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Raven got the Lightsabers Perfect!


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Sabers can be created.... Keep this quiet, but I really am working on one. The design is finished, constructo time!


*melts saberw ith spoon, with some sort of red eye thing that coemso ut of superman's eyes* oops.:rolleyes:

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I agree the sabers look far superior to any other star wars game. If you look at one of the e3 trailers the saber battle between kyle and one of the dark jedi looks really cool. When the sabers clash the whole screen is filled with a flash.


The scarring on the walls also makes the weapon feel more powerful and the saber throw looks very effective and easy to pull off.


All this combined with some of the acrobatics you can perform should lead to more lightsaber duels and fewer jousts.

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Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy

Really? Would you care to prove that? :p

Now I'll be nice :D

Welcome to the forums, D4rkKnight - make yourself at home, enjoy your stay, and don't say anything's impossible - because that's not necessarily true... ;)


:rolleyes: You took my job away from me.

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My guess is, we could discuss the possibilities of the saber physics if we could stick to the basic rule of science fiction cogitation: "IF it existed, how could it be explained?"

Well, my thought is, if everyone believes shields are possible, so are lightsabers, cause, if shields deflect light, you can also contain the light and make alightsaber

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define "pure" energy though?


i think energy is a concept rather then a definable object

its the potential an object or event has to create a force


there are 4 types of forces

strong nuclear

weak nuclear


and gravitational


i think light is strong nuclear i.e it is a consequence of some sort of radiation be it from a chemical, electrical or nuclear source


although if i remember correctly weak gravitational force is the force that binds tiny particles (atoms nucleus's electrons) together


sound kinda like the force huh?

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I think lightsabers should be left unexplained in Star Wars (they have a nice, mystical fantasy quality about them, like the Force, that would be ruined if you tried to explain it by saying, oh, something like it's actually a blade made of mitichlorian waste products)...


Having said that, I can't resist playing the sci-fi theoretical science guessing game... so here's my theory:


A saber is some kind of super-hot plasma that's kept in blade shape by a powerful electromagnetic field. That way you can lengthen and shorten the blade and is passes through anything without a magnetic field... which, of course, excludes other lightsabers... so perhaps the magnetic fields on lightsabers are naturally repellant (like the negative sides of 2 magnets) and that's why lightsabers bounce off each other... after all, magnetic repulsion is what makes everything else solid (otherwise, whenever you touched anything, you'd chemically bond with it)...


My $.02

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I don't know if this would work or not but my own pet theory is that the blade is somehow made of pure electrons (or maybe ions) that are controled with some kind of force field. When the blade passes through something it dirupts the matter so much that it simply destroys it.

Of course this doesn't explain the heat like effect it has and I don't think that they would block each other :p

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The lightsabers in the game look damn good. The trails are short and sweet, very cool effect. Multiplayer is gonna be unbelieveable, especially saber battles. The only complaint I have is that in some images, the hilt looks huge. It's not really a big deal, but it was weird to see it. Regardless, it'll be cool.:lsduel:

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Here is what ChangKhan had to say about Batsaber:

In single-player, the lightsaber used to kind of erratically do an inconsistent amount of knockback several builds ago, but that was removed because it didn't seem right. However, I cannot be certain about whether or not the saber does knockback in multiplayer. This is the primary reason I haven't posted a "no, there's no knockback" or "yes, there is" because I'm not certain if there (technically) is or isn't any in multiplayer...
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Ok, here is a little more.


For a lightsaber to cut through matter, the light energy of the blade would have to react with the matter it cuts through. Therefore the blade is, as said, a high amount of energy. To cut through matter, the particles of the blade and the particles of the matter must be given enough energy to reach the activated complex. (The point where they begin to react and teh saber cuts through.) The high amounts of energy would allow this to happen. The transfer of energy into the matter the blade cuts, would mean an exothermic reaction. (Heat is being given out by the saber.) This could be a theory for the blast doors in Episode 1 melting when Qui Gonn inserts his saber into it.

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  • 6 months later...

Bliv, all well and good, but surely you must agree that conventional scientific knowledge cannot explain the workings of a device that can do the things a lightsabre can do. I mean the thing blocks other energy beams, cuts through blast doors and its beam stops dead a certain distance from the hilt... And yet it doesn't remotely scorch the hand that wields it nor does it burn the face off the person who is extremely close to it. Conventional science balks at such fables.


Truly, trying to impose contemporary physical rules onto a completely imaginary McGuffin like a lightsabre is a futile effort. ;)

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Eh.. maybe.. but we're getting very close to fable like scientific descoveries..


A few months ago, some scientists shot a beam of light through a chamber, and the light actually EXITED the chamber before it ever entered the chamber...


Explain that with your scientic laws :p


Just the other week, scientists created the largest amount of anithydrogen they've ever created, which is the closest thing we have to the theorized anti-matter.


They've been working on anti gravity.. it's a reality, Boeing has projects and research on it going right now...


The world is slowly becoming one big fairy tale :)


Oh, and also, this guy in Australian invented this gun that shoots something like a million rounds a minute (This isn't an exageration) They called it like a "laser beam of lead"

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Explain that with your scientic laws


Quantum physics, no doubt.


As for your assertion that we may soon discover how to make an object that can do the things lightsabres can do, no-one can say yea or nay. We may do, we may not...


The fact remains however that trying to use CURRENT scientific thinking to theorise about such an object, is pointlessly pre-emptive. One must possess the chicken of knowledge, before one can obtain the egg of a working lightsabre. :p

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