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Trailer II Discussion


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Originally posted by Saient

Is the red glowing stuff around the Jan Ors Character up in those screens some kind of Quad Damage for Jedi Knight II?


just wondering


Its Force Rage.



And I don't think there is going to be any kind of 'extended lightsaber'. What you see there is just a product of camera angles.

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That red aura around Jan is a Sith force power -- force rage.


Thanks for the response, Chang. I guess I'll just have to tweak my controls here and there. I use a pretty similair config to yours.


However, that little revelation you gave us -- that force jump is used with the same key as a regular jump -- that is awesome! I'm guessing we just hold down on the jump key longer to build up the height of the jump. Sounds great.


Maddenman, I think the scoring is higher in the Yslamari/team games. Have you ever played Team Fortress Classic (another mod of Halflife)? You get around ten points for capturing the flag and it can build up. Maybe that trailer was showing team score for that MP game? Or maybe you can toggle between your individual score and your team score?

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I'll just answer a zillion things at once.


The saber is the same length in MP as in SP. The blur effect might make it look a tad bigger when in motion.


You guys need to chill on this batsaber thing. There isn't any knockback from sabers in MP. The crazy knockback in the first trailer was an anomaly of the particular build they were using at the time. The reason there's some (smaller amount of) knockback in SP is because it feels good and gives the player feedback as to his actions. Don't try to apply science, real lasers are boring.


You can't change the length of your saber (asked in another thread). Someone could mod it easily if they really wanted to, however.


The red effect around Jan was Dark Rage. A raged player also moves and attacks faster, hence her whirlwind of death.


I bound all four buttons plus the wheel in my Intellimouse explorer.

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Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]

Force jump is the same key as the jump key, very easy to use.


Force powers can be bound to individual keys and/or you can bind 2 keys to scroll through them and 1 key to use the selected force power. I, personally, bind the most common (push and pull) ones to keys close to my movement keys, the ones I use a little less (lightning, grip) are still fairly close and the ones I only have to use in certain circumstances (heal, mind trick, speed) are still within finger-reach... (my config is the arrow keys for movement, rshift for crouch, rctrl for jump and numpad for force powers)...


which powers are activated by a movement, etc. action button + use force power button? powers assigned seperate hotkeys?

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Getting off topic but I couldn't resist...


Speaking of Indy Jones, why can't LucasArts make more adventure games? Infernal Machine was such a stinker while Fate of Atlantis (what, now over 10 yrs old?) is still such an awesome game.


Speaking of stinkers, IMO, many of their SW games aren't very great (especially one's released the past two years -- Pod racer, bombad racing, episode i adventure game [more like a 3rd person action wannabe tomb raider]).


Jedi Outcast and Star Wars Galaxies are the exception.


Anyone else here remember the good ole days. ;) Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle, Fate, Full Throttle, the Dig, Tie Fighter!


I'm a big LA fan, still am, it's just I hope they get going in the right direction again -- JO and SWG seems to support that.





Dangit, no tentacle faces.... err, i guess they really don't have faces?

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Wow, I'm glad there's so many and opinions and so much input in this thread. It seems that everybody thought the trailer was great and is looking foward to the game. And of course, huge thanks to the Raven folks for taking the time to read the thread and answer some of our questions.

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I'm still wondering about the dismemberment myself. I thought it was confirmed to be in the game, but didn't see it at all in any of the trailers.


Thanks, Raven, for taking the time to quench our concerns even now that development is over.

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00:41 - "The red team has stolen the ysalimari."


This indicates that what we saw wasn't Capture the Flag (CTF), it was Capture the Ysalimari (CTY). This is evident in the way that the person carrying the flag was glowing (similar to how they glowed in Mysteries of the Sith). What I can't figure out is why the person who has captured the ysalimari, is holding a flag. We know that both CTF and CTY exist in the game, because of this exerpt from the Gamespot UK Preview:


In addition to the typical CTF, team deathmatch, and deathmatch modes, the game will have some unique twists on existing multiplayer conventions, such as Jedi duel wherein two players spar while a crowd looks on, capture the ysalimari - a mode that cancels out the force powers of anyone carrying the slimy critter, and a mode called Jedi master wherein a single lightsaber will give its owner the ability to use all available force powers but, in turn, will also mark that player as the target of all the other contestants on that map.


