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Game Shipping Early?


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I reserved a copy of JKII at my local EBX (my EB in the mall), and since they didn't have the SKU for the standard version, they put the collector's edition on the receipt but charged me for the standard version. Anyway, they told me to call/come back later to have them switch it or something.


So, I went back tonight and talked to the guy there, and he said, "Jedi Knight 2 isn't in the computer anymore as reserveable, and it isn't on the printout either." (he had a printout of the reserveable games and their release dates, and JKII wasn't on it) "That means it's been shipped." I was excited by this and asked whether it might show up early, and he said, "Yeah, it's possible, it's happened before."


It would be awesome if I got the game THIS week instead of next week :) That would be a nice surprise. But I'm not getting my hopes up, and I'm thinking/telling myself that the guy was stupid and doesn't know what he's talking about and that the game won't be in the store until the 29th...but i'm still calling every 2 days to see if it's in :) They said they'd call me when they got it, too, which is cool.


Here's hoping. Anyone else heard anything like this?



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I called EB yesterday asking them when they're getting it in, and he said he couldn't find a date in the computer. He wasn't so bold as to suggest that it was coming early, though. If it does, I doubt they're allowed to sell it, but I've heard of people getting a game pre-release because the stores got it early(some companies do that to insure it's there on time) and an ignorant employee sold it to them. We can only hope.

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Why would they NOT be allowed to sell it? I would think that a game developer/publisher would be praised if their game came out 10 days BEFORE the announced release date! I, for one, would be thrilled :) That's a bad marketing decision in my opinion and I don't see anything that would be bad about it.


If I get the game before others of you, I'd laugh a lot, and then take some pictures of the box and manual and such and post them on my website so nobody would think i warezed it or was lying. But that's only if it comes out early :)



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If I get the game before others of you, I'd laugh a lot, and then take some pictures of the box and manual and such and post them on my website so nobody would think i warezed it or was lying. But that's only if it comes out early


Syko, it's more like Sicko! :p


you'd post screens right? :D

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Welp, I ordered the game through EBgames.com and they haven't charged my card yet. So I don't think it's headed my way early just yet...

[keeping fingers crossed]






[/stopped keeping fingers crossed after realizing that I wont even be able to play it if it comes early... doh!]

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Syko, they generally don't like stores releasing a game early because that store will get a leg up and everyone will buy from them since they have an unfair advantage. Sometimes those stores don't get games from that company any more...atleast not at first.



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What is this about rumors that LA is shipping their preorders this week? I was away a couple of days. Did I miss something? Is this how they'll make sure to get it to us the same week as it lands in stores?


Obviously, they can't make sure it'll get here exactly on Friday. Therefore it just has to be somewhere in the same week to hold up LA's own guarantee. Which is why I figure, once again, that those of us who pre-ordered from LA will have the game in our laps at least a day or two early.

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Stores often get the game in a few days before the official release but arn't allowed to sell it until the actual day. As for orders on-line ect, they could arrive a day early but then again they could arrive a day late. It depends where you ordered it from and when they decide to send it out.

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Thats right JKII will not be sold in retailers before the 29th march because they would be breaking the law, unless Lucas Arts officially shifts the release date forward. Can i just ask is it a worldwide release date, will everyone be albe to get the game in stores on the 29th, but most importantly will it be out in the UK??

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