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Star wars gamecube game petition


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Stop whining, just because you (among others) bought the inferior system doesn't mean you can whine and try to make LEC produce more games for such a horrible console. PS2 is clearly where the market is, and they are taking advantage of that. Gamecube targets kids, and the games that are produced for it are largely targetted towards kids. LEC knows that they are selling games to teens and adults, so they go for the system that targets teens and adults the best and most widely, Playstation 2.


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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Stop whining, just because you (among others) bought the inferior system doesn't mean you can whine and try to make LEC produce more games for such a horrible console. PS2 is clearly where the market is, and they are taking advantage of that. Gamecube targets kids, and the games that are produced for it are largely targetted towards kids. LEC knows that they are selling games to teens and adults, so they go for the system that targets teens and adults the best and most widely, Playstation 2.


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no need to start a flame war, TIe Guy. You can get your point across just as easily without making it seem like you are bashing gamecube.


Gamecube does not target little kids.

It has no M-rated games, like PS2, but the quality is still there.

A lot of games I have played for Gamecube have been really good (batman vengeance, Madden 2002, Rogue Leader, Super Smash Bros. melee.) They don't need to be games that have cuss words and other things like Metal Gear solid 2, Max Payne, and GTA3.


They also don't have the games yet: but they are getting games that are better than PS2, and they will be better in the long run. Games like 007: agent under fire and Spiderman.

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Tie Guy, please take your foot out of your mouth and stop spouting off fanboy lines. :rolleyes:



You have no need to worry, Heavyarms. There will be several AotC titles headed to the GC.



In the second half of this year, GC is going to be releasing there heavy hitters and then they'll have quantity and very high quality.

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Bah, the only good game thats exclusively for the Gamecube is Rogue Leader. I think there will probably be better titles as time goes on, but I'm keeping my PS2 just cause I can actually play CDs and DVD's on it :p


And Rhett, Tie may be spouting old cliche fanboy lines, but you are spouting new and improved ones :D


Things Clefo dosen't like about the Game Cube

1. The controller

2. The fact you can't play CDs or DVD's on it

3. Lack of real quality games (Except RL)




EDIT: I should add that the GC is way better than the nightmare that is the X-Box

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Well you apparently haven't played any of the other systems, since you don't mention their goods and bads... I on the other hand have played all three new systems and I like the PS2 best and the X-Box worst...

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Ok, Tie Guy...here's the beef from someone who knows:


PS2 is the worst system out right now.

Xbox has a custom 700 Mhz processor, Gamecube has a 400, PS2 has a 266.


Xbox has a custom Nvidia graphics card, no such luck for either Gamecube or PS2


Xbox has an internal hard drive, again nothing for Gamecube, and you'll have to fork out more $$ for one for a PS2 (when/if they're released).


Xbox has an ethernet adapter for high-speed online capability, both PS2 & Xbox have to be upgraded.


PS2 is hard to program for, almost too hard to program for...which is why most of the games are short.


Problems with the PS2's have recently popped up due to normal usage. If you play more DVDs than games, the DVD capability will burn out quickly. If you play games more, that capability will also burn out, but not at the same rate.


Best one is clearly the Xbox, the only reason PS2 is keeping up is that Sony has a larger library and is currently tieing up developers to keep 'em from making games for the Xbox. Gamecube is a pretty good system, but is should have had DVD capability if Nintendo really wanted to compete.


I know all of this because I sell all of this stuff. I hear all of the complaints about each system. No system is "inferior" to any other, the PS2 was released before the GC & Xbox so it will not be capable of the same things.

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Soothsayer, Soothsayer, finally a soothsayer!


The only reason Nintendo didn't want the Gamecube to have DVD capability is because they wanted to keep it not so pricey, and small and efficient. There's oriental logic to the Gamecube. They seemed to have gone with the small and efficient mantra while developing he Gamecube. And when you say that games are unrealistic do you mean that aren't a lot like real life? Cause if you do then you are missing the point of games. The point of games is fun not realism. If realism achieves fun then whoopie for realism. I like unrealistic games. Heck, I don't want to stay in the real world more than I have to. If you mean unrealistic by graphics then you haven't played THPS3 obviously, or Sonic Batltle 2. Those are excelling games under a lot of circumstances. Too bad I'm short on cash otherwise I'd buy them, but I'm saving up for JO.

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Graphics mean sh*t....Its about quality games which are fun, entertaining and challenging...

and a majority of Nintendo's games live up to that (from what Ive heard)


Nintendo have always been about quality games...


Playstation and X-Box are good but they have so many games which alot dont have quality...but some do such as Metal Gear 2, Halo etc...


I for one own a PS2 and when the Gamecube finally gets released here in May I will buy that...


As for X-Box (it got released here in Australia today)....maybe when the price drops about $300

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

Ok, Tie Guy...here's the beef from someone who knows:


PS2 is the worst system out right now.

Xbox has a custom 700 Mhz processor, Gamecube has a 400, PS2 has a 266.