It seems that we have yet to see CTF, although the flag we saw may indeed be the same as the flag that will be used in CTF.


00:24-00:26 - "Ugaaaaaah!"


Kyle pushes the Stormtrooper over the ledge and there's a loud screem for some time as he falls. This is wonderful and will be a blast in MP. This brings back great memories from pushing people off of Gantry in MotS.




We get to see the Thermal Detonators in action and they look very nice. So do their explosions. I'm wondering if they will roll like they did with secondary fire in Jedi Knight. This came in very handy in CTF, to knock out mines and to use as a distraction.




We get to see mines in action. I would personally like to thank Raven for throwing mines into the game. They were an asset to JK CTF and I'm sure they will be for JK2 CTF/CTY as well.


Originally posted by WinterJedi.


The lightsabre battles. There were practicly none.


Personally, I felt that there was just enough lightsaber action in the video, if not too much. There are too many other things in JK2 to focus on the lightsaber. We may not get to see any 1v1 dueling, and that may be what the majority of the community is looking for, but I think it was a good idea to not show the lightsaber too much. Just think about those of us who are more interested in guns. Look at how little we get to see each gun in action. In my opinion, each weapon is just as important as the others.


Originally posted by HBK.


The flags (in the CTF scene) look big. I hope you can use first person view because it will block your 3rd person view. Or is this just a stupid, of course you can use 1st person view?


As I've said above, I don't think that was CTF, although I could possibly be wrong. It just doesn't seem consistant because of what the voice says at 00:41. The flag blocked your view with certain angles in JK CTF as well. It was aggrevating at times, but we learned to adjust (of course it was much smaller). We already know that you can play in both 1st and 3rd, so there's nothing to worry about there.


Originally posted by Hito-Kage.


I have a feeling that Multiplayer saber fights are going to be a spiced up version of Rune. No real skill involved just hacking and slashing.


There is a certain amount of skill involved with any game. I suppose I'm just one of those people that don't believe in luck. Rune may not have been my perfect idea of a game, but it did take alot of skill. I've never played a game that didn't require skill. This is easy to see when you go up against top players in any game.


Originally posted by Bowen.


The only worry I have with JKII is that I hope it's not so choppy as Q3. I'm not talking about Q3 being slow on my computer...I've got a fast computer but it's too quick.


If you think Q3 is quick, try playing JK. New games like Q3 and UT make me feel like a turtle/snail after playing JK. It's about time for you new-schoolers to learn some fast-paced, hardcore gaming. :)


Overall, I was quite impressed with the trailor. It's by far the most revealing of the ones released so far. Maybe ChangKhan, or another Raven/LEC employee can clear up a few things about what I said above about it being CTY and not CTF. I just can't wait to get ahold of the CFG files and start working on my item-timers and CTF commands/binds. Will be nice to start throwing out some CTF maps as well. :)

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Originally posted by Harbinger

Getting off topic but I couldn't resist...

Anyone else here remember the good ole days. ;) Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle, Fate, Full Throttle, the Dig, Tie Fighter!


I LOVED Maniac Mansion and Day of the Tentacle! I even liked Zack MacKracken... Sam & Max was cool, and I loved X-Wing. Also, I thought Outlaws was a good game, too. But my favorite LucasArts game of all time (hard choice) is probably "Battle of Britain: Their Finest Hour" - IMO, the best WWII dogfight sim ever...

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Originally posted by Belgirion

yes I have no school on good friday! Gotta love catholic schools :D


I used to go to Catholic Schools. If I was still there I would gotten, the 31st and the rest of that week left-plenty of time for the game to be shipped and play around.


Unfortunatly I graduated from that school and now I have the 25th to 31st off. And to make matters wose-I'm grounded. So theres barely anytime for me to play the game. :(


Truth be told, I hated my Catholic School.

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Excellent and very pleased :D better than the last 2 andi reinstaleld jk there to compare voices........ they sound very near.... trailer voice sounds older but that sounds aobut right (5 years) but i some how fail to believe this is jerec, jsut a guy with jerec's voice.

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