeli are right. It is clear that Jerusalem should belong to Israel. It has been their capital since bible times.


Personally i can't believe that Israel tolerates Pakistan. They come in and blow up their civilians, they throw rocks at troops that aren't provoking them in any way. Pakistan should conisder themselves lucky that Israel doesn't destroy their entire country right now.


why do you say 'pakistan'


all muslims arent from pakistan

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Originally posted by AU_heavyarms

remember: we do not fight muslims, but terrorists and fundamentalists who use suicide bombers as martyrs.


your extremely right too!


its not the religion or the people....its the bad group...and these people claim to do it in the name of religion...even when their religion says no such thing.


Its all just bad interpretation of what they were taught.

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It is too late for that comment...


They are in all out war... sending battalions of tanks into cities and returning maching gun fire with tank shells.


Did anyone see the guys that got targeted because they thought they were snupers, but were reporters? It was on ABC news.

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The only way there will ever be peace between either side is if one side or the other is wiped out, totally. There has been peace talk after peace talk and truce after truce and compromise after compromise, it what have those things fixed? Nothing! They've even given the Palestines land but has that satisfied them, no, they want more and they won't stop until they've taken over Isreal. Also, why are we at peace with the old Axis powers, Germany, Japan, and Italy? Because we waged a war on them until they couldn't take anymore and they signed a treaty saying they surrender, not we cease fire or a peace treaty. So I think Isreal needs to stop the small attacks of revenge and just declare war and get rid of the Palenstines in order to get rid of the problem they have now.

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