Xbox has a custom Nvidia graphics card, no such luck for either Gamecube or PS2


Xbox has an internal hard drive, again nothing for Gamecube, and you'll have to fork out more $$ for one for a PS2 (when/if they're released).


Xbox has an ethernet adapter for high-speed online capability, both PS2 & Xbox have to be upgraded.


PS2 is hard to program for, almost too hard to program for...which is why most of the games are short.


Problems with the PS2's have recently popped up due to normal usage. If you play more DVDs than games, the DVD capability will burn out quickly. If you play games more, that capability will also burn out, but not at the same rate.


Best one is clearly the Xbox, the only reason PS2 is keeping up is that Sony has a larger library and is currently tieing up developers to keep 'em from making games for the Xbox. Gamecube is a pretty good system, but is should have had DVD capability if Nintendo really wanted to compete.


I know all of this because I sell all of this stuff. I hear all of the complaints about each system. No system is "inferior" to any other, the PS2 was released before the GC & Xbox so it will not be capable of the same things.


Its not about the hardware, that doesn't make the system! What makes the system is the games, and that's what i'm talking about. I'll admit that the PS2 has less powerfull hardware, but that does NOT mean that it is inferior. In my post i was clearly talking about the games that come out on ps2 as opposed to GC, so i have no clue why your talking about hardware.


As for quality, just go play Final Fantasy X, GTA3, GT3, Metal Gear Solid, and many others. If you have a gamecube you can buy................Rogue Leader....and................Super Smash Brothers, and thats it. And you say that nintendo has quality games? The ps2 has way more quality, entertaining, teen targetted games. Do you think i didn't realize that the GC and X-box were coming out when i bought a ps2. I looked at the lineups for each, the marketing tactics, and the hardware and decided on the ps2, mainly because of the games and marketing.


BTW Rhett, i'm not a fanboy, i own 5 gameboys and a n54 so i have nothing against nintendo.



Heavyarms, i suggest you stop being to paranoid about falming, my post was nothing of the sort.

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as soon as I figure out what falming is, I will let you know. Anyways, have you ever played madden 2002? Great game. Ever played Batman: Vengeance? Great game there. Ever played NBA Courtside 2002? great game there? Ever played sonic adventure 2? Great game there. Don't say there are no good games unless you are sure there are NO good games, when in fact there are good ones.

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Tie Guy, I can understand why you bought the PS2 as opposed to the GC, but as far as better lineups with more games that is moot, for it's nothing more than a self-fulfilling occurance. Allow me to explain...


PS2 will more than likely bury the GC for the same reason PS1 dominated the N64: Sony beat Nintendo to the general market. Once out the PS1 (and consequently, the PS2) had games being generated, ported and lined up for it way in advance of the N64. By the time N64 reached store shelves PS had a large library of game titles and many more in production. Ironically, since PS had been on the market longer it's price was already on the decline by the time Nintendo put out their system. So here's the dilemma:


As a consumer (who can afford only 1 system) do you buy the cheaper system which still holds it's own in graphics (Though, strictly speaking was/is dominated technically by the N64/GC), has a much larger selection of games, has been thoroughly tried and true by the public or do you buy the "New and better" system for $50-$75 more, has only a few games at the moment and will never catch up to the other guy's number of game titles, and since it is new you have no idea how it's going to stack up?


The Intelligent choice would be: The PS, which now leads to the definitive blow in this scenario:


As a Software producer/designer which system would you shift the majority of your game titles towards, the system which has been tried and true, which incidentally resides in more homes of consumers, therefore allowing the target consumer base to be larger and therefor set the stage for larger sales and revenue. Or do you place more titles in the newcomers lineup who has less units in consumers homes which immediatley brings front center the possibility of economic loss.


Of course the designers/producers would spend more, not all mind you, but definetly more resources and time producing titles for the larger market. Which lends itself to completing the last arc in the vicious cycle: The system that has more titles and selection generally entices new consumers to buy that system, so the companys port more games to that system than the other which seals the fate of the newcomer.


The moral of the story, Unless the new system completely blows the pre-existing system out of the water with it's Tech. stats, then it really never has a chance to overtake and dominate the game console market. That was the case for the N64, and sadly, will probably be the fate of the New GC.


That all being said, it doesn't make the GC any less of game console, but for those who make desicions based by quality and quantity (and mind you, alot of the PS titles were CRAP) then Sony is for you, but if you want strictly quality than Technically speaking, the GC and X-box deliver. Both have superior stats, and since the Microsoft and GC know about the above stated scenario/situation they will undoubtedly make every endeavor to insure that the few games they do get will be of the best quality in both graphics and in gameplay.


I have been an avid fan of Nintendo (I also own a PS1 though ;) ) because the games they have made have been fun, and strangely addictive. And though there is not a huge library of game titles, those that have existed have been pretty good (Don't get me wrong, they have had their fair share of flops: Ahem...Perfect Dark, Nightmare Creatures :rolleyes: ) But not the percentage of poor graphics/story/gameplay that Sony has. More titles don't always make for a better system, just more choices. For some, as yourself, that is what you like and I respect that. But do not put down us who desire to see more titles for the GC for it.


