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----====Please read before posting====----


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there have been some threads lately started almost at the same time about the same thing, because some people use too vague thread subjects


please try to use better subjects, don't use things like "Jedi Outcast" "Zone" "Multiplayer" or "idea"


Of course, also read the current threads before starting a new one, especially when posting news, and try not no start threads about the demo or the release date (I know there is an announcement but It deson't hurt saying it again)


And remember there is the swamp for OT threads, the tech help forum, the clans forum and the editing and mod central forums, to post threads about those things.


Mods feel free to edit/lock/delete or do whatever with this thread, but I think a sticky thread with some info as the ones that were posted some time ago but disappeared will be useful, Kurgan's announcement will disappear after a new one is made, and there is new people coming here every day, and in bigger numbers as the release approaches.


thanks :)

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I think the main problem is the massive influx of new people, and I think you are absolutely right. People rarely read past the first page before posting a thread. Because of that, they do not know if they are posting OFN, or not. I think a sticky is in order, or at least a link to a FAQ covering things that have already been covered. Either that, or make a "OFN" forum :D


Moderators or the resident forum whores could then move the repeated threads to the "OFN" forum. Kind of a crude name, but perhaps "Old News" would be more acceptable?

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it doesnt hurt anyone to talk about the same topic over and over again, granted it might get annoying seing the same thing up every day but there are alot of new people and people who dont feel like going through pages and pages of old posts so all we can do is either reply to em or ignore em.

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I don't think he (digl) is looking for your sympathy - having 50% recycling of thread-topics on the first level is doubly-wasteful. First, it is confusing to the reader, as they aren't sure what is where. More importantly, it is wasteful to the info resources - this is something that frequently happens on usenet - especially in a forum that deals with products and a new one is coming out. Take the Compaq iPaq Pocket PC ... there was a ton of 'do you have yours yet?' threads, it was very distracting. Sure we all want the game, would like a demo, and would love to know when the game will be released. It is too bad we (all of us) can't work a bit harder to make this forum more useful for everyone. On the RtCW forums, you have to get there through the 'planetwolfenstein' site, which has a walkthrough and cheats, yet again and again there are 'is there a walkthough' and 'how do I cheat' threads.

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thanks DeathBoLT :)


thanks txa1265 too, you clarified some points

Another thing that happens when there are many repeated threads is that some useful ones can go to the second page and die


Raze I'm only trying to make this forum more useful for everyone as txa1265 says

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[......] First, it is confusing to the reader, as they aren't sure what is where. More importantly, it is wasteful to the info resources[........]It is too bad we (all of us) can't work a bit harder to make this forum more useful for everyone. [.....]


That's completely beside the point, I was just expressing my general antipathy for people who try to take over moderator's task when in fact they are not moderators...

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That's completely beside the point, I was just expressing my general antipathy for people who try to take over moderator's task when in fact they are not moderators...


i'm sure digl wasn't trying to "take over the moderator's task", there's no harm in trying to help

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That's completely beside the point, I was just expressing my general antipathy for people who try to take over moderator's task when in fact they are not moderators...


So everybody with a suggestion or request, but who's not a mod, should shut up? What's the deal with that kind of logic?


Here's someone who's posting a suggestion to make this place a bit more usefull (in his opinion), but since he's not a mod, he doesn't have the right to post it. This would be a sorry place if everybody thought like you...


Just my opinion...

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Originally posted by Raze


That's completely beside the point, I was just expressing my general antipathy for people who try to take over moderator's task when in fact they are not moderators...



Originally posted by digl

Mods feel free to edit/lock/delete or do whatever with this thread, but I think a sticky thread with some info as the ones that were posted some time ago but disappeared will be useful, Kurgan's announcement will disappear after a new one is made, and there is new people coming here every day, and in bigger numbers as the release approaches.


I'm not taking over moderator tasks, I'm only trying to help

I started this thread thinking only of asking for better named threads, but then as I added some points more I changed the subject to "please read...", but that wasn't meant to make an official forum readme, as I said I wouldn't care if mods did anything with this thread, because I think there should be something official and sticky posted by a mod or an admin. Before posting this I tried to bump one of the old "read first" threads, but they are locked.

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Good work, digl. We definitely need this type of thing to be stickyfied or something. It's extremely annoying for a new WHEN'S THE DEMO COMING OUT!?!?!?!??! or WHEN IS THE RELEASE DATE?!?! or OMG OMG OMG UK IS GETTING IT B4 US!!!!1! thread to be on the front page every time I log on. Perhaps a sticky with general rules (such as the date thing Krayt posted about and more descriptive topic names) and some general info (there is NO release date, we do NOT know when a demo is coming or what will be in it, etc., etc.) is in order, here.

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Actually, Kurgan did that, here I posted that and other things that would help, like good thread names and reminding there are other threads besides the valley

But as I said before Kurgan's announcement will disappear as soon as there is a new announcement, so an official sticky thread with basic rules (not rules to limit/censor the forums, just rules to make everything work better) would be very good now that the amount of :newbie:S will increase everyday

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Thanks posting this, you are more than right about all of this. It is great to finally see different threads on the first page other than demo/date threads. I stand behind you all the way. It is always great to see Silent Bob when I go into a new thread and see what he has to say.


But lets all just settle down and not start attacking everyone. The point was made, it is a good one and it needed to be said again. So lets just move on. There is JO stuff we could be talking about, ney? aye!!


Thanks again Digl, see ya around.

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it still looks like people are posting threads this thread asked them not to..


I tend to skim through these forums only looking at topics regarding JO MP gameplay, and the occasional release date thread(that doesn't look like its just some forum newbie that didn't even bother to look at topics regarding the same subject and post under them). And I can assure any newcomer that these 'its out, its canceled' jokes or whatever aren'tfunny. Not only are they over used jokes and taking up space, they're a waste of time if I foolishly make the mistake of checking them, assuming that the author had something intelligent to say. :mad:

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Although I agree with all of you who say: "too many threads with the same topic, too many newbie mistakes, etc..." I think it's only a matter of time till things go back to normal... I remember the early days of this forum (not the early early days) and back then there was an influx of newbies too, with the same problems...


Right now, there are so many new people coming in that there are a lot of problems. But as soon as they know how to behave it will be ok. How will they know how to behave? Through people like you. Mods should be a last resort, the people on this forum that post and read should help newbies see the light, by posting their suggestions in newbie's threads. That's the only way it works, I think.


Newbie's are too lazy (sorry if you're not a lazy newbie) to read the sticky "readme first" post. So if you post something that they did wrong in their own thread you'll probably get the most out of it.


Just my opinion...

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Why not just ask a moderator to make a nice, tidy, sticky thread instead of posting


----====Please read before posting====---- ?


I mean it'll move down in a matter of days and it is relatively unstructured and big.....

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