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alot of times, mostly at pinecrest bible training center (i grew up there...was like a college for bible school students) I broke alot of rules and 'boundaries' they set....like one time i went in the woods and got my shoes all muddy in this pothole, my mom found out i was in the woods somehow (god prolly told here ;) ) blew the horn on the car like mad, this was after i got curious and said 'hey what's that waterfall thingy' and walked towards it and sunk to my ankles (freaked me out) then i heard the horn, went running, got my other shoe half in. I went out to the car, she asked me what i done, i told her, she said 'don't tell your dad' and go to your room.. i misunderstood her, told my dad, asked him if i can stay outside and play some more, and got spanked for it. hehe

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Mine was when I got caught streaking, after doing it for more than a year. Man, I had never seen Mom so mad as she was that day. For like two months after that, I was put under constant supervision by at least one member of my family every time I left the house.

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Originally posted by JediKnight_114

Mine was when I got caught streaking, after doing it for more than a year. Man, I had never seen Mom so mad as she was that day. For like two months after that, I was put under constant supervision by at least one member of my family every time I left the house.



What the hell is wrong with you?

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I think the most trouble I ever got into with my mom was when I took off to this girls house for the weekend without telling anyone where I was going or when I was coming back, it was a good weekend though :naughty:...but I still feel badly about ditching like that now...

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Okay, just to clear this up. The last time I did that, was three years ago. I was 15 and an idiot (obviously) I promised my Mom that I would never do it again, and have kept that promise, which was no easy feat since that rush you get is very addictive. So, anyway, that is just something from a long time ago that I do regret.


So, don't think too harshly of me. I'm sure most of us have some event that they wish they could erase (which is sort of the thread topic), and this for me is exactly that.


So, come on, who's next @ "rebels annonymous" :D Hee hee

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I guess the time when I came home late at night, a bit intoxicated, and found that the key was still in the lock (at the inside) so I couldn't enter the house, but I felt a very persisting impulse from my bladder, which made urinate against the lamp-post right across our front door, while at the same time my father opened the front door because he heard my attempts to unlock it, and saw me standing there soiling public property, my parents were pretty mad.

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I'll have to think about this one because for the most part I didn't get into anything really bad. Didn't start to drink till I was at least 21, girls were no big deal till about the same time.. Go figure..


I led a pretty mudane life till I was older..

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