Oh, and by the way... I concede the fact that PS1/PS2 had/have more M rated and teen orientated games, but Nintendo's games, though not rated M or Teen orientated, have been really fun never-the-less! Ratings don't make the game great, just desirable ;)

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havoc, the GC's graphics are 2x as good as the PS2. Don't get me wrong, PS2 is good, but I wanted Gamecube because it is cheaper by like 150 bucks, and the games are cheaper than n64 games, but I have found quality over quanity is always good.


Oh and Homer, Gamecube has a custon ATI graphics card. It says it on the cube :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by AU_heavyarms

havoc, the GC's graphics are 2x as good as the PS2.I wanted Gamecube because it is cheaper by like 150 bucks, and the games are cheaper than n64 games, but I have found quality over quanity is always good.



I forgot to mention that in the end of my Essay (thanx Duder;) )That is why GC left out the DVD standard, to allow for a cheaper system so they lessen the gap between PS2 and GC right out of the gate. This time instead of makeing the system the same price as the pre-existing console started at, it came into the market guns blazing by making the price cheaper that the PS2 is currently. Nintendo shows that they at least learned from the N64 vs PS1 scenario. This means good things for the GC! :D

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i hate nintendo since they made rogue leader a gamecube exlusive. they should die for that. :mad: :mad: :mad:


about all of us at roguesquadron.net have the pc version of rogue squadron and not the n64 version......


I admit taht the n64 had a few GOOD games, but they never really got advertised much....


Rogue Squadron was advertised, and that is the best sw one other than Sote.


Hybrid Heaven. that game is the best n64 game ever.


I played goldeneye and to say the least it SUCKED. especially after playing a ton of turok 1, 2, and 3, and trying to get used to that dam control they put for it and not being able to aim right...eeewww

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Originally posted by Rogue15

i hate nintendo since they made rogue leader a gamecube exlusive. they should die for that. :mad: :mad: :mad:


Yeah... how dare they make games for their own system! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:




Very nicely said Havoc. :) *claps*



Tie Guy, I technically never called you a fanboy. ;) And your arguements are based on a time factor. PS2 has been out longer than GC so therefore it has more A+ games but what about when GC releases their big name titles later this year? You'll think more kindly of the GC then wont you? :confused:

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Tie Guy, I technically never called you a fanboy. ;) And your arguements are based on a time factor. PS2 has been out longer than GC so therefore it has more A+ games but what about when GC releases their big name titles later this year? You'll think more kindly of the GC then wont you? :confused:


You did call be a fanboy, but thats beside the point. I've read the release schedule for all the consoles, and honestly, i'm not immpressed at all with gamecube's. I'll admit that the PS2 and X-box aren't the greatest ever either, but the PS2 i believe topped them all. I've considered buying a GC if the price drops, but i don't know if i want to now that i know the releases. The GC has.....Mario Sunshine.......Star Fox.....and maybe Zelda by the end of this year as the big hits. I'm not talking sports games, because those are made for every system.


Mario Sunshine- I know its Mario, but i an't help but thinking this is gonna be another Luigi's Mnsions, in other words, crap. Look at the title and tell me this isn't a kid game.


Star Fox- I would have loved another original-style star fox game, but i simply don't know if an RPG's gonna work for him. I mean, Dinosaur Planet???


Zelda- I'm sure this game will be great, but i doubt it will be out this year. I figure it might come out by the 2nd quarter of 2003 if not later.



Ther are some others that look ok, but i'm still not impressed. Many of the games i've seen on the list are ports. I'm also sure that there will be Episode II games, but i just finished playing one for the PS2, and many of the GC ones will be ported to the PC, or at least they will have similar PC ones. I'd rather play on the PC that a console for those types of games.


Another thing that the PS2 has above the rest is its ability to play onld PS1 games, which i still very much enjoy. Especially games like Final Fantasy 7,8, and 9. The load times are significantly lower on those games when on the ps2 so it makes the games mopre enjoyable. You don't see the GC playing n64 games, and you never will, because the 64 used old fashioned cartridges instead of realizing the future of gaming, the CD.


Also, PS2 DVD discs have 8 times the capacity of a normal game CD. The GC disk has about 4 times the capacity. Unless companies want to put out 2 CDs for a game (which rarely happens on either system), the ps2 has the edge in the amount of "game" it can fit on a CD. This lets it be able to have longer games with more attention to detail and more video footage than the GC.




BTW heavyarms, 300 - 200 = 100, not 150 ;)

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No I didn't Tie Guy, I told you to "Stop spouting off fanboy lines". I don't like to be told what I did and didn't mean. If you took it to mean that I was calling you a fanboy, I'm sorry.


Zelda will be coming out this year. What about Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, all the Resident Evil games, etc.? And Star Fox changed it's name to Star Fox Adventures. :)


Have you ever played Luigis Mansion? It was short but it was far from crap. I'm so sorry it didn't have guns and blood. Besides, Mario Sunshine will be alot longer from what I've heard.

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